

(triggering topics)

Dawn's past

A blurred vision appeared in my dreams that man is coming closer and closer he rips of my clothes and touches me inappropriately. He kisses me and at final he rapes me. I'm unworthy I'm dirty, I don't deserve anyone. I wake up sweating and heart broken. I remember those times when I told a person whom I considered best friend that I was raped. And she spread it around to the school and I was called names like slut, whore. I felt angry why did god do this to me those touches still haunt me and I feel useless cause I'm not able to erase those memories. I checked the time it was 3:00 in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. I woke up and took a shower as I felt those dirty hands on me. I stood there under the cold water trying to relax. As droplets touched my skin, I felt a little calm.

I closed my eyes and I saw his face Ash I immediately opened my eyes. I want to forget him I know I like him cause my heart just freaks when he is near me. But I don't deserve him. He is so caring he makes me feel so good his eyes everything about him is just so great. But I don't deserve him his heart is so pure I want him to hate so he moves on, but why is heart hurting at the thought of him not liking me. No, No I should not do this I can't be so selfish, I need to stay away from him he deserves so much more. I need to ignore him okay let's do this.

( Skip time to school )

Ash pov

I was waiting at the corridor waiting for my petal my world. I felt so happy after knowing that she likes me too. I already started thinking about our future I want 7 kids. Then I see her walk through and I smile at her like I do everyday she looks stunning. But wait, she didn't smile back. Guess she didn't see I walked to her and hugged her but, she pushed me and walked away. Why? what? did I do something wrong but not gonna lie it hurt when she pushed me away. I walked into our class just to see her sit with that bastard Kai they were smiling and talking. I went and immediately banged on the table as both of them flinched.

"Dawn get the fuck up rn" I shouted to the top of my lungs and she immediately did. I pulled her and made her sit next to my chair. I stared at her hoping she would look into my eyes but she just turned and started looking out of the window. I was so confused why is she avoiding me?. Questions flooded in my mind but I just kept quiet thinking she needed some time.

Author pov

The day went by Dawn kept ignoring Ash as the poor guy kept trying to talk to her. The bell rang addressing that the classes came to an end. And Ash was so done with Dawn ignoring him cause it was obvious she was distancing herself from him. Dawn was walking in the corridor only to be pulled by Ash into an empty classroom. She gasped as it was sudden. He trapped her in his arms and stared right into her eyes Dawn didn't want to stare back cause she knew she will fall deeper for the guy. She kept looking at everything except his eyes. He pulled her face with his arms and made her look directly into his eyes. He spoke

"Look here petal" In a heavenly raspy voice. Dawn just whimpered at the harsh yet soft tone.

"Why the fuck are you ignoring me huh" He spoke with a little higher tone. Which only made it worse for Dawn. Then he saw the small fragile girl whimpering, his eyes which were dark in anger and irritation immediately softened.

"Look petal if I did something wrong hit me beat me but please don't ignore me I hate it it's hurting me you know I'm deeply infatuated with you so please " He spoke with the most vulnerable voice possible. Making Dawn surprised as she looked up seeing a very vulnerable and broken Ash as she saw deep into his eyes.

She was the reason for this she hated herself it was hurting her equally. Seeing him so broken. She just did something she didn't want to do but her body wasn't following her orders. She moved closer to him and kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly. She was so broken but the boxer he was in cloud nine. She kissed him maybe not on the lips but she did. It meant the world to him he hugged her back with a huge smile and just stood there. They stood there not knowing what the future brings. But for Ash it meant everything it was euphoric this feeling is was amazing. He loved it he wanted this, he made up his mind when he takes his last breath he's gonna kiss her see her face and smile and die. This was his dream to stay with this fragile girl and protect her.

Hope you all enjoyed 559 view thank you soooo much. By the way this chapter was long well this story I dedicate to my sister one of the best sister in the whole world. I love you so much Don't be scared I'm always here for you.

Ashlynzoeoliviacreators' thoughts