

In this world there’s only one King who have the Earth on his Palms and the Heaven underneath his feet, and I am such a King. Uncontested and bright, I stand above all, and after facing the World Sundering Tribulation I will be a True King among Gods! But when the lightning stopped, I opened my eyes in a different world, where Martial Arts does not reign supreme. A land where Sorcery is called Magic. Now, let’s see how long it will take for me to conquer this world.

Jeres_5099 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

From 1000 years to Day 1

[Year 7]

When I was young, my family was poor… like not scraping by poor, but holy shit, how can you live like that poor.

We were below dirt poor, and my body was thinner than a stick's. My brothers and sisters were about to die of hunger, and my mother lay bedridden… I… had to do something.

If I couldn't get food by working, I went to the forest for food. From bugs to worms, all of it was turned to food, not wasting a single thing so that we would be able to survive.

Slowly, my body became revitalized, so I went hunting a more ferocious beast… like the rabbit. I ran after it and caught it, and in time, my brothers and sisters caught up to my physique.

[Year 15]

I met an expert in the Cultivation World. I stole money from him, and the eccentric coot offered me to become his disciple.

After talking about it with my family, I accepted his offer and became his disciple. It was a tearful farewell; I, the great older brother, was going away, of course, they would miss me… and the food that I bring in.

As for Mother… she gave me her blessing to leave with a bittersweet smile.

He was from the Elevated Water Clan; his ways were mysterious, and his home was underneath ten thousand meters below the sea.

But as I began my training, I asked my master for one thing, "Ensure the safety of my family."

I began forging my path from there.

[Year 25]

Ten years passed, I had tens of journeys, and my name spread to the world as a rising genius. I stepped over many and grew in maturity; I claimed the lives of hundreds.

Others called me a hero, but I started to doubt my worth.

[Year 40]

I reached the Golden Veins of the World; I am now an expert and managed to take my family with me. I provided them with all the richest one could imagine and watched them grow and create their own families.

I did not spare any gold coins, giving them all I have, letting them experience the life they didn't get to live before.

My mother's radiant smile stuck to me until she died not ten years later.

I am a man who fought more wars that I could imagine, I lost more blood than a river, and took more lives than a City could hold. I am feared and revered, they say I am fearless and unbeatable, yet at the time of my Mother's death I cried for three days to no end.

[Year 150]

My family all perished with time. They were not blessed with the same gifts of cultivation as me. All of them could not follow me in my path.

Their families remained, a clan under my name was erected, and under my radiance, they grow more prominent by the year. I watched them grow until I grew bored of ruling over such trifling land.

I left my family in the first place because I wished for money and greatness, and without them, I have nothing to work for. The Clan under me was not mine; thus, I left seeking a path of my own.

[Year 350]

My cultivation has reached Worldly Harmonization. My lifespan grew past 500 years, and now, I began to wonder what I desire – years of meditation passed, and after so long, I understood what I want – everything.

The passing generation of the Clan I created with my family now had so little relation to myself that they cannot be considered a part of me.

It is ruthless for me to act in this manner, but I must leave them for their own good. For them to rise, they cannot exist under my shadows.

But I left them a gift, a mountain that would exist for eternity, and there I engraved three techniques that would help them rise… I would later hear that someone learned these techniques and grew to become an Emperor.

How amusing it was.

[Year 750]

The Immortal Poison Master of the Thousand Poison Valley treated me like his worst enemy and tried to kill me. Just stealing his Golden Dragon Bead led him to this much uproar; I wonder what his reaction would be if he learned I killed his son?

Don't worry, that son of his was creating Human Dolls with Mortal Flesh; he's a villain through and through… though it wouldn't matter either way. I already killed him, and the weight of his life now falls under my shoulders.

[Year 1000]

My lifespan had already passed a thousand years. I should be dead, yet I wasn't.

I killed the Immortal Poison Master, and his associates then became the sole ruler of the Underbelly of the Underworld.

Some Kingdoms and Experts went against my rule, and all of them died.

Time went on; I killed more and more until the whole world went against me like a tide. They called me the Demonic Martial King, which was ironic because I practice old ways of the Righteous Sect… though it had been tainted with Demonic Arts.

I wonder who's the strongest under the Heaven? Many claim the title, and not once have I tried going after it… I wonder.

Bah, I already have all the treasures in the world. I control the Righteous with my shadow; now I'm going to claim the title of the strongest.

[Year 1100]

For the last century, I went on a 100-man challenge, sweeping the entire World Rankings of the greatest Martial Masters in the world.

Challenging them all to a man-to-man fight, some avoided me in fear of losing their prestige, while some fought to increase theirs.

Every year I would challenge one, and every year I would climb the rankings. I did not finish the challenge in a single year; I waited for a year to enjoy the journey claiming that I need to prepare.

In truth they were just so weak that I needed to give them time to grow stronger. The pressure I exuded made them train like no tomorrow. How amusing it was seeing aged experts scrambling for power. Some even stole treasures just to prepare for my arrival.

Wars raged because of this reason, but I don't care; after all, it has nothing to do with me.

And after my 100th victory, I finally decided to try the impossible. Go against the Heaven's Will.

[Year 1500]

For fifty years at the peak of Crossing Heaven Mountain, I continued my meditation. My eyes remained close, my soul still, like tranquil water.

For the past fifty years, I created my own path of cultivation and have long preceded the entire era. Will it take them a thousand years to discover my current course? I don't know, but I don't really care either.

I spent my time with my eyes close, my body assimilated to the growing trees' world roots, ate my body, and vines wrapped around me, but it didn't kill me. They kept me alive; they shared their life with mine, thinking I was with them.

Without me even knowing, I became one with the world. When I opened my eyes, the era no longer mattered, this world no longer possess danger, and as I raised my head, I can see the darkness of the heavens coalescing.

Red lightning crackled and slithered like giant Wyrms dancing across the skies. I smiled at the sight of the Heaven's unfettered disgust to my existence. I freed myself from the binds of the earth, but I needed not to destroy the roots. They moved on their own, as though parting to create a path for a friend.

I took a step forth and jumped, shooting up to the skies; this was the final battle I must face; for me to ascend beyond my mortality, I must defeat the Heaven's Will and defy commonality.

I have no sword; I have nothing, only my conviction and will. The Heaven's Will that controls the world, the Heaven's Will that maintains the balance sensed my transgression against the law.

It raged.

It sent down its servant, the Lightning Tribulation, to strike me down; it roared, announcing my judgment. I didn't escape my fate; I accepted the Tribulation's judgment waiting to see if it can end this life.

Its existence lacerated my flesh and tore blood spilled, my soul shook, but even as I returned to the earth with the lightning, it still couldn't kill me.

'What a pity.'

For years I have fought and fought for my survival; now, after living for so long, without love or challenges in my way, the only reason I have to exist is to move forward. My eyes can only be fixed to the world before me; I cannot stop now; else, my reason for being would disappear.

I want everything, and I will get everything I want.

I finally decided to fight the Tribulation. I have no weapons, no nothing, but I still have my body. I struck lightning with my fist; the elements of the world cannot be shifted; thus, I must overcome with my body!

From the tips of my souls to the end of my fingers, I circulated my energy, drawing out everything and seeing if the Heaven can contend!

'Accept my utmost respect.'


The lightning stopped and utilizing my spirit I latched onto the remnants of the Tribulation and claimed it as mine. It, of course lashed out in anger, but it was already weakened thus, it amounted to nothing.

I am the one who wants everything — even the dog of the Heavens cannot escape my greed.

'With this… even the heavens can no longer defy me.'

My steps, after dozens of decades began, searching for the next item I would claim. Yet, while I was thinking, I felt the world around me twist.

'What is that?'

I turned around and saw that the skies had cracked. I smiled wryly, my heart in trepidation… I grew excited.

A purple light came down upon me; my body felt as though it was being ripped apart.

The pain surged, finally… I feel alive again!

'Come! Kill me if you wish! I shall face you without turning my back!'

I accepted its light, received its wrath, thanking it for letting me feel again.

Ahh, this is what I have been missing for centuries—the beauty of pain.

The light completely enveloped me; I can feel my body turning asunder. I saw the light passed me by, and from it, I witnessed different sights, oddities I have not seen.

Creatures beyond my conception, the strength that could shatter the stars, impossible feats like resurrecting the dead. I caught a glimpse of a different world, and when I reached out to it, my entire being was stole from the world I ruled.

And then, everything went away and I found myself in the skies — falling.

[You have Ascended — you have been chucked out of the Shadow Eclipsing Continent.]

A strange blue panel appeared before me.

'How curious.'

Another panel appeared, and came with a new wall of information.

Name: Weiss Na (Owner)

Race: Pseudo-Human

[Welcome to the Arcadia]

'Is this another world? Well, that would explain this thing.'

An otherworldly sight detailed my strength with unearthly words. They were foreign words, yet I understood them.

Is this the gift of the heavens?

Was I sent to a higher plan of existence?

When I take a deep breath, I can sense my spirit revitalized. How thick it and wondrous. What a bountiful land.

Without any direction I began walking, surely in this world I can find challenge.

Well, if I can't, I'll just conquer this world as well.

BOOM! I finally reached the ground.

[Day 1 (Begins)]