

The world of warlocks was shielded from the terrific corroding force of the endless space by a thin sheath of obsidian darkness. Everything was submerged in boundless darkness and even the fabric of spacetime seemed to twist and tear in an unnatural way.

As the fabric of reality itself was being ripped into shreds, billions of tiny spatial cracks and temporal vacuums that could rip apart even the reclusive powerhouses who hid in the centre of the world were being created and destroyed instantaneously.

The mana in this eerie region was also unstable and, and at this point one could feel the true destructive essence of raw, untamed mana.

Usually, the outer edge of the world was unreachable by any means and there was even an extra layer of thin mana, that not only stopped warlocks from approaching the edge of the world, but also shielded the world from the harmful emissions released from the space.