
Ascension of the Immortal Asura

On the Yuan Continent, monstrous beasts and powerful cultivators reign supreme. Their immense power is capable of shattering mountains and emptying oceans. On this continent lives John Fenix, an unfortunate youth who is unable to cultivate and wield such immense power. He could only look up powerlessly at others and watch as they soared to heights unseen. One day, after a fortuitous encounter with a mysterious and dangerous object, John finds himself able to cultivate and wield this immense power. Determined to never feel powerless again, he sets out on a journey filled with danger, excitment, joy and strife. A journey to push through his limits, rise through the ranks of the martial world, and ascend above all as the Immortal Asura. Novel Discord : https://discord.gg/95nDYr56HZ TikTok for novel videos: https://www.tiktok.com/@rrandomwn

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Sharing Secrets

"So that's where you found such a heavenly battle art," Lilian said thoughtfully.

Her and John had discussed a great many things, mostly pertaining to him. His battle, his combat prowess, his inheritances had all been too profound to not ask about. Each thing he revealed in that battle had been more shocking than the last, each thing more impossible than the last.

Even for someone like Lilian, who was blessed by the heavens and had natural born inheritances others could only dream of, she was filled with burning curiosity and questions.

"And the Jade Dragon Emperor himself!" Lilian exclaimed, digesting the entire story John had told her. When he had first told her about the last few years, he had left out some details, like the Dragon-God Shift, the Jade Dragons, and the Jade Dragon Emperor. 

He no longer hid the truth, as he felt there was no need to. Lilian was one of the people he could trust fully, even with his life.