
Ascension Of Malachor

In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where magic flows like rivers and the sky is often painted with enchanted storms, a dark figure emerges. Malachor is born under ominous signs, his eyes glowing with malevolent light and an aura of dark power surrounding him. As he grows, his abilities manifest in terrifying ways, isolating him from his fearful parents and the wary villagers. At thirteen, Malachor’s hunger for power leads him to discover an ancient grimoire of dark magic hidden in a secret cave. Consumed by its forbidden knowledge, he practices its spells in secret, growing stronger and more dangerous. When his parents confront him, Malachor's wrath is unleashed, and he kills them in a fit of rage, burning his village to the ground and severing ties with his past. Determined to unlock his full potential, Malachor journeys to the fabled Tower of Darkness, battling through the treacherous Wyrmwood forest and defeating the tower’s ancient guardians. There, he claims the Dark Codex, a powerful artifact that grants him the ability to bend reality itself to his will. With the Dark Codex, Malachor embarks on a campaign of terror, toppling kingdoms and enslaving wizards. He builds a fortress of obsidian and bone atop the ruins of his conquests, ruling with an iron fist and delighting in the suffering he causes. His name becomes synonymous with fear and despair, as he crushes any opposition and demands absolute obedience. Despite his overwhelming power, a coalition of betrayed allies, oppressed subjects, and rival sorcerers forms against him. Guided by the Oracle of Light, they discover a prophecy that Malachor's downfall will come from within, a seed of doubt buried deep in his corrupted soul. As the alliance launches a desperate assault on his fortress, a young sorceress named Elara penetrates Malachor’s inner sanctum, confronting him with visions of his past and the lives he has destroyed. For a fleeting moment, doubt flickers in Malachor’s eyes, and the darkness within him rages against the light. "The Ascension of Malachor" is a tale of power, ambition, and the ultimate cost of a soul consumed by darkness. It explores the depths of human desire and the thin line between hero and villain, set in a world where magic can be both a blessing and a curse. ---- Check Out My Other Book: "Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform", "Sovereign Of Void."

FackU4Ever · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

7. The Gathering Storm.

The early morning sun cast a warm glow over the training grounds of Thornvale as Elara sparred with Roderic. Their swords clashed in a rhythmic dance, the sound echoing across the courtyard. Around them, soldiers and mages practiced their drills, preparing for the battles that lay ahead.

"You're getting faster," Roderic said, a grin splitting his weathered face as he parried Elara's strike. "I almost have to try now."

Elara smirked, stepping back and lowering her sword. "I've had a good teacher."

Roderic sheathed his blade and wiped the sweat from his brow. "We've come a long way, Elara. The men are ready. We've trained hard, and with each day, we're becoming stronger."

Elara nodded, her thoughts briefly drifting to the looming threat of Malachor. "It's not just the training. It's the hope. Every victory, no matter how small, gives us more reason to fight."

Roderic's expression turned serious. "And we'll need every bit of that hope. Malachor won't sit idly by while we grow stronger. He'll strike back, and when he does, we need to be ready."

Elara's resolve hardened. "We will be. We've shown that we can hit him where it hurts, and we'll keep doing it until he falls."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a scout, his face pale and his breathing labored. "Lady Elara, Lord Roderic," he gasped, bowing quickly. "Urgent news from the east. Malachor's forces are on the move. A large contingent is heading towards Thornvale."

Elara and Roderic exchanged a look. "How far are they?" Elara asked, her voice steady despite the surge of anxiety.

"They're a day's march from the city," the scout replied. "We estimate they'll reach us by tomorrow morning."

Roderic's jaw tightened. "We need to prepare the defenses. Inform Lord Harrick immediately."

The scout saluted and hurried off. Elara turned to the gathered troops, her voice carrying authority. "Everyone, listen up! Malachor's forces are approaching. We have less than a day to prepare. Double the guard, fortify the walls, and make sure we're ready for a siege. This is what we've trained for."

A ripple of determination spread through the soldiers as they sprang into action. Elara felt a surge of pride and responsibility. They looked to her for leadership, and she would not let them down.


The hours that followed were a blur of activity. Elara coordinated with Lord Harrick and his advisors, ensuring that every aspect of Thornvale's defenses was reinforced. The city's walls were fortified, archers were positioned on the battlements, and mages prepared their spells.

Aiden worked tirelessly alongside the other mages, his hands moving in intricate patterns as he wove protective wards around the city. He glanced up as Elara approached, concern etched on his face.

"How are the wards holding up?" Elara asked, her eyes scanning the glowing runes that shimmered in the air.

"They're strong," Aiden replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "But we'll need to keep reinforcing them, especially when the battle starts."

Elara nodded, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You're doing great, Aiden. We all are. We just need to hold out until help arrives."

Aiden managed a tired smile. "We will. We've come too far to fall now."

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, Elara made her way to the central keep where a war council was convening. Lord Harrick, Roderic, and several other key leaders were gathered around a large map of Thornvale and its surroundings.

"We've received reports from our scouts," Lord Harrick said, his voice grave. "Malachor's forces are indeed approaching. They're well-armed and led by one of his top generals."

Roderic leaned over the map, tracing a line with his finger. "We should expect a frontal assault here, at the main gate. But they'll likely try to breach the walls at multiple points. We need to be ready to respond quickly."

Elara studied the map, her mind racing. "We should use the terrain to our advantage. Set traps along the approach to slow them down. And we need to keep our forces mobile, able to reinforce any weak points quickly."

Lord Harrick nodded. "Agreed. We'll place our best archers on the walls and keep a reserve force ready to respond wherever they're needed. And Elara, I'll need you and Aiden to coordinate the mages. Your spells will be crucial in holding the line."

"We're ready," Elara replied, her voice filled with determination. "We'll do whatever it takes."


Night fell, and Thornvale was shrouded in an uneasy calm. The city's defenders stood vigilant, their eyes fixed on the horizon. Elara walked among them, offering words of encouragement and drawing strength from their resolve.

As she passed a group of young soldiers, one of them—a boy no older than sixteen—stepped forward, his voice trembling slightly. "Lady Elara, do you really think we can win?"

Elara paused, meeting the boy's gaze. "Yes," she said firmly. "We can win. We have the strength, the courage, and the determination to fight for what's right. Remember, we're not just fighting for ourselves—we're fighting for everyone who can't. For our families, our friends, and the future of Eldoria."

The boy nodded, his expression steeling. "Thank you, my lady. We'll give it everything we've got."

Elara smiled, a sense of hope blossoming in her chest. "That's all we can ask."

As she continued her rounds, she found Aiden at the city's eastern wall, his eyes scanning the darkness beyond. He turned as she approached, his face illuminated by the faint glow of the magical wards.

"How are you holding up?" Elara asked, standing beside him.

Aiden sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm exhausted, but I'll manage. It's just… the waiting. It's the hardest part."

Elara nodded, understanding his feelings all too well. "It's the calm before the storm. But we're ready. We've done everything we can."

Aiden looked at her, his eyes filled with admiration. "You're amazing, you know that? You've brought us all together, given us hope. No matter what happens, I'm proud to stand by your side."

Elara felt a warmth spread through her at his words. "Thank you, Aiden. I couldn't have done it without you. We'll get through this, together."

They stood in silence for a moment, drawing strength from each other. The night was quiet, but they knew that the dawn would bring the clash of battle.


The first light of dawn revealed Malachor's forces arrayed before Thornvale, a dark tide ready to crash against the city's defenses. The enemy army was vast, a sea of black armor and cruel weapons, led by a towering figure mounted on a fearsome black steed.

"Elara," Roderic called, his voice urgent. "It's time."

Elara nodded, steeling herself for the battle ahead. She joined Lord Harrick and the other leaders on the battlements, their eyes fixed on the approaching enemy.

The mounted figure, General Vorthar, rode forward, his voice booming across the field. "People of Thornvale! Surrender now, and I will spare your lives. Resist, and you will face annihilation."

Lord Harrick stepped forward, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "We will never surrender to the likes of you, Vorthar. Thornvale stands united against Malachor's tyranny. We will fight, and we will prevail."

A roar of defiance rose from the defenders, their spirits bolstered by Lord Harrick's words. General Vorthar sneered, raising his sword. "So be it. Attack!"

The battle began with a thunderous charge as Malachor's forces surged forward. Arrows rained down from the battlements, cutting through the ranks of the attackers. The ground shook as the enemy's battering ram slammed against the gates, and the clash of steel rang out as the two sides met in brutal combat.

Elara and Aiden stood atop the walls, casting spells to repel the attackers. Aiden's fireballs exploded among the enemy ranks, while Elara's beams of light cut through the darkness. The mages worked tirelessly, their magic a crucial line of defense.

"Focus on the battering ram!" Elara shouted, directing a group of mages. "We need to keep them from breaching the gates!"

The mages responded, their combined spells shattering the battering ram and scattering the enemy soldiers. But the assault continued, relentless and fierce.

Roderic fought on the front lines, his sword flashing as he cut down foe after foe. He moved with a precision and ferocity that inspired those around him, holding the line against the onslaught.

"Hold fast!" Roderic shouted, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "We can do this!"

Despite their best efforts, the sheer numbers of Malachor's forces began to take their toll. The defenders were pushed back, inch by inch, their strength waning under the relentless assault.

"Elara!" Aiden called, his voice strained. "They're breaking through on the west side!"

Elara turned, her heart sinking as she saw the breach. "We need to reinforce that position.