
Ascension Of Malachor

In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where magic flows like rivers and the sky is often painted with enchanted storms, a dark figure emerges. Malachor is born under ominous signs, his eyes glowing with malevolent light and an aura of dark power surrounding him. As he grows, his abilities manifest in terrifying ways, isolating him from his fearful parents and the wary villagers. At thirteen, Malachor’s hunger for power leads him to discover an ancient grimoire of dark magic hidden in a secret cave. Consumed by its forbidden knowledge, he practices its spells in secret, growing stronger and more dangerous. When his parents confront him, Malachor's wrath is unleashed, and he kills them in a fit of rage, burning his village to the ground and severing ties with his past. Determined to unlock his full potential, Malachor journeys to the fabled Tower of Darkness, battling through the treacherous Wyrmwood forest and defeating the tower’s ancient guardians. There, he claims the Dark Codex, a powerful artifact that grants him the ability to bend reality itself to his will. With the Dark Codex, Malachor embarks on a campaign of terror, toppling kingdoms and enslaving wizards. He builds a fortress of obsidian and bone atop the ruins of his conquests, ruling with an iron fist and delighting in the suffering he causes. His name becomes synonymous with fear and despair, as he crushes any opposition and demands absolute obedience. Despite his overwhelming power, a coalition of betrayed allies, oppressed subjects, and rival sorcerers forms against him. Guided by the Oracle of Light, they discover a prophecy that Malachor's downfall will come from within, a seed of doubt buried deep in his corrupted soul. As the alliance launches a desperate assault on his fortress, a young sorceress named Elara penetrates Malachor’s inner sanctum, confronting him with visions of his past and the lives he has destroyed. For a fleeting moment, doubt flickers in Malachor’s eyes, and the darkness within him rages against the light. "The Ascension of Malachor" is a tale of power, ambition, and the ultimate cost of a soul consumed by darkness. It explores the depths of human desire and the thin line between hero and villain, set in a world where magic can be both a blessing and a curse. ---- Check Out My Other Book: "Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform", "Sovereign Of Void."

FackU4Ever · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

4. The Assault.

The scream shattered the tense silence of the camp, sending a ripple of fear through the assembled rebels. Elara's heart pounded as she sprang to her feet, her mind racing. Malachor's hunters had found them.

"To arms!" Roderic bellowed, drawing his sword and rallying the troops. "Defensive positions! Protect the mages!"

Elara quickly scanned the camp, her eyes landing on Aiden. "Aiden, we need those shields now!"

Aiden nodded, his face set with determination. He began to chant, weaving his hands in intricate patterns. The air shimmered as barriers of light formed around the camp, creating a protective dome. Other mages joined in, reinforcing the shields with their own magic.

Dark figures emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Malachor's hunters were a fearsome sight, clad in black armor that seemed to absorb the light around them. They moved with a predatory grace, their weapons glinting in the firelight.

"Hold the line!" Roderic shouted, positioning himself at the front. "We can't let them break through!"

The first wave of hunters crashed against the barriers, their weapons striking with brutal force. The shields held, but the strain was evident on the faces of the mages. Elara could feel the dark magic pressing against her own defenses, testing her limits.

"We can't hold them off forever," Aiden said, his voice strained from the effort of maintaining the spell.

Elara nodded, her mind working furiously for a solution. "We need to counterattack. Roderic, take a group and flank them. We'll use the shields to buy you time."

"Understood," Roderic replied, gathering a group of seasoned fighters. "On me!"

As Roderic and his group slipped into the shadows, Elara focused on the hunters in front of her. She raised her hands, summoning a spear of pure light. With a cry, she hurled it at the nearest hunter, the magical weapon piercing through his armor and dropping him to the ground.

"Aim for their leader," Elara shouted to the other mages. "If we take him down, the rest might fall back!"

The hunters, sensing their prey's determination, redoubled their efforts. The barriers flickered under the relentless assault, and several mages stumbled, their strength waning. Elara gritted her teeth, pushing herself harder. She couldn't let them fail now.

Roderic's group emerged from the trees, striking the hunters from the side. The surprise attack caused momentary chaos, giving the defenders a brief respite. Roderic fought with fierce precision, his sword a blur as he cut down hunter after hunter.

In the midst of the chaos, Elara spotted a tall figure commanding the hunters. His armor was more elaborate, and dark energy crackled around him. He was clearly the leader, the source of their strength.

"There!" she pointed, her voice carrying over the din of battle. "Take him down!"

Aiden nodded, summoning a bolt of lightning and hurling it at the leader. The bolt struck true, but the leader merely staggered, his armor absorbing most of the impact. He turned his gaze on Aiden, dark energy swirling around his hand.

"Watch out!" Elara shouted, but it was too late. The hunter leader unleashed a blast of dark magic, striking Aiden and sending him sprawling.

"No!" Elara cried, rushing to Aiden's side. She knelt beside him, her hands glowing with healing light. "Stay with me, Aiden."

Aiden's eyes fluttered open, pain etched across his face. "I'm... I'm okay," he said weakly. "Just... get him."

Elara nodded, her resolve hardening. She stood, her hands blazing with light. She focused all her energy on the hunter leader, her eyes locked on his. With a cry, she unleashed a torrent of magic, a beam of pure light that cut through the darkness.

The hunter leader raised his hand to block the attack, but the light was too strong. It pierced his defenses, striking him in the chest. He screamed, the sound filled with rage and pain, before collapsing to the ground.

With their leader fallen, the remaining hunters faltered. Roderic and his group seized the advantage, driving them back with renewed ferocity. One by one, the hunters fell or fled, the tide of battle turning in favor of the rebels.

As the last of the hunters were driven away, a weary cheer rose from the rebels. They had won, but the cost was high. Several of their number lay dead or wounded, the camp littered with the aftermath of the battle.

Elara helped Aiden to his feet, his injuries mostly healed. "We did it," she said, her voice filled with both relief and exhaustion.

Aiden managed a weak smile. "Thanks to you."

Roderic approached, his sword still dripping with blood. "Elara, we need to move. There's no telling when more of them might come."

Elara nodded, knowing he was right. "Gather everyone. We leave for Thornvale immediately."


The journey to Thornvale was grueling, the rebels pushing themselves to the limit to stay ahead of any potential pursuit. They moved through dense forests and across rocky plains, the terrain growing more challenging with each passing day. Despite the hardships, the group remained determined, their spirits buoyed by their recent victory.

Elara walked at the front, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. Aiden walked beside her, his strength slowly returning. They spoke little, both focused on the task at hand.

"Elara," Aiden said quietly, breaking the silence. "What will we do when we reach Thornvale?"

Elara glanced at him, her expression resolute. "We'll find allies, rally more support. Thornvale is a strong city, and its people have suffered under Malachor's rule. They'll be eager to fight back."

Aiden nodded, his eyes thoughtful. "Do you think we have a chance?"

Elara paused, considering her words. "We have to believe we do. Malachor is powerful, but he's not invincible. If we stand together, we can defeat him."

Aiden smiled faintly. "I believe in you, Elara."

She returned his smile, feeling a surge of warmth. "And I believe in all of us."

As they neared Thornvale, the landscape began to change. The trees grew taller and more numerous, their branches forming a dense canopy overhead. The air grew cooler, the scent of pine and earth filling their lungs.

Finally, they emerged from the forest to see the city of Thornvale spread out before them. The city was built on the banks of a wide river, its stone buildings and towering walls a testament to its strength and resilience. The rebels paused, taking in the sight with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

"Thornvale," Roderic said, his voice filled with pride. "We made it."

Elara nodded, her eyes scanning the city walls. "Let's hope they're as eager to fight as we are."

As they approached the city gates, they were met by a group of armed guards. The guards eyed them warily, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords.

"State your business," the lead guard demanded, his eyes narrowing.

Elara stepped forward, her voice calm and authoritative. "We are the resistance. We seek an audience with Lord Harrick."

The guard hesitated, clearly uncertain. "Lord Harrick doesn't see just anyone. How do we know you're telling the truth?"

Elara raised her hands, summoning a small ball of light. It hovered above her palm, casting a gentle glow over the group. "We fight against Malachor's darkness. If you value your city and your people, you'll let us in."

The guard's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "Wait here," he said, turning to speak with one of his subordinates. After a brief exchange, he returned. "You may enter. But know this—any trouble, and you'll be dealt with swiftly."

Elara nodded. "We understand."

The gates creaked open, and the rebels entered the city. Thornvale was a bustling hub of activity, its streets filled with merchants, artisans, and townsfolk. Despite the lively atmosphere, there was an undercurrent of tension, a sense of unease that hung over the city like a dark cloud.

As they made their way through the streets, Elara couldn't help but notice the signs of Malachor's influence. Posters bearing his image were plastered on walls, and groups of soldiers patrolled the streets, their presence a constant reminder of his control.

Finally, they arrived at the central keep, a towering structure that dominated the city skyline. The guards escorted them inside, leading them through a series of grand hallways to a large chamber. At the far end of the chamber, seated on a throne of polished wood and stone, was Lord Harrick.

Lord Harrick was a middle-aged man with a stern, weathered face and eyes that betrayed a deep intelligence. He regarded the group with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion as they approached.

"Who are you, and why have you come to Thornvale?" he demanded, his voice carrying a note of authority.

Elara stepped forward, her posture confident and respectful. "My name is Elara. We are the resistance, fighting against Malachor's tyranny. We seek your aid in our struggle."

Lord Harrick's eyes narrowed. "The resistance, you say? I've heard whispers of your activities. What makes you think you can succeed where so many others have failed?"

Elara met his gaze evenly. "We have something they did not