
Ascension Of Malachor

In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where magic flows like rivers and the sky is often painted with enchanted storms, a dark figure emerges. Malachor is born under ominous signs, his eyes glowing with malevolent light and an aura of dark power surrounding him. As he grows, his abilities manifest in terrifying ways, isolating him from his fearful parents and the wary villagers. At thirteen, Malachor’s hunger for power leads him to discover an ancient grimoire of dark magic hidden in a secret cave. Consumed by its forbidden knowledge, he practices its spells in secret, growing stronger and more dangerous. When his parents confront him, Malachor's wrath is unleashed, and he kills them in a fit of rage, burning his village to the ground and severing ties with his past. Determined to unlock his full potential, Malachor journeys to the fabled Tower of Darkness, battling through the treacherous Wyrmwood forest and defeating the tower’s ancient guardians. There, he claims the Dark Codex, a powerful artifact that grants him the ability to bend reality itself to his will. With the Dark Codex, Malachor embarks on a campaign of terror, toppling kingdoms and enslaving wizards. He builds a fortress of obsidian and bone atop the ruins of his conquests, ruling with an iron fist and delighting in the suffering he causes. His name becomes synonymous with fear and despair, as he crushes any opposition and demands absolute obedience. Despite his overwhelming power, a coalition of betrayed allies, oppressed subjects, and rival sorcerers forms against him. Guided by the Oracle of Light, they discover a prophecy that Malachor's downfall will come from within, a seed of doubt buried deep in his corrupted soul. As the alliance launches a desperate assault on his fortress, a young sorceress named Elara penetrates Malachor’s inner sanctum, confronting him with visions of his past and the lives he has destroyed. For a fleeting moment, doubt flickers in Malachor’s eyes, and the darkness within him rages against the light. "The Ascension of Malachor" is a tale of power, ambition, and the ultimate cost of a soul consumed by darkness. It explores the depths of human desire and the thin line between hero and villain, set in a world where magic can be both a blessing and a curse. ---- Check Out My Other Book: "Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform", "Sovereign Of Void."

FackU4Ever · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

2. Rise To Power.

The blood-red sun set over the smoldering ruins of Malachor's childhood village, casting long, twisted shadows across the scorched earth. In the aftermath of his parents' deaths and the destruction he wrought, Malachor felt a perverse sense of liberation. The chains of his past had been broken, leaving him free to embrace the darkness that had always lurked within him.

Leaving the ashes of his former life behind, Malachor set out on a path that would lead him to power and infamy. The road was long and perilous, but he was determined. Guided by the whispers of the grimoire and the dark magic it contained, he wandered through forests, crossed treacherous mountains, and ventured into the heart of desolate wastelands. Each step brought him closer to his ultimate goal: the Tower of Darkness.

The Tower of Darkness was a relic of a bygone era, a colossal structure that loomed over the cursed forest of Wyrmwood. Legends spoke of its origin, built by an ancient sorcerer who had sought to harness the purest form of dark magic. The sorcerer had succeeded, but at a terrible cost, and the tower had since become a place of malevolent power, shunned by all who valued their lives and sanity.

Malachor, however, felt no fear as he approached the Wyrmwood. The forest was a labyrinth of twisted trees, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching for the sky. Shadows moved independently of the light, and the air was thick with the scent of decay and old magic. It was a place where the natural world and the supernatural intermingled, creating an environment both hostile and alluring.

As he ventured deeper into the Wyrmwood, Malachor encountered creatures that defied description. Nightmarish beings with eyes that glowed like embers and claws that dripped with venom stalked him, but his power had grown significantly. He cast spells to ward off the monsters, bending the shadows to his will and using them as shields and weapons. His mastery over the dark arts was tested repeatedly, but he emerged from each encounter stronger and more confident.

After days of navigating the treacherous forest, Malachor finally stood before the Tower of Darkness. The sight of it was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The tower's black stone walls seemed to absorb the light around them, creating an oppressive aura of dread. At its base, two gargantuan stone gargoyles guarded the entrance, their eyes burning with an unnatural fire.

Malachor approached the guardians with unwavering determination. The gargoyles, sensing his presence, came to life, their massive stone wings unfolding as they prepared to strike. But Malachor was ready. He drew upon the darkest spells in his arsenal, conjuring a vortex of shadows that engulfed the gargoyles. The stone creatures struggled against the magic, but they were no match for Malachor's power. With a final, deafening crack, the gargoyles shattered into a thousand pieces, their remnants scattering across the ground.

With the guardians defeated, Malachor entered the tower. The interior was a stark contrast to the forest outside. The air was cold, and the walls were lined with ancient runes that glowed faintly in the darkness. Shelves filled with dusty tomes and strange artifacts stretched into the shadows, and the scent of old magic permeated the air.

Malachor ascended the spiral staircase that wound its way through the tower, each step echoing in the silence. As he climbed higher, the temperature dropped, and the darkness grew thicker, as if the very walls were closing in on him. But he pressed on, driven by the promise of the Dark Codex that awaited him at the tower's summit.

Finally, he reached the top chamber. The room was vast and circular, its walls covered in intricate carvings that depicted scenes of dark rituals and ancient battles. At the center of the room stood a pedestal, upon which rested a black, crystalline orb—the Dark Codex.

Malachor approached the orb with a sense of awe and anticipation. He could feel its power radiating from it, a force so potent that it seemed to warp the air around it. With a mixture of reverence and hunger, he placed his hands upon the orb, feeling its energy surge into him. The Dark Codex began to glow, and the chamber was filled with a blinding light.

When the light faded, Malachor stood alone in the chamber, the orb clutched in his hands. He could feel the power coursing through him, more potent than anything he had ever experienced. The Dark Codex had accepted him as its master, and with it, he could bend reality itself to his will.

From that moment on, Malachor's rise to power was swift and unstoppable. He left the tower and began his campaign of terror, toppling kingdoms and enslaving powerful wizards. His name became synonymous with fear and despair, and his reign of darkness spread across Eldoria.

Malachor's first target was the Kingdom of Varyndor, a prosperous realm known for its powerful mages and vast libraries of magical knowledge. He marched upon Varyndor with an army of dark creatures summoned from the depths of the Wyrmwood. The kingdom's defenders, though numerous and skilled, were no match for the overwhelming force that Malachor commanded.

The battle for Varyndor was brutal and swift. Malachor unleashed the full extent of his dark magic, tearing through the kingdom's defenses with ease. Walls crumbled, and towers collapsed under the onslaught of his spells. The sky above the battlefield was filled with lightning and fire, as the forces of light and darkness clashed in a spectacular display of power.

Despite their best efforts, the mages of Varyndor could not hold back the tide. One by one, they fell before Malachor's might. Those who survived were enslaved, their wills bent to his command. The libraries of Varyndor, once a beacon of knowledge and wisdom, were sacked and their contents added to Malachor's growing collection of arcane lore.

With Varyndor conquered, Malachor set his sights on the neighboring realms. His campaign of terror spread like wildfire, leaving a trail of destruction and despair in its wake. Kingdoms that had once stood for centuries fell in a matter of days, their rulers either killed or forced to swear fealty to Malachor.

Among the fallen was the Kingdom of Arathor, renowned for its legendary warrior knights. The Arathorians fought valiantly, their swords and shields glinting in the sunlight as they faced Malachor's forces. But even the mightiest of warriors were powerless against the dark magic that Malachor wielded. The battle was fierce, but ultimately, Arathor too was brought to its knees.

As Malachor's power grew, so did his ambition. He began to seek out other sources of dark magic, delving into forbidden tomes and performing ancient rituals to augment his abilities. Each conquest, each act of cruelty, seemed to feed the darkness within him, making him stronger and more ruthless.

In his quest for power, Malachor uncovered the existence of an artifact known as the Heart of Shadows, said to be the source of the darkest magic in existence. According to legend, the Heart of Shadows was hidden in the depths of the Abyssal Chasm, a place where the veil between the mortal world and the realm of shadows was thinnest.

Determined to claim the Heart of Shadows for himself, Malachor embarked on a perilous journey to the Abyssal Chasm. The path was fraught with danger, as the chasm was guarded by the twisted remnants of those who had sought the heart and failed. Malachor faced nightmarish creatures and treacherous terrain, but his resolve never wavered.

Upon reaching the heart of the chasm, Malachor found the Heart of Shadows suspended in midair, surrounded by a swirling vortex of dark energy. He could feel the immense power emanating from the artifact, and he knew that it would make him unstoppable. With a triumphant shout, he reached out and grasped the heart.

The moment his fingers closed around the heart, Malachor was engulfed in a torrent of shadow. The energy surged through him, melding with his own dark magic and amplifying it beyond his wildest dreams. When the storm of shadows finally subsided, Malachor stood transformed. His eyes burned with an even greater intensity, and his aura of power was now almost palpable.

With the Heart of Shadows in his possession, Malachor's reign of terror became even more devastating. He returned to his fortress of obsidian and bone, now imbued with the power of the heart, and solidified his rule over Eldoria. His dark creatures roamed the land, enforcing his will and crushing any hint of rebellion.

But even as Malachor's power reached its zenith, whispers of resistance began to spread. A coalition of betrayed allies, oppressed subjects, and rival sorcerers formed an alliance against him. They sought the guidance of the Oracle of Light, an ancient being of pure magic who alone might stand a chance against Malachor's dark arts.

The Oracle revealed a prophecy: Malachor's end would come not from a force of arms, but from within. The seeds of his downfall lay in his own soul, corrupted and consumed by the darkness he so cherished. The alliance took this prophecy to heart and began to plan their next move.

Among the ranks of the resistance was a young sorceress named Elara. She was a talented mage, gifted with a natural affinity for light magic. Her parents had been killed during Malachor's conquest of Varyndor, and she had narrowly escaped with her life. Since then