
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

The Final reckoning

The sun had set completely, and the battlefield was now bathed in the eerie light of a blood-red moon.

Roland, Kai, Lucy, and David stood amidst the fallen bodies, their breaths heavy and their hearts pounding. They had defeated Juggernaut and his team, but the battle was far from over.

Another mocking voice echoed through the silence. "Well, well, well. Look what do we have here," she said, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.

Roland, bloodied and exhausted, stood up said "One last fight."

Figure laughed, a cold, cruel sound. "You're right. It is the last fight. But not in the way you think."

She signaled to her remaining team members, who stepped forward, their weapons drawn. The air crackled with tension as the two sides faced off, ready for the final showdown.

She charged at him, her blade flashing in the moonlight. Kai met her attack head-on, their weapons clashing with a shower of sparks. The force of their blows sent shockwaves through the ground, and the others quickly followed suit, engaging in their own brutal battles.

Roland faced off against one of enemies strongest fighter, a hulking brute named Thorne. The two clashed with a ferocity that shook the very earth beneath them. Thorne's sheer strength was overwhelming, but Roland's speed and agility kept him one step ahead.

Lucy fought a nimble assassin named Viper, their duel a deadly dance of speed and precision. Viper's twin daggers were a blur as she attacked from every angle, but Lucy's skill with her staff kept her at bay. The two warriors were evenly matched, each one searching for an opening to exploit.

David, still smarting from his earlier wounds, faced off against Emily's final teammate, a cunning archer named Shade. Shade's arrows were deadly accurate, and David had to rely on his quick reflexes to avoid being skewered. He closed the distance between them, knowing that he had to neutralize the threat before it was too late.

The battlefield was a cacophony of clashing steel, grunts of exertion, and cries of pain. Each combatant fought with everything they had, knowing that their lives depended on it.

Kai and enemies leader's duel was a fierce and desperate struggle. Her attacks were relentless, her eyes burning with excitement of the fight. "You think you can beat me" she snarled. "You're nothing!"

Kai parried her strikes, his mind focused and clear. "We won't know untill we try." Said kai

The enemy's leader face glowed with excitement as She lunged at Kai with renewed ferocity, but he was ready. With a swift, decisive move, he disarmed her, sending her sword flying through the air.

She stumbled back, her eyes wide with shock. "No... this can't be happening!"

"It's over," Kai said, his voice steady. "You've lost."

Meanwhile, Roland and Thorne's battle reached its climax. Roland, battered and bruised, saw an opening and took it. With a final, powerful strike, he brought Thorne to his knees. "This is the end," Roland whispered, delivering the finishing blow.

Lucy and Viper's fight was equally intense. Viper's relentless assault had pushed Lucy to her limits, but she found an inner strength she didn't know she had. With a swift, spinning move, she knocked Viper's daggers from her hands and delivered a crushing blow to her chest. Viper crumpled to the ground, defeated.

David's duel with Shade was a battle of wits and reflexes. Shade's arrows were deadly, but David's determination was unyielding. He managed to disarm Shade, and with a powerful flame thrower spell, ended the fight.

With the team defeated, the four friends turned their attention to Enemy's Leader. She stood alone, defiant but clearly beaten. "Damm! This is a good fight ?" she spat. "Let's finish it with one last strike!! "

Kai stepped forward. "It was a good fight." He paused and asked "May I know your name?"

She sighed "Miya and yours?"

"Good name Miya. I am Kai. It was a pleasure fighting you " With a final attack , Kai and miya charged at Kai. But kai was ready. With a swift, decisive move, he ended the fight, his blade striking true.

Miya fell to the ground, her eyes resting peacefully and a smile of her lips. The battlefield fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the victors.

"It's over," Roland said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and sorrow. "We did it."

The four friends stood together, united in their victory. They had avenged Eva and brought justice to their fallen comrades. But the cost had been high, and the scars would remain forever.

As they stood in the moonlit battlefield, the MC's voice boomed across the sky. "Congratulations, champions! You have emerged victorious! Your bravery and skill have proven unmatched. You will be rewarded for your valor."

Fireworks exploded in the sky, casting a dazzling light over the battlefield. The friends looked at each other, tears in their eyes. They had fought together, bled together, and triumphed together.

"You guys did great," Kai said, his voice choked with emotion. "We couldn't have done it without each other."

Roland nodded. "We're a team. We always have been."

Lucy smiled through her tears. "And we always will be."

David, his face streaked with dirt and blood, grinned. "To Eva."

"To Eva," they echoed, raising their weapons in a salute.

The MC's voice cut through the moment. "You have ten minutes to say your goodbyes before you are returned to your own spots"

The friends gathered together, sharing stories and laughter, their bond stronger than ever. They reminisced about their journey, the challenges they had faced, and the victories they had won.

"Remember when we first started this?" Lucy said, her eyes shining. "We had no idea what we were getting into."

"And now look at us," David added. "We've come so far."

Roland looked at his friends, his heart full. "No matter what happens, we'll always be family."

As the timer counted down, they hugged each other tightly, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that their time together was ending.

"We'll see each other again," Kai said, his voice filled with hope. "This isn't the end."

As the light began to envelop them, signaling their return separation, they held on to each other, savoring the final moments of their journey together.

Kill count :

Kai +13

Roland +34

David +22

Lucy +15