
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Survival instinct

As Roland was pondering about his next step. He heard a piercing roar behind him. He turned to look in that direction he saw a massive bear with red eyes and lava flowing from its jaws instead of saliva staring directly at him. All the could think in that moment was to run. He took off in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

As the echoes of the bear's roar faded into the distance, Roland's heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he sprinted through the dense undergrowth. His breath came in ragged gasps, each step a desperate bid for survival as the monstrous creature pursued him with relentless ferocity.

But even in the throes of panic, Roland's instincts kicked in, guiding him with a clarity born of primal necessity. He dodged fallen branches and leaped over gnarled roots, his senses attuned to the rhythm of the forest as he raced against time and fate.

As he sprinted blindly through the wilderness, Roland failed to notice the yawning chasm that loomed before him until it was too late. With a cry of alarm, he tumbled over the edge, his world spinning into freefall as gravity seized hold of him with unyielding force.

The wind whipped past his ears as Roland plummeted through the air, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable impact. But just as despair threatened to consume him whole, a sudden realization washed over him like a wave of clarity.

With a desperate lunge, Roland reached out, grasping at the branches of a towering tree as he plummeted past, his fingers closing around the rough bark with a vice-like grip. The branches creaked and groaned under his weight, but miraculously held firm, slowing his descent to a bone-jarring halt.

As Roland lay sprawled upon the forest floor, pain coursing through his battered body, he could hear the distant roar of the bear echoing through the trees above. But for now, he was safe—safe to catch his breath and assess his situation, however dire it may be.

Grimacing against the pain of his broken ribs, Roland pushed himself upright, his gaze sweeping the surrounding wilderness for any sign of danger. When he was satisfied that he was alone, he allowed himself a moment of respite, his mind racing with thoughts of survival and escape.

Spotting a small cave nearby, Roland limped towards it, his every movement a symphony of agony as he forced himself forward. With cautious steps, he entered the cavern, his eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of danger.

To his relief, the cave appeared to be empty, its rocky walls devoid of life save for the occasional scuttle of a startled insect. With a weary sigh, Roland settled himself within its confines, his thoughts turning towards the task of survival in this unforgiving wilderness.

Drawing upon the knowledge gleaned from his days as an avid camper on Earth, Roland set about gathering wood for a fire, his hands moving with practiced efficiency as he worked to ignite a flame. With a triumphant whoop, he watched as the fire took hold, its warm glow chasing away the chill of the encroaching night.

As the flames danced before him, Roland felt a sense of calm wash over him, his worries momentarily forgotten in the comforting embrace of the fire. And as exhaustion claimed him, he allowed himself to drift into a fitful slumber, his dreams haunted by the specter of the bear and the uncertain future that awaited him in this strange new world.