
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Confession and Tension

Day 8 dawned with Roland scouting the area for any suspicious activity. His instincts, honed from months of survival in the wild, made him cautious. He moved silently through the dense underbrush, his keen eyes scanning for any sign of danger. After thoroughly checking the perimeter, he made a round to inspect the booby traps he had set the previous day. Satisfied that no one had tampered with them, he finally headed back near to camp to cut some logs.

As he swung his axe, cutting through the thick wood with ease, Roland found a strange sense of calm in the repetitive motion. The physical exertion allowed him to clear his mind, focusing solely on the task at hand. The sound of wood splitting echoed through the forest, a stark contrast to the quiet tension that had defined the past few days.

His concentration was broken by the soft rustling of leaves. Roland turned to see Emily approaching, her eyes wide with admiration. "Hey, Roland," she greeted, her voice light and friendly. "I just wanted to say, your strength is really impressive. Watching you cut through those logs like they're nothing is... well, it's amazing."

Roland smiled modestly, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, Emily. It's just something I've gotten used to out here. Everyone has their strengths."

Emily nodded, her gaze lingering on Roland's muscular form. "Still, not everyone can do what you do. You've been a real leader out here, keeping us safe and guiding us through all the challenges. I really admire that about you."

Roland felt a warm flush of gratitude at her words. "I appreciate that, Emily. But it's been a team effort. Everyone's contributed in their own way."

A brief silence followed as they both stood there, the sounds of the forest filling the space between them. Finally, Emily took a deep breath and stepped closer to Roland. "You know, Roland, being out here has made me realize a lot of things. About life, about what's important... and about my feelings."

Roland looked at her, sensing the shift in her tone. "What do you mean?"

Emily's cheeks flushed slightly as she gathered her courage. "I've grown really fond of you, Roland. I can't help but feel something more than just friendship. I... I think I like you."

Roland blinked, taken aback by her confession. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. No one had ever expressed such feelings for him before, and he found himself at a loss for words. "Emily, I... I didn't expect this. I'm flattered, really. But..."

Emily's hopeful expression faltered. "But what?"

Roland took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I appreciate your feelings, but there's someone else I like. Someone who's been on my mind a lot."

Emily's face fell, and she looked away, hurt flashing in her eyes. "Who is it?" she asked quietly.

Roland hesitated, feeling the weight of his words. "It's Eva," he admitted, his voice soft but firm.

Emily's expression changed, her eyes darkening with a dangerous intensity. "I see," she said curtly.

Roland, oblivious to the shift in her demeanor, picked up the wood he had cut and headed back to camp. As he walked away, he failed to notice Emily's clenched fists and the stormy look on her face.

Back at the camp, the atmosphere was warm and harmonious. The group had settled into a comfortable routine, and their camaraderie was palpable. David was attempting to tell jokes to the ladies, but his humor fell flat. He burst into laughter at his own jokes, only to stop abruptly when he noticed no one else was laughing. "You guys are no fun," he grumbled, walking away with a mock pout.

Kai sat nearby, perched on a tree branch with a book in hand, absorbed in his reading. The sight of the group relaxing and enjoying each other's company filled Roland with a warmth he had never felt before. He spotted Eva among the group, her laughter and giggles drawing him in like a magnet.

Roland joined the ladies, eager to be part of their light-hearted conversation. "What's going on here?" he asked with a smile, sitting down beside Eva.

Eva beamed at him. "Oh, just trying to survive David's jokes. He's something else, isn't he?"

Roland chuckled. "Yeah, he's got a unique sense of humor, that's for sure."

Lucy, noticing Roland's focus on Eva, couldn't resist teasing them. "Oh, look at you two! Already acting like an old married couple," she said with a mischievous grin.

Eva's cheeks flushed, and she playfully swatted at Lucy. "Oh, stop it, Lucy!"

Roland laughed, feeling more at ease than he had in a long time. "She's right, though. We do make a good team."

As they chatted and laughed, Emily watched from the sidelines, her eyes narrowing with jealousy. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "If I like someone, no one else can have him," she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with venom.

Despite the underlying tension, the group's evening was filled with joy and laughter. Kai eventually closed his book and joined them, sharing stories from his past adventures. Even David managed to lighten the mood with his self-deprecating humor, making everyone chuckle despite themselves.

As the fire crackled and the stars twinkled above, Roland felt a deep sense of contentment. For a moment, he allowed himself to believe that they could make it through this competition together, stronger and closer than ever.

But in the shadows, Emily's resentment simmered, a dark cloud on the horizon of their newfound harmony.

Kill count :

Kai +10

Roland +20

David +17

Lucy +12

Eva +3