
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Allies and Enemies

### Chapter 9: Into the Wild

Roland sat in his cave, attempting to relax as Daisy's voice echoed in his mind, announcing the start of the second round. "Total remaining participants: one hundred million, down from one billion," she stated. The sheer number was chilling, and Roland's anger towards the Chamber of Gods flared anew. He cursed them under his breath, vowing to seek vengeance someday. His thoughts were interrupted as he was teleported again.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a massive, majestic forest. The trees were ancient giants, their canopies stretching high and wide, creating a lush green expanse that seemed boundless. The forest floor was a vibrant tapestry of flora, teeming with life. The air was crisp and fragrant with the scent of pine and earth, offering a stark contrast to the chaos and bloodshed of the previous arena.

As Roland took in the boundless beauty, he noticed four other individuals materializing nearby. They all regarded him with a mix of curiosity and caution. One of them stepped forward, exuding an approachable aura and a kind smile. His white shirt, white hair, and glasses lent him an intellectual charm that immediately put Roland at ease.

"Hey, buddy, don't worry. We're not here to do any harm," the man said warmly. "My name is Kai."

Kai introduced the rest of the group. David, with his red hair and punk-style clothes, had an air of arrogance about him. Lucy, with her silver hair and ethereal beauty, radiated a serene confidence. Finally, there was Eva, small and cute with large teddy bear-like eyes that made her seem almost out of place in such a grim setting.

As they exchanged introductions and shared their survival stories, the sky above them lit up. A massive figure holding a microphone appeared, dressed like an angel in a colorful suit with cool sunglasses, his enormous wings exuding a majestic aura.

"Hello and welcome to Round 2 of the competition!" boomed the MC. "Let me explain a bit about this round. You have been divided into groups of five. There are twenty teams in total, making one hundred fighters. This forest spans one hundred kilometers by one hundred kilometers. You will have to fight among the groups, and the last remaining team will be victorious. Every day, the zone of the forest will shrink by ten kilometers. This competition will last for ten days. More information of that is available into your system and again every kill counts. I wish you all the best of luck."

With that, the MC vanished, leaving the teams to grapple with their reality. Kai immediately took charge. "We need to know each other's skills and talents if we're going to survive this."

"I'll start," Kai said. "I'm a barbarian, level 5 mortal realm. I specialize in brute strength and close combat."

David stepped forward, his arrogance evident. "I'm a fire mage, level 4 mortal realm. I can incinerate anything that gets in our way."

Lucy, with her calm presence, added, "I'm an archer, level 3 mortal realm. I can take out enemies from a distance."

Eva, clutching her staff, spoke softly, "I'm a healer, level 3 mortal realm. I can keep everyone alive."

When it was Roland's turn, he hesitated. These fighters were top of their class, yet their levels were still relatively low. "I'm Roland, a hunter, level 7 mortal realm," he said simply, though he didn't reveal the full extent of his power.

"Wow," Kai said, clearly impressed. "Looks like we've got a powerhouse on our team."

Roland nodded, he had to face the reality now. It's either kill or be killed. With him being determined more than ever to see this competition through. As the countdown to the start of the round began, he steeled himself, ready to face whatever lay ahead with renewed confidence and strength.

The countdown ended, and the group sprang into action. Kai led them to a dense thicket that offered cover and a good vantage point. Roland, with his enhanced senses and experience from the past month, guided them in setting up a secure camp. They cleared a small area, set up makeshift shelters using branches and leaves, and built a fire pit for cooking and warmth.

As dusk approached, the team huddled around the fire. Roland shared his knowledge of the forest, teaching them how to recognize edible plants and identify potential dangers. They worked together to hunt for food, Roland's expertise in tracking and stealth proving invaluable.

"Roland, you seem so at ease here," Lucy remarked as they returned to camp with a deer Roland had hunted. "How did you get so skilled?"

"I've been living in a forest similar to this for the past month," Roland explained. "You learn quickly when your life depends on it."

David, despite his earlier arrogance, listened intently. "We need those skills to survive here. You're our best chance at making it through this."

The group's trust in Roland grew as he demonstrated his abilities. They practiced combat techniques, blending their skills to create a cohesive fighting unit. Kai's strength, David's fire magic, Lucy's archery, Eva's healing, and Roland's hunting skills combined into a formidable force.

That night, they took turns keeping watch. The forest was alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures, but Roland's presence reassured them. He was used to the wild, and his calm confidence bolstered their morale.

The second day dawned with a sense of purpose. They decided to scout the area, looking for other teams and potential threats. Roland led them through the forest, moving silently and observing everything.

Around midday, they came across another group. Kai signaled for them to take cover. "We need to ambush them before they see us," he whispered.

Roland nodded, guiding them into strategic positions. Lucy climbed a tree for a better vantage point, while David prepared a fire spell. Kai and Roland moved to flank the other team, with Eva staying back, ready to heal if needed.

At Roland's signal, they launched their attack. David's fireball exploded in the midst of the enemy group, causing chaos. Lucy's arrows flew with deadly accuracy, and Kai charged in with a roar, his brute strength overwhelming their foes. Roland moved like a shadow, striking with precision and retreating before they could react.

The ambush was swift and effective. The opposing team was caught off guard and quickly defeated. As they gathered their spoils and moved back to their camp, Roland felt a sense of satisfaction. They were working well together, and their trust in him was growing.

Back at camp, they discussed their next steps. "We need to stay vigilant and keep training," Kai said. "The forest will shrink each day, and we'll be forced into more encounters."

They spent the rest of the day honing their skills. Roland taught them more about survival in the wild, while Kai led combat drills. David practiced his fire magic, refining his control, and Lucy worked on her marksmanship. Eva's healing abilities proved invaluable, keeping them all in peak condition.

As night fell, they shared a meal around the fire. The camaraderie was palpable, and they felt more like a team than ever before. Roland's experience and guidance had earned their respect and trust, and he felt a sense of responsibility for their safety.

The dawn of the third day brought new challenges. As the forest continued to shrink, the encounters with other teams grew more frequent and intense. The environment itself became more hazardous, with dangerous animals and treacherous terrain adding to the difficulty.

Roland's team moved with caution, aware that they were now deep in enemy territory. The sense of foreboding hung in the air, and they knew that the next few days would test their limits like never before.

As they prepared for the day ahead, Roland looked at his teammates. They had come a long way in a short time, but the real trials were just beginning. With a steely resolve, he steeled himself for the battles to come, determined to lead his team to victory.

Kill count.

Kai +4

Roland +4

David +2

Lucy +2

Eva +0