
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

A Surprise Reunion

The morning fog blanketed the forest, casting an ethereal glow as the first rays of sunlight pierced through, creating a mystical and magical scene. In the distance, the slowly encroaching zone crept closer and closer, an invisible predator tightening its grip on the land. The fate of many remained uncertain, lost in the mists of the forest.

Roland, Kai, and Lucy stood solemnly beside Eva's freshly dug grave, the early light bathing their somber faces. Roland's emotions swirled chaotically within him; the weight of Eva's and David's deaths was a heavy burden he struggled to bear. Kai placed a comforting hand on Roland's shoulder. "It's time to move, buddy."

"I know," Roland replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just give me a few minutes." He knelt by Eva's grave, placing a gentle hand on the earth. "Eva, I promise I'll meet you someday. Don't forget me." He stood slowly, his eyes lingering on the grave for a moment longer before turning to join his friends. Together, the trio set off towards a new day filled with unknown dangers.

They traversed the massive canopy, the forest alive with the sounds of morning. Hunting a rabbit for food, they made their way towards the center of the zone. Along their path, they encountered various groups, earning kill points through relentless skirmishes.

One particular group of five, emboldened by their numbers, challenged the trio. Lucy glanced at them with pity. Since Eva and David's deaths, Roland had changed profoundly. He rarely spoke, and when he did, it was with a cold detachment. In battle, he was merciless, a force of ruthless efficiency.

Roland turned to Kai and Lucy. "I'll handle them," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. They nodded in silent agreement, watching as he approached the group.

The five enemies laughed, seeing only one man approaching. "What's this? One guy thinks he can take us all?" one of them jeered.

Their laughter soon turned to horror as Roland descended upon them like a storm. He moved with lethal precision, his dagger a blur of deadly motion. The first enemy fell with a gurgled cry, blood spraying from his throat. The others scrambled to respond, their initial bravado shattered.

Roland's expression remained cold and detached as he fought. He dodged a clumsy swing from one opponent, countering with a swift stab to the heart. Another enemy tried to flank him, but Roland was faster, spinning and slashing across the man's chest. Blood arced through the air, mingling with the morning mist.

The remaining enemies fought frantically, their desperation palpable. One managed to land a glancing blow on Roland's arm, but he barely flinched, his focus unwavering. He disarmed the attacker with a brutal twist, driving his dagger into the man's gut.

As the last enemy backed away, eyes wide with fear, Roland advanced with measured steps. "Please, spare me!" the man begged, dropping his weapon.

Roland's eyes showed no mercy. With a swift motion, he ended the man's life, shaking the blood from his dagger as he turned to his companions. "Let's collect the loot," he said simply.

Kai and Lucy joined him, sorting through the spoils of the battle. As they worked, Kai broke the silence. "Tomorrow's the last day of the competition. We're at a disadvantage with just the three of us."

Lucy nodded, her face tense. "And we know Juggernaut and Emily are still out there. We have no idea how many of them survived David's blast."

Hearing their names, Roland's eyes flashed with anger. "We need to be ready for them. We can't let what happened to Eva and David be for nothing."

Kai's expression hardened. "Agreed. We'll need to be smart about this. The zone is shrinking fast. Only two kilometers of land are left, and by tomorrow, it'll be down to one. We need to be prepared for the final confrontation."

As darkness began to fall, they found a tree with thick branches to rest in, deciding against setting up camp. The zone's close proximity made it too dangerous. They settled into the branches, watching the night descend upon the forest.

Elsewhere in the forest, a figure limped painfully towards the shrinking zone. Half of his body was burned, his clothes charred and skin blistered. He muttered to himself, his voice a raspy whisper. "It hurts... it hurts so much..... shit why do I have to be Hero!!! Now where the hell are they? I need to find them. I need to find Roland... Kai... Lucy..."

It was David. He had survived the explosion, though barely. Each step was agony, but he pushed forward, driven by a desperate need to reunite with his friends. "Just a little further and I can boast about how cool I was," he told himself, his breath coming in labored gasps. "I can't give up now."

The night deepened, the forest falling into an eerie silence. In their makeshift perch, Kai kept watch while Lucy and Roland rested fitfully. The weight of the coming day loomed heavily over them, a final trial they would face together.

As dawn approached, Kai's thoughts drifted back to David and Eva, to the sacrifices made and the promises left unfulfilled. He clenched his fists, vowing silently to see this through, to ensure that their deaths were not in vain.

The first light of day filtered through the trees, heralding the final day of the competition. The trio descended from their perch, their bodies tense with anticipation. They moved cautiously through the forest, every sense attuned to the slightest sign of danger.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the forest, broadcasted from the MC. "Congratulations to all who have made it to the final zone. The zone will now shrink slowly with every passing hour. Fighters, you now have access to see how many players are still alive. This information can be found in the top right corner of your system. Best of luck to you all." The voice faded, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

Roland quickly checked the system, revealing only 47 people remaining alive. The realization of how close they were to the end hit them hard, but it also steeled their resolve.

They encountered another group, this time a trio as well. The fight was quick and brutal, Roland leading the charge with a ferocity that left the enemies no chance to react. Kai and Lucy supported him, their coordination honed by countless battles.

As they gathered the spoils, Kai spoke, his voice low. "We need to conserve our strength for Juggernaut and Emily. We know they're out there, and they'll be gunning for us."

Lucy nodded. "We can't underestimate them. They've proven how dangerous they are."

Roland remained silent, his expression unreadable. The mention of their enemies only fueled the fire within him. He would not rest until justice was served for Eva and David.

They continued their journey, the sun climbing higher in the sky. As they moved deeper into the shrinking zone, the tension grew palpable. The final confrontation was inevitable, a storm gathering on the horizon.

As the afternoon sun began to dip, casting long shadows across the clearing, a figure emerged from the trees. Kai, Lucy, and Roland tensed, ready to spring into action. But as the figure drew closer, recognition dawned on their faces.

"David!" Kai exclaimed, rushing forward to support his friend. David collapsed into Kai's arms, his body wracked with pain and exhaustion.

"You're alive!" Lucy cried, tears of relief streaming down her face.

David managed a weak smile, his voice a rasping whisper. "Barely. But I made it."

They helped David to a makeshift seat, tending to his injuries as best they could. The reunion was bittersweet, the joy of seeing David alive tempered by the knowledge of the battles still to come.

"We thought we lost you," Kai said, his voice thick with emotion.

David shook his head, wincing at the movement and joked. "Well I guess I am an immortal."

Roland, who had been silent, stepped forward and placed a hand on David's shoulder. "We're glad you're here."

David nodded, the showed a painful look in his eyes and shouted. "F**k!!! Get me some first aid. I am f**king dying here with pain aaaaahh "

Everyone laughed a little hearing this. As Lucy starts to treat him.

Kai asked, "well how did you survive? We thought... we thought you were gone."

David took a deep breath, wincing at the pain. "Juggernaut and his team thought I was dead. I was pretty badly burned, and they didn't bother to check if I was alive. They chased after you instead."

Kai's eyes widened. "That makes sense. They must have been in a hurry to catch up with us."

David's expression brightened a bit as he continued, "But I didn't go down without a fight. I took out at least three of Juggernaut's men with my fire spell. You should have seen it—I looked like a human torch."

Despite the gravity of their situation, Kai and Lucy couldn't help but smile at David's pride. "That's our David," Lucy said softly, squeezing his hand.

The four friends shared a moment of silent camaraderie, their bond strengthened by the trials they had endured. As the sun dipped lower, the final confrontation drew near. The air was thick with tension, the forest holding its breath in anticipation. They knew that soon, they would face Juggernaut and Emily, and the outcome would decide their fates.

The shadows lengthened, and the night began to fall, casting the forest into darkness. The four friends huddled together, drawing strength from each other. They had come this far, and they would see it through to the end.

Kill count :

Kai +12

Roland +32

David +18

Lucy +13

Eva +3