
Ascending From Nothing

Samuel dreamed of adventure and power in a world of super-powered beings, but being a homeless orphan he soon finds that power is nearly impossible to gain. However, when his soul collides with others Samuel finds that sometimes the greatest power is knowledge. Cover and Marvel aren't my property.

KADU_25 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


When I woke up the next morning I was excited beyond belief, I was going to test out the powers I had hopefully gotten from Percy Jackson. I was expecting a small boost to by bodies overall condition along with hopefully some control over water. Since, I didn't have anyway to test a small improvement in my physique I quickly walked over to the small river that ran through the bridge I had slept under.

Willing the water to move I felt a tug in my gut and a string of water moved upwards. I immediately let out a cheer of joy and lost control over the water but I didn't care. I finally had power, I loved the feeling of forcing the water to follow my will.

I then began doing exercises on the spot and after enough time I noticed that my muscles weren't burning or aching like they normally would after this amount of exercise. Deciding to continue as long as I could I pushed by self to the limit and then past it. It felt incredible like my muscles were slowing growing past my limit through magic.

I continued a routine for the next month of exercising past my limit every day as well as moving the water to my will. I practice my water manipulation by bending it into different shapes and moving it around in the air. I also began meditating before even if I wasn't seeing any benefit as I knew it would help me with learning the mystic arts later.

After a month of training I had spent nearly all of my saved money and was pretty sure that I'd pushed my muscles beyond the peak of what was possible for a fourteen year old human. I also had amazing control over my water manipulation and the amount of water I could manipulate at one time grew a little although it wasn't nearly the same amount that Percy Jackson had been able to manipulate.

I had also decided to visit the Ancient One and hopefully start my mystic arts training because they would hopefully give me shelter and I was kind of tried of sleeping under a bridge. I also felt that I had progressed all I could in water manipulation without a proper teacher and hopefully the Ancient One would be able to help me in that regard.