
Ascending From Nothing

Samuel dreamed of adventure and power in a world of super-powered beings, but being a homeless orphan he soon finds that power is nearly impossible to gain. However, when his soul collides with others Samuel finds that sometimes the greatest power is knowledge. Cover and Marvel aren't my property.

KADU_25 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


Samuel if asked at this point in his life would say that he was desperate. Others looking at him would probably say that he was insane.

Samuel had no last name nor did he know his parents. He grew up in an orphanage until the age of ten when he was kicked out for being abnormal. The next four years he lived on the streets learning to survive and pickpocket. Samuel was always an abnormal child, he matured faster than the other children in the orphanage. He also developed an eidetic memory and memory palace based on books about Sherlock Holmes. However, what was most abnormal about Samuel were his morals and desire for adventure and power.

Samuel never played with the other children at the orphanage, he studied any books he could get his hands on and trained his body to be flexible and fit. This along with contently leaving the orphanage to go exploring without telling the matrons was what lead to his statues as being abnormal not that Samuel cared.

You see Samuel learned the way the world worked at a young age. In the orphanage the older stronger kids bullied the weaker kids, on the streets the stronger or richer adults suppressed or hurt the weaker or poorer adults. This along with reading books about adventure and true love lead to Samuel wanting to gain power, because the people with power were always happy and free.

This leads us to the current day, Samuel is now fourteen and still living on the streets surviving and attempting to gain power, happiness, freedom, and love. Of course this is much easier said than done as after nearly ten years of hard work all Samuel has to show for it is an athletic body, some basic knowledge of martial arts and school subjects, survival skills and awful living conditions.

Now begins another day in the life of Samuel, waking up under a bridge trying to pickpocket enough money for food and attempting to believe that one day he would gain power when it currently seemed hopeless for him. Of course Samuel didn't know that today would be the turning point in his life and the start of an endless journey the kind of which he had always yearned.