
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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68 Chs

Chapter 22

While Aura was gone, Fiona couldn't do anything.

She was blind and missing a leg, what was she supposed to do?

Aura had left her some crutches, so she decided to try and explore.

Carefully wandering around, she found what could only be described as the lair of a madman.

He had an alchemy station, a room for blacksmithing, a fully stocked kitchen, a carpenter's bench, way too many bedrooms, and several rooms filled with dirt.

'Didn't that guy say he lived alone?! Why the hell does he have three bedrooms and seems to be planning more?!'

'And where the fuck am I?! I could swear he carried me down a cliff, and i heard seagulls and ocean noises, but isn't this a cave? Why is everything so cozy if it's a cave? How long has this guy been living here?'

Her mind was filled with questions, but nobody was around to hear her.

She had been ordered not to leave the house, and a slave can't defy orders, so she was mostly just lying around waiting for something to happen.


During the second week of Aura's absence, Fiona suddenly found herself in a cozy room, a fire crackling away in a nearby hearth, with two young women sitting on a couch in front of her.

Given that she could see and that she had both of her legs, she decided that this was a dream.

One of the women was dressed casually, with one leg draped over the armrest and the other hanging of the couch, her head resting in the other's lap.

The one giving the lap pillow was dressed in what seemed to be a tuxedo, except without any decoration, and gave off an incredibly formal air, directly in contrast to casual-dress.

Then casual-dress turned Fiona's way and began to speak.

"Hey little girl, I'm Wanderer, this here is Charlie. Say hi, Charlie."

Formal-dress, Charlie, said, completely stonefaced,

"Hi Charlie."

And Wanderer, AKA: casual-dress, started laughing like a lunatic.

Fiona was a little creeped out by the comedy skit going on in front of her, and also a little annoyed at the girl in front of her who couldn't be more than a year older than her.

Fiona had been called 'little girl' by someone not much older than her, and had then been shown a nonsensical scene where said someone had gone into a fit of laughter over what could only be considered a lame joke.

'Is meeting crazy people my life now or something? Am I cursed?'

Wanderer finally calmed down and then looked back at Fiona,

"Sorry, I'm weak when it comes to dad jokes, I called you here to have a short chat, and since you seemed a little bored with your master gone, I took the liberty of speeding up time for you, just a bit though."

Fiona was now a bit confused, was this a dream, or some form of oracle. She had never had any dreams this clear before, and for some reason, she believed what this odd person was saying.

"I called you here to ask you to chill out. I'm watching your master because I think that he'll do some interesting things in the future, but you are kind of pissing me off. I can feel your vibes from here, for Jeff's sake!"

Wanderer looked for all the world like she was as happy as could be, not a sign of anger to be found.

"Your master will hurt you, but only for your own good. He acts like a heartless monster, but he's a nice guy inside, otherwise there's no way I would ever help him. After all, I have a reputation to uphold, and giving patronage to psychos would completely ruin it. He might be odd, but not insane."

Fiona was really worried now. If it's someone who tries to talk seriously while lying down like that, their 'reputation' scares her.

'Maybe I really am cursed?'

Fiona's thoughts were once again interupted by Wanderer's soliloquy.

"Did you know? He went out to get materials to replace your eyes and leg, as well as all your damaged organs. No master who bought you as a toy would put in as much effort as he has. The dude even killed a goddamn dragon just to get the best organs. Yet you are just laying around in his house, worrying whether or not he's going to hurt you more than you've already been hurt. I won't blame you for laying around, but disparaging someone who saved you, even with unpleasant conditions, is no good."

At this Charlie finally responded, nodding up and down, seemingly of the opinion that saviors should be respected, no matter how odd.

"Oh, and you're forbidden for telling your master about me."


After that, Fiona woke up back in bed, feeling like she'd slept for a week and wondering how she got back to her bed.

She heard footsteps walking down the hall and began to worry, but only for a moment, because soon all she could feel was a strange sense of security.

'Why do I get the feeling that I'll be like Master and that Wanderer person by the time I reach fifty?'