
Asato Reign: The Pure Majin's Revenge

Have you ever felt the urge to have those powers in your favorite fantasy novels or shows? In the year 2000, people have been gaining mysterious and random powers and superhuman abilities. More and more people have been gaining powers until the total number of people with these powers turned to 5,382. These new powers have broken all of the laws of physics that had been established before. The people with these special powers and superhuman abilities have been called majin or “magic-born” because of their fantasy-like powers. Two individuals who were this so-called majin fell in love at first sight, and a year later they gave birth to the first full majin. Asato Yoshiko the first ever pure majin. Her parents were well-known and influential both majin and civilians, thus they have a lot of fans and also enemies. An operation eventually hatched from the envy and hatred of some people towards Asato’s parents whose goals are to kill them. 50 other people joined this organization while 5 individuals lead the organization. One day, when she was three, her parents let their guard down inside their home, and they were ambushed although they fought back it was meaningless to 50 other majin and the 5 influential majin leaders. Her parents knew that they couldn't survive and their target was them thus, they hid Asato hoping she would survive the ambush, luckily Asato was not found although her parents were killed in front of her eyes while she was peeking outside. This traumatized Asato but she knew she couldn’t do anything but hide and watch her parents struggle and perish. Now she is on a mission to get revenge on her parents' killers.

Ananowakare · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Hero Organization

One month has passed since I had my job, but the organization I talked about before has grown bigger.

It also gained the name "Hero Organization", it has gained a lot of sponsors including the Japanese royalty.

Joining it would be beneficial since it also paid a lot for their missions.

I could gain connections there once I get high enough in the rankings.

But before I get any ideas of gaining connections, I should join it first.

The Hero Organization Headquarters seems to be located pretty close to Osaka and where I am.

It would've been inconvenient if it was located far away, though luckily in my case it is close.

* * *

I have arrived at the Hero Organization Headquarters.

The headquarters is an impressive skyscraper but skyscrapers are now far and few because of the chaos majins had caused.

The only skyscrapers standing in Japan are either owned by the royalty or the Hero Organization.

Alright, I'm going inside.

As I approach the main entrance, the guard on standby starts questioning me.

"Why are you here, you look weak and this is not a place for weak people."

The guard was a tall man around 6'5 foot or 195 cm tall.

He would understandably question a frail looking girl but I am nothing but frail.

"I am not weak."

I answer to the guard but he still continues questioning me, a big mistake.

"Hoy, you crazy? This place is not for you-!"

The guard lands on his head as I german suplex him to the ground.

It all happened in under a second.

He registered what had just happened while spitting out blood.

I released him from the suplex while also dropping down to my knees drinking the blood.

"What are you doing you bitch!?"

The guard stands up and tries to apprehend me but I make him trip over knocking him unconscious.

My lifesteal power kicks in and I feel that I have gained more power.

After dealing with that annoying guard, I enter the headquarters' main lobby while my lips are covered in blood.

The people inside look over to me confused, they probably think the same thing as that guard.

"Hey! How did you enter? Non-majins aren't allowed!"

An employee goes over to me screaming.

Oh I forgot to mention, as a pure majin, I don't have a mark in my hands like the original majins do.

"Sorry, but I am an majin."

Eh!? So why don't you have a mark on your hands?

"I'll show you"

Time appears to slow down while I activate my thought acceleration.

The employee starts trying to reach me with his hand but easily dodge it while matching my thought acceleration with my speed.

I grab the employee's hands and pin him down to the floor.

"Alright, alright! I get it, no normal human being can just pin down a majin!"

I release the employee from the pin and the people were in shock to what just had happened.

A person in a black suit comes into the headquarters main lobby while 2 other people follow.

"You... why do you look like her...?"

Her? Who is this man in a black suit meaning by her..?

"What are you talking about?"

The man comes closer to me while kneeling down to my height,

"Do you by chance know or are you... Ameno Yoshiko?"

Who is he talking about..?

"No... I don't know them..."

"Ah... Is that so?"

The man says with a disappointed face.

He goes up and starts walking outside but the employee comes to him to explain what had just happened and the man stops in shock.


* * *

(This is from the man in the black suit's POV)

Is she a child of Ameno..?

No... That's impossible, even if there was a child, there were only the mangled bodies of the Ameno and her husband.

But why does she already look like she is in her adolescence...

The only majins without marks in their hands are pure majins born although they are still all young...

Only a few pure majins exist since majins are known to not have any interest in romantic relationships with other majin.

You could even count all the listed pure majins in the world in 2 hands but somehow one has been in hiding for so long...

"Hey, are you by chance... A pure majin, kid?"

She nodded... The other people inside the room shout in confusion and terror. Pure majins are supposed to be much stronger than normal ones so this is why the employee got defeated so easily...

But that wouldn't work for me.

The Employees only have powers unsuitable for combat so they can't use them but I have combat experience and a power useful for combat.

My power Iron Body can harden my body but is as heavy as real iron.

But I have real combat experience compared to this child so it would be easy.

Since she has already broken the law I will need to apprehend her.

"You have committed a crime and shall get punished for it, child."

I run towards her and prepare to activate my power.


The pure majin started moving so fast I could only see her blur...

What was this incredible power?

I tried to grab her but she just avoided it with ease, what an incredible reaction speed...

This person was not a normal pure majin.

"Hey you two, help me out here!"

The two majin bodyguards I brought outside in case both have excellent powers suited for combat.

But why is my power not activating?

Whenever I try to activate it, it just makes me feel a bit of energy going away from me just like whenever I normally activate it although it won't harden my body...

What in the world is going on with this girl?

Why has she hidden herself for so long? She even has the potential to become more powerful than the emperor of japan...

The two bodyguards I hired aren't helping at all. But why is this girl not trying to fight back, instead blocking and dodging all of our attacks?

Was she not trying to do anything wrong?

"Wait, stop!"

I shout at the two bodyguards and the girl also stops, so my theory was right?

"Hey, why did you pin down my employee?"

"He was trying to grab me."

He was trying to do what?

I knew he was stupid and didn't know normal common sense but to not expect the person to avoid when he tries to grab her is plain stupid.

"Alright, sorry the employee is a bit new and doesn't know about pure majins yet, please forgive him."


Alright now that mess is over with...

"Hey were you trying to join the Hero Organization?"


"Well that's great we are always looking for stronger members, my name is Satou Aura come to my office."