Bernadette's voice sounded so shocked at the idea that I had created the suppressants in such a short amount of time, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why.
Seriously, the only formula that was giving me a harder time than the de-scenter was the one I was currently creating… how to create an artificial heat to encourage pregnancy in shifters. But now that I have had my own heat, I realized what I had been missing.
"Anyway," grunted Bernie when I guess I was too quiet for too long. "The Board isn't going to get this out of their heads any time soon. We need to give them something else… anything else."
"Why?" I asked, confused. With the scent of my mates around me and the heat from Lucien behind me, I was starting to get sleepy again. "It's not like the company isn't raking in a crap ton of money."