
As Raiser Phoenix with Yin-Yang system

The great Yin-Yang Phoenix, the strongest mythical beast entered the stage of rebirth but the reincarnation god saw him as a future competitor and send him out of the cycle. The wandering soul met a playful entity that gave him a second chance to reborn in an another world.......... Being reborn and assimilated all the memories of the boy his first words left not only that entity shocked but also more interested in him and decided to watch him closely... His words are.... "Mortal world... Upgradeable Heaven ranked Physic... World was close to awakening... it was easy to win over... Whomever sent me here send me to another place more challenging... That being sent him into DXD, With the memory of the boy it was easy for him identify this world but just he was about to complain he got a message with a timer to get him as strong as he could before the upcoming event happens {*!@#$%^&^%$#$%^&*()(*&*(*(*&^%$#@#@#$%^} "NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT"

beymad_1804 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: Decisions and meeting the fiancé

When they all turned in the direction of the footsteps, they saw a sight that they can never forget.

Raiser who has never worn anything other than red wore a white suit that perfectly fit him.

The most important is his whole appearance changed, his face became more handsome, and his previous dark and playboy vibe changed to a dark and noble vibe.

His hair was changed from bright blonde to silky night black with his eyes changed to dark black which is as deep as a void.

While they were shocked the ones with the Phenex bloodline including Lord Phenex felt their bloodline treble in his presence as if meeting a superior being.

Raiser who came to the center of the hall saw everyone's gaze on him he calmly observed everyone. After that, he turned to his mom and approached her.

"Mom, you have your peerage pieces still intact right I want to exchange all my pieces with you," he said to her in a calm tone.

Everyone was shocked to hear that and thought they were hallucinating.

"Why the sudden change, do they do anything wrong?" Madom Phenex asked with concern.

"Yes, tell us if they did anything wrong, I would punish them." Lord Phenex said.

"Yes master, tell us if we have done anything wrong, we will rectify it. You can even punish us don't abandon us," told Yubelluna his queen with a tearful voice, behind her rest of the peerage members also had their eyes filled with tears.

"No girls, you didn't do anything wrong," said Raiser.

"Then why are you abandoning us," Ni and Li nekomata cried loudly.

"No girls, I am not abandoning I am just saying you to stay at home and help Mom, I think you will be more helpful to her than to me."

"What do you mean by not helpful to you? Did Something happen?" asked Lord Phenex.

"Yes Dad, they may not have sensed but I cut off the connection between me and their pieces. I told you that I was going to breakthrough, but it's not true my long-time research has been completed and got successful due to it, our bloodline that was on the prince grade (72 pillars) to King Grade (Original 7 Satans). So, now it will affect the pieces, I don't know in what way so cut off the connection if I exchange with new pieces there will be minimal risk."

"You!!! is what you are saying true not lying?" Lord Phenex asked while his breathing became heavy.

"Yes, what I said is true since it's already late for the meeting I will be going, and you can discuss it when I come back, we can transfer the pieces," said Raiser in a relaxed tone.

"Wait I didn't accept to transfer why are you talking as if it was a matter of fact?" Madam Phenex said in a displeased tone.

"Well, you're goanna decline and make us take an unknown risk? No, you don't so why that displeased tone and, Dad the meeting will not go as you expected, and you will get some news you will not like but believe me it will all be for the good.

With that, he made the teleportation circle and teleported immediately.

The room became quiet with his disappearance only the winning of the girls can be heard and then all of them were immersed in their thoughts.


In a neatly arranged room filled with a group of teens with a silver-haired beauty in a maid costume a bright light flashed.

When it was gone there was only a black-haired, white-suited noble young man, which made them suck a cold breath.

"Long time no see my dear Fiancé, Rias Gremory.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Is the chapters are too short? do i have to increase its size.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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