
Chapter 94 - Zero. (mini)

What is this? What is this? It was the first time Ling Yue was evenly matched by a mortal. He should have collapsed long ago! He should be groaning at the visions I sent him! He has several holes in him! And how did his qi reserves rival mine? Is that that elixir? Why is he roaring like an animal? Fuck, my face is drenched with his blood! It's disgusting!

Xin caught a trail of his own blood, but he felt something else in the air. His blood got mixed with Ling Yue's sweat, and it reeked of fear!

Xin didn't know if he should eat a pill or use this moment to finish her off, but trusted his instincts. He discarded all the battle plans and thoughts, and disappeared in the moment, charging into Ling Yue!

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Her legs shook for a moment. Should I give up? 

"Raaaawr!" Xin went berserk as he felt a strong sense of unity with his totem and charged the girl. She blocked his palm stab with her blade, injuring his wrist again, but he didn't care. 

Woodcutter's Downswing! She barely blocked it with her sword.

Knee strike! Xin grabbed her shoulders as he launched a powerful attack into Ling Yue's crotch area. She groaned and punched his ribs with the shadow strike again, but he threw her over the hip and mounted her. The crowd gasped. 

"Fucking cunt! Die!" Xin stabbed at her face, and Ling Yue could only defend with hands, overwhelmed. Luckily, they were armoured, if lightly, and Resonance Palms were still a mortal-level technique, not much sharper than daggers.

"Agh!" Ling Yue's neck was sliced where the neckguard of her armour was weak. Xin kept aiming for her face. Ling Yue regretted not wearing a full-face helmet.

"Xin, focus!" Master Xiaodan suddenly shouted from behind Xin's back. He didn't like what he was seeing.

Focus? Xin felt a surge of desperation and anguish build up from Ling Yue's shadow punch, he realised that he didn't have much time before the dam bursts!

Steel sting dao shard! Xin manifested a thick sting at his middle finger and aimed it directly between Ling Yue's eyes.

"No!" Her master cried out.

Ling Yue crossed her hands together, but they were pierced through. Xin saw his sting slice through her arms, touch something firm for a brief moment, then penetrate a bit deeper again. 

"Aaaagh! Nooo! Aaagh!" Ling Yue cried out, still trying to push the sting away with her nailed hands. Xin gouged out her eye!

You miserable fuck. In a different world, you and this girl could be making love. But you can't help but destroy everything you touch. It's easier, right? Why didn't you let her kill you? Why do you only treasure your life when faced with death? Are you nothing more than a walking bag of meat, defined by your pathetic instincts? You aren't shit, that's too much honour for your miserable existence. You are nothing.


Xin fell on the ground near Ling Yue and started convulsing. He cried out in pain, his rage completely vanished, he felt like a little kitten abandoned on the street. His totem retreated and got as scared as he did, the dagger in his chest twisting and making him suffocate.

"Xin! Come on! One stab at her neck! She's right there!" Master Xiaodan shouted.

"Yue, it's just an eye! Stand up and finish him!" Her master also tried to get her up. 

Xin looked to the side, completely powerless. Ling Yue was lying there, groaning with a look of confusion on her face. She also turned towards him, and there was no hint of that piercing gaze in her remaining eye, only emptiness. She stopped squirming and just stared at him, as a piece of her eye was still dangling out of her eye socket, fluids leaking out. 

"Dro?" He asked her, his tongue still injured.

"Draw." She nodded and fainted. Xin joined her in the nothingness.