

(Author note : chapter I was just a preview of the past to bring readers along)


It's been two years since I came to earth a lot has happened since then like now my name is Sam Phillips, Martin Philips also known as Mart gave that name since I reminded him a lot of his missing son, Linda on the other hand is a nice and lovely woman, they have two children Sam and Sara, Sara is now thirty-four years old with a daughter of nineteen, they leave in New York, Sara doesn't like to visit and she doesn't like me either she says I just want to replace her brother I think some of the town's folks also think that I don't know what happened to Sam no one wants to talk about that day well it's not my right to evade into their life, a year ago Mart almost died of a heart disease but I discovered that my powers were not taken so I ended up healing him now Linda and Mart know am an angel well they are good with it.


Sara said recently on the phone that she will be coming home for Thanksgiving on Friday with her daughter Anna , apparently I am twenty-three years old in this body, Linda has a groceries store which I manage for her , in this town I have only two friends they are Jake and Ben, Ben has something out of the ordinary but I haven't figure out what 


it's still really early in the morning has my alarm rang but I was awake but still in bed as I got up I turned off the alarm and went to the bathroom washed my face and stared at the mirror in my mind I thanked the supreme being for granting my wish as I walked to pickup my bush. After awhile I went downstairs to meet Linda and Mart, Linda wassup in the kitchen making breakfast while Mart was at the table reading today's papers , I greeted good morning as I went to assist Linda in the kitchen when we finished we headed to the dinning table while eating Linda told me she will be stopping by the store later as I replied with a normal okay, when we finished I packed the dishes and washed them after I said my byes as I headed to the store , on my way I saw Ben who lives just two blocks from my house, Ben also works with me at the store we entered into Mart's car a Toyota Corolla and drove off to to the store.

Later in the evening

Bro I need to go to the back to drop these Ben said I replied with a okay suddenly someone walked in it was Lisa the town mayor's daughter, the popular girl who claims to be in love with me but I know it was just my looks cause I have a silver hair, golden eyes , etc she asked if she could get a flashlight I answered no we don't sell that but I have personally, she asked for it with a pale face as I noticed something was wrong

"Sam's world is about to turn upsidedown"

villain_makercreators' thoughts