
As a Scum Noble in the Fantasy World

MC was reincarnated in the Noble Family which held a lot of power. He chose to free his darkest desire and he would do everything for his goals. Including Destroying other people's live for fans. ------------ MC is trash and he is a villain character. This novel contains ra-pe, Incest, and hardcore BDSM. A lot of stupid and hardcore things. Well, just reminders. I hate NTR so there will be none and MC is not an overpowered type MC. He was a manipulative type. MC will control people and he will use his servants. MC will blackmail other people and he will rise at the top. MC will use his noble's status to abuse other people and lives. Please don't read if you don't like this kind of thing. I'm already bored of novels that MC doesn't try to use this Status.

IOnlyReadNTRHentai · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

CHAPTER 11: Bullying the milf(+18)

" Follow me " I shortly commanded her as she bowed her head, followed behind me.

" What is your name and job? " I asked her as I looked around and the sunlight gently touched my body. The weather was not cold or hot, it was just normal. The garden was elegant and looked very beautiful. The wind gently blew up my body.

" My name is Hanne and I mainly do cleaning and maintaining the Garden. " Hanne said.

It was just a typical job in this place. Seidel getting a job as my personal maid must be her biggest achievement in her life. Her salary was between 50 Silver Coins and 1 Gold Coin so Seidel got at least twice the amount than her's.

Seidel was another human girl and I knew her because her job was to take care of my bed sheet and my clothing so Seidel was the second maid after Mira that I was familiar the most. Seidel had long blond hair and black eyes. Her face was shaped oval-shape with beautiful lips. Her height was an average height and her curves were average. Hanne had a mature woman's charm and nice curves. Seidel's only advantage was a youth. Besides, Seidel was Esper and she was good at taking care of things.

" I see. Continues. " I told her as I listened to her life story. Her husband also worked here and is pretty much the average family in this world. They joined the family together.

' I see. This family is still new so they hired a lot of commoners to function in this place. ' I thought as I walked into the corner of the garden. It was like a limited place for me where I relaxed.

There was a small garden hut which looked very beautiful and a small pond in front of the garden hut. I entered the hut as I sat down on the chair and both of them stood up outside. The hut was pretty much narrow space and with a limited four chairs.

" Come here, Hanne. " I told with a little bit of aggressive tone. The tone that intended to command and left no room for discussion. She hesitated a little bit but as a veteran maid that she knew my orders were absolute. I could kill her entire family like crashing the pests.

I made a gesture to enter the space between the chair that I was sitting and the wooden desk which looked very elegant. My head was faced near her breasts and I instantly wrapped around my hands wrapped around her waist. A nice smell assaulted my nose and I smell her good smell while closing my eyes as my face buried into her belly. I was a little bit short to reach her breasts.

" Young Master. I am married. Please stop. It's wrong. " Hanne immediately protested when she realized my intention. She said with a smooth tone like trying to smooth out the crying kid. But I was not crying, kid. I was literally a BAD kid, after all. She knew how to take care of nobles. She didn't say any type of aggressive words. Even though my hands were wandering around her body and eyeing her body. She could only stop my advance with the suggestion.


" Ahh. " Hanne immediately groaned in the pain when I slapped her asscheek roughly. I slapped her ass without holding back and it was soft. Her ass was round and big. She had both breasts and ass. At least, she was B-Class Milf. My mother was S-Rank milf whose beauty was out of this world, a whole realm difference in terms of everything.

" Fuck. You have a nice ass. " I praised her as I continuously did sexual harassment. I roughly shaped her asscheek with my hand. My head brushed off the top of her breasts.

" Young Master, please stop... " Hanne protested with a little bit of an aggressive tone. She didn't try to struggle physically because she knew that she could die and she could also put her family in a dangerous situation. As a veteran maid, she already saw a lot of people met the dooms because they didn't follow the Nobles' order.

" You have a nice and big ass, Hanne. " I praised her as I let go of my hands and looked at her. She was holding back her tears and she controlled her negative feelings.

' Not bad. Should I expect from the veteran maids? ' I muttered while smiling at her. I was enjoying her if something went wrong, Mira was here. Mira was one of the strongest existences in this Kingdom. She was Level 5 or greater than that. The strongest maguses were in the realm Level 6 that learned ' One Strategic Class Spell ' or One ' Level 6 Spell '.

" Please stop Young Master. I'm begging you. " Hanne said with a very apologized tone but I smiled with her. She immediately knew that the smile was bad news. She was already trapped.

" No. Hanne. If you say one more ' Please ', I will kill your husband and keep you as my pet. U N D E R S T A N D? " I said with an evil smile and my tone was not kind. Her body shivered from my words as she nodded. Because she knew that I had the power to do that.

" Good. Strip all the clothes including. " I told her as I leaned on the back of the chair. I kicked the desk to give her the space. The desk was easy to move because there were lines on the ground to move the desk. The desk's legs were fixed in the lines so it was very easy to move the desk.

" Yes, Young Master. " She was frightened and her tone was shaking, some tears leaked from her eyes as I enjoyed milf's crying face.


I feel like something is missing from my MC's character. I know MC is lecherous. He is a villain character but he is not a psychopath.

The next chapter will have hardcore smut so it may fail.

Thank you for reading.

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