
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime et bandes dessinées
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310 Chs

[252] The Weak Monster

"Hey... Alucard, are you looking forward to death?" DIO's voice was full of temptation.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Alucard laughed, walking towards Dio while grinning.

"So... why not join me? You should know, the one who can truly grant you death is not someone else; it's me, DIO! Once I ascend to heaven, even granting you death won't be difficult!"

"Hehe... hahaha... hahaha-hahahaha—"

Alucard burst into laughter, tilting his head back as if there were no one around. He laughed freely, wildly, and insanely!

"What are you laughing at?" DIO frowned.

"I'm laughing at you! Monster!" Alucard roared. "Grant me death? You're wrong! You can never grant me death—only humans can kill monsters, not you, the weak monster. The one who can kill me is only a human. That's it. It will never be someone as weak as you! Kill me? Hahaha—joking about killing me is not bad!"


Alucard raised his gun. "But it seems you're not aware of these things... not aware of your own weakness. Well—let me kill you! Let me show you where your weakness lies!"

"Weak? Me?" DIO laughed coldly. "Just based on you?"


"Just based on someone whose head is nowhere to be found?"

At some point, Alucard's head was knocked off.

Bang, bang—

The next moment, the headless body aimed the trigger at DIO, but he dodged them all.

"Dodge! Dodge! Dodge to your heart's content, weak monster! Keep dodging! Flee in embarrassment! Run away in a pathetic escape—But! I will kill you, no matter where you run. You can't escape!"

Squeak, squeak, squeak—

Although it was raining in the sky, countless bats had already covered the surroundings, creating a dark, dense mass.

Each bat had sharp claws, seemingly flying aimlessly, but as soon as they approached DIO, they would start attacking!


DIO covered his head... he had been feeling extremely uncomfortable since the escape began—

Squeak, squeak, squeak—

The next moment, the bats were pushed away from Dio... no, they were being repelled!

Bang, bang, bang—

Bullets shot towards DIO, but before DIO could react, the bullets automatically reversed and shot back—


"What happened?" A wound on Alucard's cheek healed from the bullet graze, but... he was retreating. Not retreating by himself, but it seemed like something in front of him was pushing him!

"Haha... hahaha... hahahahaha—"

DIO burst into laughter. "Yes, that's it! It's already begun! The omen! There's no need for me to continue escaping. My Stand has evolved! Now is the omen!"

"Give up, Alucard. Give up resisting and become my servant?"

"Heh... hahaha—indeed, you're just a weak monster!"

DIO frowned slightly, and Alucard stopped retreating! His legs were stuck in the ground, and even though his legs were starting to break, he still didn't retreat. "You guys are always like this, always talking about giving up! That's why you're monsters... unable to bear being weak humans! Kill me? Make me surrender? Don't get it wrong—you don't have the ability or the qualification! The only ones who can kill me are humans, and the only ones who can be my Master... are also humans..."


"Is he saying this to me?" Kazuya watched Alucard in the distance... he was advising himself not to abandon his human identity and not to become a monster.

He came from the manga, from that stone... even though Kazuya didn't say anything, to some extent, he understood his own abilities...

The dilemma of extracting abilities from manga...

He was afraid that he couldn't resist that temptation and would one day become a monster by abandoning his human identity.

To become... a pitiful monster like Alucard.

Honestly, he was tempted... if he really had the chance, the chance to gain the power like Alucard's, would he give up? Would he surrender?

Probably... he wouldn't.

He would become a monster.


What is a human? What defines humans? The body? The soul? The spirit? Or... The Will?

It's the will...

Humans that Alucard admires... in simple terms, are humans who never give up, humans who overcome fear...

No matter what kind of fear they face, no matter how severe the challenge, they never give up, giving their all to face the challenge...

In the end, although they seem different, whether it's "JOJO" or "Hellsing," both sing praises to humanity...


Kazuya didn't know how he would act.

How would he act when faced with fear he couldn't overcome? Fear? Escape? Or... become even more powerful out of fear—

"Really... Alucard poses such difficult questions."




Long arrows shot towards DIO. The next moment—DIO's expression changed—

Too fast!

Alucard's ordinary attacks indeed had little effect on him.

But... this long-range arrow could still have an effect on him. The arrow could directly penetrate his defense and shoot towards him!

He now understood his ability.


His so-called "attraction" ability was, in fact, an ability that opposed attraction, rejection!

Constantly rejecting everything around him; that was his ability.

However, this ability also had its limits.

Arrows shot by Arash couldn't be completely blocked.

Moreover... there were things that even rejection couldn't resist...

"Rejoice! Mongrel, the one welcoming your end is my Noble Phantasm—"

With this voice, DIO's face became even more unsightly.

Around him, various Noble Phantasms appeared, and—breaking through the repelling force—shot directly towards his body!


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