

Its story that happened in a world called Aruna where magic and science does exist. The story itself is about a kid and his mechanical doll who seeks revenge to the one that killed his mother and find the truth.

Okky_Mahardika · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Meeting with Stranger

Seven years later, there was a rapid change in the world of Aruna. After Silvia Viese died, people who don't have magic abilities are considered useless and finally got thrown from the community. Therefore, people who do not have a magic ability hide from big cities.

But, there is a town named Intrivium. A place where almost all of the population are not magic users and most of the inhabitants are engineers. However there are still some people who have a magic ability, but they do not suffer from discrimination. In fact, they coexist and cooperate with each other. One day at the main gates of the city, there are two people standing outside the city.

"Aegis, where are we?" Asked the black-haired man.

"It seems that we have arrived in Intrivium city. A place where Engineers and Scientists live, master." Replied the blond woman next to him.

"Thank you, Aegis. Let's go. "Said the man.

"Yes, master." Replied the stoic woman.

They went into the city. They see people doing their jobs. After touring, they found a simple inn inscribed Mary's Inn. They walked into the inn and went to the front desk to rent a room. They also met with the head of the inn and talk about what kind of room were available. Suddenly, he heard the sound of explosions and rumbling.

"Cecilia! If you want to do your experiment, don't do it in the inn again! Do you understand?! " Shouted the head of the inn.

"Hmm, one of the of the residents here?" Asked the man.

"Sorry about that, she's one of the residents here but she likes to make a mess around here. Please understand. " Said the head of the inn.

"Oh, it's okay."

"So, what can I do for you, sir ?" Said the head of the inn

"Hmm, I want to rent one room for me and my sister," Said the man.

"Yes, Mr..." said the head of the inn while looking at the book checked in "Smith." She continued

Finally, the head of the inn showed the room to Mr. Smith. After they arrived, another explosion was heard.

"Cecilia! If I hear another explosion, I'm gonna raise your rent!" Cried the head of the inn.

"Sorry about that. Let's head to your room, Mr. Smith." Said the head of the inn.

"Thank you, madam ..." said Smith.

"Maria, call me Mrs. Maria." Said the head of the inn.

"Well Mrs. Maria," Smith said with a kind smile and then entered the room and closed the door. Smith was finally lying on the bed.

"Finally we can rest huh Aegis." Said Smith.

"Master, why are you lying about your own name?" Asked Aegis.

"If people know that I am the son of Silvia Viese there would be an uproar. Therefore, it is better to keep it a secret. For now, we better take a break "said Loki.

"Yes, master." Said Aegis.

They were resting quietly in the room. But when they're about to close their eyes, another explosion can be heard in the next room. Loki woke up with annoyance.

"What the heck is she doing?" Loki said with exasperation.

"Do you want me to take care of it master?" Asked Aegis.

"Better not, because our identities could be revealed," Loki replied.

"Very well." Said Aegis.

Loki woke up from the bed and went out of his room while Aegis remain in the room. Then he knocked on the door next to his room. Suddenly, smoke coming out from the bottom of the door. After the smoke finally stop, the door was opened by the occupant. There's a little girl with long gray hair opened the door.

"What are you doing here, if you don't have any important business you better go!" Said the girl.

"I just want to know what are you doing to produce all these smokes," Loki asked.

"And you are?" Asked the girl.

"Just call me Smith, a new resident here," Loki said quietly.

"Ohhh!" Said the girl and suddenly shut the door.

Pissed-off because he felt tricked, Loki knocked on the door again.

"You again! What are you doing here? "The girl said

"Hey, be polite to those who are older than you! And what the hell are you doing? "Asked Loki.

"Errrm, what I'm doing is none of your business, understand ?! "the girl replied.

"Then it's okay if I go in right?" Said Loki who forced his way into the girl room.

"Hey, don't barge into people's room!" She cried.

Loki saw that the room is more like a chicken coop. He also noticed a few empty bottles scattered around.

'An alchemist huh?' thought Loki.

He also saw a bottle that still contains liquid in it.

"Hey, what do you want to make?" Said Loki.

"Huh, do you even know what I'm doing??" Said the girl.

"If you want to make a healing potion, don't put the fire essence into the pot, it causes an explosion if you fuse an unsuitable composition. "

The girl was silent and then she said "You understand Alchemy?"

"Just a little. My mother taught some things about alchemy." Loki replied.

Then Loki taught her how to make healing potions correctly. After that, she was doing what was said by Loki and it worked.

"Wow, thank you very much. It took weeks for me to make this healing potion " said the girl in awe.

'Healing potions are easy to make, but it took her weeks to make one?' Thought Loki.

"I'm sorry if I was being rude to you. Oh yes, my name is Cecilia Helmond, I wanna be a talented Alchemist like Silvia Viese!" Said the girl.

Loki paused a while after hearing his mother's name, and then he asked "Why do you want to be like Silvia Viese?"

"Isn't it obvious? She is an amazing woman who doesn't use magic and she's the most respected alchemist in Aruna."Said Cecilia.

"If your creation will make someone you love disappear, it's useless," Loki said coldly.

"But..." with a sad smile in her face, Cecilia continued "If your creation can protect someone precious in your eyes, wouldn't it be incredible?"

After hearing her words, Loki realized that if his mother did not create Aegis, he would die in the first place.

"Did my words hurt you, Mr. Smith?" Asked Cecilia who saw his sad face.

"I'm fine." Said Loki.

When they were talking, Aegis heard their conversation. She saw Loki sad look and she decided to barge into Cecilia room.

"What did you do to my master!" Said Aegis in a deadly tone.

"What the hell is wrong with people these days! Don't barge into people's room!"

"Wait Aegis, she didn't do anything." Said Loki while holding Aegis.

But Aegis didn't listen to her master's word, she easily passes Loki. After that, Aegis accidentally stepped on the bottle filled with the fire essence and an instant explosion happened in the room.

Heard another blast, Mary the head inn screamed "Cecilia! I'm doubling your rent! "

Hearing the head inn screams. Loki with a pale face said

"Aegis what have you done ..."

"I'm sorry master. I didn't mean it." Aegis said in a guilty tone

"Forgive my sister, Cecilia. She's too overprotective towards me. I'll pay for your doubled rent." Loki said.

"No, it's okay. I've been threatened many times by the head of the inn, but she still hasn't raised my rent." Cecilia said.

"Either she's a really good person or she's very close to you," Loki said.

"Actually, she's like a mother to me. She took care of me since I was a child, therefore I want to make her happy and became a famous Alchemist. "Cecilia said with a smile and then he added.

"Even though I destroyed some of the room…"

Loki and Aegis didn't say anything. After that, they both leave to return to their rooms. When they want to get out of the room, Cecilia suddenly said "Can you help me again?".

"Do not worry, we'll help you if you need help." Said Loki then went from room Cecilia.

When they left, Cecilia saw a mark around Aegis hand.

'Isn't that the mark that Silvia Viese uses to make robots?' thought Cecilia.

After the door closed, Cecilia said, "Probably it's just my imagination."

Loki and Aegis went back to their room. After the door was closed, Loki remembered the words Cecilia said and he asked "Aegis, do you think mother creates Gaia Core to protect me?"

"Master Silvia just told me to always be on your side, master Loki" Aegis reply.

"I see." Said Loki then immediately lay down on the bed and he said again "Let's rest for now Aegis."

"Yes, master," said Aegis

After that, Loki rests on his bed while Aegis stays nearby his side to keep his master safe.