"May i Congratulate you again, My Lord."
"Thank you, Ezra. And i Hope i serve you and the People well."
"So, what is Arthur the Fearless's plans for Braavos."
"We have already discussed that. The Tournament and the Feast's will begin after Three Days, as all of you know i am now in complete control of Braavos with all of you as my Advisors, and as Ruler of Braavos i have gained the Soldiers only Loyal to the Sealord and Braavos. which sums up our Men to 8,000. Now, those men are not as Trained as our men, so we need to Train them like we trained our Men, so get to it with Constructing Barracks, and Ranges. Now before we start Demolishing buildings we need to reconstruct the Sewage system First, some part of this City smells like Shit. We will start on the Poorest place in Braavos as most of the Sewage System there is Broken."
"What about the Fleet, My Lord? We currently don't have a Large Fleet-If what we call right now is even a Fleet-"
"Ah, Glad you mentioned that Matias. We will start building the Fleet after the Tournament, were too busy for the Sewage System and the Buildings for that, I don't want to overwork You and the People. But, if our work in that time will be reduced, we may start building a Fleet of our own, only one per Month. I will design the Blueprint of the Ship on my Own."
"Good luck on stressful nights Arthur."
"Let's go into more relaxing topics eh? How's it going with You and Ariana?"
"Fuck you, Raganvad."
A Fortnight Later
"So, How is it going with the Sewage System?"
"The Repairs and Reforms are going well, My Lord. We expect that after a Fortnight we may be Finished with this District."
"Good, after that we may start the Renovations for the Buildings. We don't have to focus on other parts of Braavos right now, as it currently don't have many Problems."
"There are also many more workers willing to work for us, more than estimated. We think that we may also Start the Production of the Fleet."
"Good, Very Good. I have also started designing the Ships, we will have a Formidable Fleet ready in the Next Year if we continue like this."
"Aye, My Lord. The trade has also flourished since you became Ruler of Braavos."
"How is the Barracks and Ranges coming along?"
"It is currently still under construction, My Lord. Though with how many People working on it we expect it to be Completed after a Fortnight. The men is also being trained by our Teachers on Formations, Tactics, and many other things. There are many Officers Capable according to the Teachers" (AN:Decanus, Centurion, Optio, Primus Pilus, Tribune, and Legate)
"Good, also make Propaganda on joining the Legions. We need more men if we want to compete with the Other Free Cities and Westeros."
"Of Course, My Lord."
"So, Tell me about the Tournament."
"So far there has been no Problems, the people are happy and there are no complains, in fact they are more than Happy because of the Tournament and your Changes on the Poorest District along with Trade much more flourishing than before. The Magisters on the other hand, feels a little bit Unhappy due to you not letting them out of their Rooms and Guards standing by inside and outside the Room. The two Magister's, that lost their fight are now in the Dungeons."
"Hm, don't worry about the Magisters. as for the two i will execute them Myself after the Tournament. Just like the Northern Way."
"Of Course, My Lord."
A long time of silence followed as Arthur thought about some of the Reports.
"Is there some part of the Poor District that the Sewage System Reforms are complete?"
"Yes, My Lord. The one with the most Broken One, we focused on it so it has been quickly finished."
"Then start the Renovations for the Buildings there, you said there were many People willing to Work right? Then have them work on that Area. They must finish it as soon as possible to Minimize the time of Riots."
A Moon Later
Arthur was sitting in his Newly made Room for Him and His Advisors, in the Keep. It was a Circular Room with a Circular Table in the Middle each Chair was Designed just for the Person's Liking. Arthur's Chair was a Chair with a Pointy End and an Eagle Covered in Leaves engraved on the Chair. He was listening to His Advisor's Report on Braavos's Progress.
"My Lord, the Renovations for the Poorest Section in the City is now Complete, along with the Sewage System that was Completed a Sennight ago. It was delayed by the Riots for a week but it was Completed and the Riots had also stopped after the Result of the Renovations. Since then the Renovations has been much faster due to People wanting to Work. We have also started the Renovations for the Buildings and Sewage System in the Rest of the Sections of the City, along with the Harbour. The Dry Dock has also been Completed. We have also Completed the Additional Three Barracks, Ranges, and a Siege Workshop is also being constructed, as you Ordered. In the Past Moon our Military Forces has also increased to Three Legions, (18,000) Which consisted of 6,000 Cavalry, 2,000 Archers, 4,000 Praetorians and the rest are 6,000 Legionnaires. Not counting the 6,000 Men that is still Training. The Tournament is going smoothly and the People is Extremely Happy, Most of them Cheers for Rasmus the Giant to Face you as he is arguably the Strongest among the Champions. Other than that the People have become so Happy that they have been Hanging House Godfrey's Banner all over the City."
(AN: Basically Rome's Banner without SPQR)
"Well Done, you may take a One Day Break for your Efforts. But before that, here is the Design for a Fleet. We need three of the Capital ships and the Rest are the same design as the other."
(Image Here)
"This meeting is now Finished. All of you can Leave."