
Arthemis ; The god of Ellenora.

The god of love, his name is Arthemis. Reincarnated as a human for thousands of years in order to get a soul that took his heart in an accident. That soul was lost ten years ago and was inside Ellenora, a cold girl with no love. Will the God of love be able to get his soul in Ellenora? Check it out on Web Novels!

Avengelisha24 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

First date

Night came so fast. The two women who had been friends for nearly a dozen years began to be busy closing Ellen's flower shop. After nearly five minutes, Ellen and Wulan were finished.

At exactly seven o'clock in the evening, the two of them left the store and returned home. Along the way, Wulan only told me how impatient it is to follow online dating. Because it was the first time for Wulan.

It didn't take long, the two girls had arrived home. The minimalist small house is vintage style with a little bohemian feel. Although it is small, the house has a lot of memories in it. Including how Ellen could meet Wulan and become the best friend she is today.

"Ellen! Don't take long!" said Wulan reminding her best friend as her hands opened her flat shoes and placed them on the shoe rack.

"Yes, yes." Ellen's response before leaving the vestibule and heading to the bathroom.

Because there was only one bathroom, Wulan decided to give in and let Ellen take a shower first. She thought, that her best friend of hers wouldn't be in the bathroom for long. Well because it had been threatened before by Ellen. LOL.

Just as Wulan said. Not long after that, Ellen came out of the bathroom and Wulan rushed to take a shower. Meanwhile, Ellen was already dressed and temporarily dressed up.

That night Ellen looked elegant in a silver dress made of satin. Her slender body made her shine brighter even more. The makeup that Ellen uses is flawed makeup that is not too terrorizing. So that Ellen looked even more Elegant. Although basically, Ellen doesn't like to follow dates, ellen still wants to look perfect. At least beautiful and neat.

It's different with Wulan. After coming out of the bathroom, Wulan did not immediately put on the dress she had provided. She was still trying on the other dress in the closet for her to wear.

"You weird girl." Ellen who was walking over approached Wulan and leaned her body against the door of Wulan's room which was wide open.

"He said he didn't want to be late. But look. Who is late." Ellen said satirized her best friend.

"Sorry." Wulan smiled slightly and then immediately put on the maroon-colored dress she had prepared earlier.

"What do you think?" asked Wulan wearing the dress.

"Ehmm..., Nice and beautiful. Wear that alone." Ellen made a suggestion and was immediately approved by her best friend.

At exactly eight o'clock in the evening, Ellen and Wulan came out of their house clean, neat, and beautiful. The mellow fragrance of rose perfume wafted from the sexy bodies of the two beauties who were waiting for their grab orders to take them to The Sky Resto and Cafe.


Under the light of the first full moon at the beginning of the month, Arthemis was standing on the balcony of his restaurant watching a grab car unloading passengers. The passengers who got off the grab were certainly very well known by Arthemis.

"Ellenora." Softly the deity mentioned the girl's name.

"Pretty." He added again then Arthemis just kept quiet and observed the movements of the two girls without wanting to involve himself in human life. Arthemis was afraid that he would like the girl he wanted to help himself more and more. Although he first met, Arthemis had fallen in love with Ellen.

"Maybe seeing him like this can reduce my longing for him," Arthemis said softly. And the girl he was referring to was Ellen.

Soon, the wind was surging around the place where Arthemis was standing. And after that, came the admonition of Zin Lue.

"You still see it?" asked Zin. The look in his misty and cold eyes just looked at the two girls who were laughing down there.

"It doesn't hurt, right? I just look at it anyway, not like it." Atheist's disclaimer. It was obvious that he was lying about his feelings.

"It's good if you don't like it. Because as long as you don't like it, you will never feel what is called hurt." Zin said, who went straight away with a gust of wind. And Arthemis, could only silently digest every word of Zin with a puzzled face.


Ellen and Wulan were already sitting at the table of the VIP-class restaurant that had already been booked by the dating couple of the two of them.

Long before they sat down at such a large round table, the two had thought that the two men who were going to be their dates were already waiting for them in the restaurant as they had watched the dramas and they had imagined for themselves.

Thought they were dating full of romantic sweet things. But it turned out that they were wrong, very wrong!

The first date and experience for Ellen and Wulan were very much beyond expectations.

The lovers they imagined would be handsome, dashing, and mighty instead came towards them like a child. It was beyond expectation when he saw the two twin men, wearing glasses and retro style running hurriedly towards them.

"Oh, Shit!" Wulan cursed inwardly when she saw that her date was so ugly. Wulan thought she was going to date a handsome guy but look, again Wulan is wrong.

In the meantime, Ellen couldn't help but hold his breath. The same thing Wulan thought of Ellen had also thought of for a moment. But the girl did not pay more attention to the romantic relationship.

"Hi, sorry for being late." Said one of the men wearing glasses that were twice as big as his face. I don't know what his name is, which must be that he looks tired from running.

While the other man was wearing glasses that were twice as small as his face and were doing the same. Just imagine for yourself their faces and behaviors. The point is that the two of them are the same. It's equally old-fashioned.

"Hehehehe it's okay," Ellen replied when she realized that none of them had responded to the words of the two ancient men.

Hearing Ellen's remarks, Wulan with a sharp look in her eyes looked at her best friend while pinching Ellen's waist.

"It's okay, Ellen. This is what I mind!!" said Wulan with a smile that she made with a compulsion while looking at her best friend's face.

"Yes, I have. Order a meal!" said the man who had mini-sized glasses.

"Yes, please." Ellen and Wulan said just nodding in resignation while repeatedly sighing legs.

After the man wearing mini-sized glasses left, Wulan also left. Taken her mini bag and passed away from there leaving Ellen alone. Ellen couldn't help but stare at Wulan with a puzzled look when she was abandoned at that time.

"Where is he going?" the man with big glasses asked Ellen at Wulan's sudden departure. I don't know what his name is. Because they have all not had time to get acquainted.

"I don't know. Maybe go to the toilet." Ellen replied as she looked at Wulan's tiny body that was no longer visible to her.

After that things came back to silence. There wasn't such a meaningful conversation or a brief chat between them that the big-bespectacled man asked Ellen a question.

"You're my date today?" the man asked Ellen. His gaze was disgusting, full of question marks and lust. It is different from his innocent face.

Hearing the obedience of the man with the big glasses that Ellen alone didn't know about his name made the girl feel ilfeel.

But instead of answering, Ellen just smiled faintly while silent. Because indeed, Ellen came to this place just to accompany Wulan not to come on a date. Because Ellen didn't care about romance anymore because from there she had felt a very, very deep hurt.

When she was at a loss to answer, Ellen could only sit staring at the bottom of the table while playing with the end of her fingers because she was agitated and felt uncomfortable being there alone anymore.

"Someone or whoever it is, help me!" Ellen's inner.

It had only been a minute since the girl had already come to her aid.