
01: fallen

I had fallen unto the dirty scums of Earth, everyone looking at me with bewilderment. Rolling my eyes I started walking to victory falls which was a thousand miles away. I walked over to a hidden alley, disparting my body onto tiny air particles. I took off like a whirl wind, disturbing the residents of the small town, heading north.

The form in which my body took was met with a mass of poisonous gas, forcing me to piece myself back into my human form. Stupid humans destroying their planet!

The gas had disrupted my system gravely as I failed to transform into any elements. Moving away from the smoke I walked into a small town, dead after the sun had gone down. Sighing, I closed my eyes using my supernatural senses to detect a noble human who would be willing to help me in such a circumstance.

Under my closed eyelids, a flash of a shabby log cabin penetrated my vision, telling me that was where to go. Not doubting my abilities I let my subconscious mind lead me to the cabin, my feet not touching the ground once.

Opening my eyes once my bare feet connected with the wet ground, I took in the sight in front of me. The cottage had its gutter falling off, and the wood reeked with water obviously infested with bugs. How could a goddess like me end up in such a place. Pushing the thoughts aside I walked past the lawn to the door, if my subconscious led me here, I trusted my instincts that it was for a great reason.

I folded my fingers and connected it with the old door. "Hello?" I called out as I knocked "Hello is anyone there?"

I was met with silence as I pounded countless times at the door. Frustrated, I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door. I spent a couple of minutes trying to open the door but to no avail. I breathed in deeply before stepping back, muttering a spell under my breath.

I really did not want to use my powers down here but the door was agitating. As soon as I finished saying the simple spell, the door sprung open almost hitting my face.

So I had to pull not push, ugh.

As soon as I stepped into the cottage, I was attacked with a dense nauseating smell of alcohol. I scrunched my nose and gagged in disgust, my senses scram at me to leave but my feet were rooted to the ground.

I was led here subconsciously and I was not running away even if the cottage was unworthy of my presence as a goddess.

My feet wafted into an open space in the house, clad with old and stinky furniture on greasy wooden floors. I explored the house further and was met with the same disgusting living conditions. My place seemed rarely touched but there we signs that someone lived there. I looked down at my ivory white dress, clad with dirt as it rolled on the dirty floor sighing, I muttered a different spell, exchanging the dress with a much simpler and shorter dress, one that I had seen a human wear and had loved the design.

I looked around the cottage and came to the conclusion that it has not been inhabited for a couple of days and that gave me a plausible alibi if the owner of the house decided to come unexpectedly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in concentration, I started casting a spell and my feet rose from the dirty floor. Soon brooms, mops and brushes appeared in the house, cleaning. I smirked as I started dusting the fireplace humming a song to myself.

My ears piqued as I heard noise from the front door, snapping my fingers, all the magical cleaning equipment disappeared and I went back to wiping the coffee table as if I had heard nothing. I melted my features into an innocent look as I continued with my task. I turned around as footsteps staggered towards me.

A man who looked not older than thirty stood before me. I tilted my head to the side as I studied his features, his pale skin was clad with dirt and sweat, a dark twelve o'clock shadow shelved his handsome face. His black eyes roamed over my body as I intently stared at his subtle not willing to look at him.

"Who are you?" he asked and that was when I noticed the stench he brought with him, reeking of alcohol. I just stared at him blankly not willing to speak. "Who. Are. You." he said more slowly staggering, to keep his posture straight.

"Artemis," I answered looking directly into his eyes right before he collapsed on to the floor.

This is my first chapter for the contest. Please vote for my book, I have not written fantasy before so this is new territory for me and so is this magnificent web site. This is something fresh and I love it.

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