

Eleena bravely walked there but all of her courage left her body when everyone looked at her at once.

She was just here a few seconds but as a student, someone who studies with them.

But now, she was a waitress in the same cafe who came to take their orders.

"Were you missing us so much that you came to see us again?" Isaac said with a smirk.

Elliot looked at his back after hearing Isaac.

"What do you want to order?" Eleena asked without meeting anyone's eyes.

"Huh? What do we want to order? Don't tell me that you are feeling generous enough to give us a treat. I understand that you are grateful to have me as your teacher but you don't have to waste your money on us. Save it for yourself," Elliot said.

"I am too broke to treat myself, let alone all of you. Plus, my money doesn't grows on the tree and I don't have a magical plant which grows money instead of leaf's," Eleena started muttering under her breath.