
jealousy jealousy

"The thing is that son, your father wants to meet you."

Olive was observing Silas reaction's and the reaction he gave was totally unexpected.

"Why do you still want to meet that man after being hurt by him, mother? " Silas asked in a cold voice and his face looked bare of any emotions.

This the first time, Olive saw his cold behavior.

"My baby, he is your father and-" she was cut off midway.

"And he hurt you badly in the past. I heard your conversation with aunt Cherry. So, don't try to lie to me saying that he is a good man, " Olive felt a pang in her heart.

According to her memories, Silas never asked about his father. Perhaps cause he already thought that his father wasn't a good man.

She can't even imagine what must have gone through this small and delicate souls heart when he came to know that his father wasn't a good man.

He must have felt lonely and sad seeing other kids his age with their father's.