
Eating out

And just then Eleena arrived. She was naked after transforming back to her human form.

She opened the backside of her car and brought out an dress from it.

She wore it before sitting on her driver's seat.

"Did you hide the body?" Cherry asked and Eleena shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

She wasn't exactly comfortable with Cherry being comfortable with all of these murder things.

"It's taken care of."

After that nobody said anything else.

"Girls I am hungry. How about we visit the lakeside restaurants and find a place to eat?" Cherry asked and the rest agreed with her.

"We should try something different. I am bored of having the same old food. I need something that's spicy and just makes me want to cry but at the same time, it's new for me," Arabella said, as if imaging the reddest food possible.