
Art adore en by TJ Tommys

Pretty-faced art student Nong Hin is admired and approached by many. However, Hin isn't interested; he already has someone he likes, someone he's been waiting for forever. Then he meets Phayu. Phayu is his senior, an engineering student attending the same university. Phi Phayu flirts with Hin shamelessly. TRANSLATED BY JIRO AKATSUKI AND MITSUAKI AKITO, JESSA NONSOL LAVAPIE

Jie_Lavapie · Politique et sciences sociales
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How's it going? 

[Hint Kantika] 



a few days after the start of the semester, we're liberal arts kids. i had to attend a bysri ceremony that was traditionally held by mo and my code-code seniors from the management team and were so tall that the girls were screaming before the end of the event was almost the afternoon, and there was a recruitment event.

everyone must circulate to the bases of each faculty held, initially at their own faculties.

i've made three new friends who are quite close to my faculty: kale, a tall, slender girl who's just a shift from the eyesight, probably a hundred and seventy-five centimeters tall, called the tallest woman in the faculty, so taller than me. she's also the only daughter of a famous makeup artist, so she has a skill in godly makeup with her face, but with her face, this is very passable.

seve is one of two men who have taken this major, it's an understatement but a heavy punch, moving each mouth to the appendix. there's a rawness, a full-blown barbarity. hundreds of them came out of the seventh hell, and they had a unique twist. i didn't really like it the first time i met, but because of my agitation and sociability, i was able to keep us close. honestly, there's a gentle angle, just a lot more ghostly sides of it.

khao chi a plump short girl who was born to be a true slave to y-fiction. it's a try to match me and a safe to satisfy a determined eroticism, but when i see me and the safe not playing with it, he's willing to cut my mind off on another boat that's more likely to look like it's going to be glittering. when i'm free, i'm just painting my novels, and i like to read things that are rated and twisted alone.

The new boys were released to eat at their own pace. Before changing into casual attire to participate in each group's events, the 24-year-old was arrested on suspicion of murder. "You know, I heard that each month's stars are going to be the ones who take their own brothers," Kale continued, bragging non-stop while the four of us made their way to the liberal arts building. "What's so weird about you, Kale?"

The sound of Rice turning to his high-school friend. "Aw, Eni... this year saw that the star-studded seniors are preparing tech stuff for kids who look like they're supposed to be crowned star months. It's like being selected for a contest: "So what do you want to be a star?" Seve raises his eyebrows and asks a young friend who hasn't stopped.

"You look at my body, my body safe is definitely passing, but my face, if you don't stick with my mom, come on...sign up for Let me in," kale pointed to his face with a squint until everyone laughed at their stomachs. "You're talking too much kale, seriously.

If you don't be so vicious, you can be a star," it's true, kale is a beautiful person if you don't get caught up in it and you don't care about anyone. Guan Paw is the first, but it's still second to me, Yes... beautiful, yes, my face is not comparable to you..."you're !!!," and that's what i heard one last time before i was carried away by dent with a laugh. i have to stand there clamping my breasts in front of the group for the second time, sir... damn it.

the management staff were very kind, the prizes were sweets and full-bodied food, and number one, i got another beepcolon... what a mouthful of good-bye.

"your rock is really beautiful." dent it gently salutes while stroking my head.

"ah, do you remember?" the shock prompted immediate whispers, asking.

"i don't remember at first, but when i grabbed my arm, i remember because i tied the strings for us to my hands, and i'm going to end the activity, and i'm going to take you to the code brother," and i said, "i ended up standing in the back.

"all right, let's pick a sister who likes the stars of the month." jenny walked over to a cheeky boy. if i'm not wrong, it's probably the stars who have gone through the series because they look so familiar. you handed me a white rose with a sticker on the boy's shirt.

there was no notice from the host, no words, no introductory words. the sash of the executive brother's heart was strapped to my neck again and it wasn't until i said anything.

"x.o.x.o., !!!."

splashing... brother a-man on my right cheek.

that comes with the eyes and condemnation of the girls in my own entourage.