
Its impossible.

The car parked before a house. Lisa immediately came down from the car while Sian remained seated staring at the house outlook from the window.

"You don't plan on remaining in the car, do you?" Lisa questioned and she sluggishly came down, helping her to pack their stuffs inside.

Staring at the interior of the house, she realized it wasn't as bad as she thought. It was a comfortable duplex, that had a heart warming air lurking around it. Most of the structures were made of wood and had enough space. Walking to the back terrace, there was a little garden with blooming flowers, radiating a lively smell.

"Its beautiful, isn't it?" Lisa asked standing beside her. "Its what made me fall in love with the house."

"Doesn't make up for the fact that I left everything I loved the most back home." She responded in defiance.

"You still have me Sian, and wherever we are, is home."

"I'd try to believe that mom, if only you were ever true in your words." She said walking back to her luggage and Lisa sighed.

"Some of the furniture are yet to be brought but I'm hoping it will arrive before nightfall." Lisa spoke and Sian shrugged.

"Well, I'm hoping this place will work great for me." Sian said walking upstairs with her luggage.

Walking into a room, Sian looked around. It wasn't so spacious but it was just perfect. The room was also made of wood but it had so much dust and she knew definitely she had a lot of work to do. She walked to the window and opened it, still conscious of the dust. Immediately her phone rang and seeing

it was Alex on the video call, she hurriedly answered the call.

"When I thought I would call you first." Sian said and chuckled.

"I was too anxious to wait. How is the place?" Alex asked.

"Well, the house is not as bad as I thought, but I can't tell much about the city." Sian said and exhaled deeply.

"Well, I've always known you to be a survivor. So...." She said and paused.

"Do you know how much I prayed for something to go wrong so that you can come back. I've never been so selfish in my life." Alex added and Sian smiled.

"I wouldn't mind that though. Life isn't the same anymore without you here."

"Hey, I'm sure you'll do just great. You've always been lovable, that was your one little charm you used to attract everybody to you including myself."

"Sadly, not for my mother." Sian added and Alex went quiet.

"Don't worry I'll make sure we communicate often while I try to make a sense out my life out here."

"I'm sure you will." Alex answered and Sian cut the call sitting helplessly on the bed.


"Drake! Drake wake up!"

Drake groaned opening his eyes weakly only to see Casey seated beside him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"This is not your house Drake." She answered and he looked around only to discover it was her house.

"How did I get here?" He asked trying to remember the last thing that happened to him.

"I found you in the street unconscious with a dead arrow." She said handing him a hot coffee in a cup.

"You know all eyes are on you, on us Drake, why risk your life like that. You do know what would have happened if people found you there or even the organisation." Casey spoke and he rubbed his hair tiredly.

"How long was I out?"

"Twelve hours, and you do not want to know what happened in these twelve hours." She said and he stared at her.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Erin is back." She replied and a grim expression immediately plastered on his face. "You have to be careful on how you use your powers from now on. The diagnosis were just given to you and it takes 48 hours for it to destabilize. If I were you I would stay away from any arrow attack." Casey suggested and Drake dug his fingers in his hair.

"I'm afraid its too late already." Jamie immediately interrupted walking in and they both stared at him.

"Erin reopened the shield communication system. They have been watching you since last night Drake and I tell you, things are not going good." Jamie said and Drake folded his hands into a fist.

"He desperately wants me out of the Shield organisation." Drake muttered.

"I need to go there." He said coming down from the bed and his eyes immediately changed to blue.

"Drake. I don't think that's a good idea." Casey stated.

"I'm afraid its too late to think of better,ideas." Drake said and in a twinkle of an eye, he was out of the room.

Drake walked into the Shield quarters swiftly. He could already hear Erin's voice ringing in his ears.

"He is incapable of handling the issues of the shield. Leaving him here will only bring problems for all of us. A shield builds and protects and not build only to destroy it all over again. Its useless hoping he'd mature."

Drake pushed open the door on his last words. The office was made of glass which was visible to view through, but sound proof. High above them was another floor in his office where all his innovations and equipments were kept. On the ordinary view, it felt like the equipments were hanging on the air but it had an invisible ground just right under it.

"Drake... Where have you been since last night?" Tavern asked on seeing him and Erin rolled his eyes going to sit down on the couch.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't have enough rest after taking the diagnosis. That's why I passed out." Drake spoke and Tavern scoffed.

"You risked this whole agency all because of your recklessness Drake."

"It won't happen again." Drake answered.

"Of course it won't." Tavern said and immediately pressed a button on his chair and it went up to the other floor. He walked straight to the glass board where all the shield's profile were recorded and he immediately cleared Drake's data.

"Dad...." Drake called and Erin smirked walking to him slowly.

"You're still unable to control your powers Drake and for the safe keeping of the shield organisation, you will have to be stripped off your identity. From now on, you won't have anything to do with the Shield. You will be going to a normal school and live like every other human out there." Erin said and Drake folded his hands in anger. His veins were visible on his forehead as he clenched his teeth.

"Every other person that can't control his powers gets to go for training and I don't?" Drake questioned.

"You will never be able to become a real shield. You have seen it yourself, but if you really think you can be one...." Tavern said and he took a metal in the shape of a small sized shield from his table. Dropping it on the air it moved to where Drake stood under his control.

"I give you six months to think of a way to completely annihilate the arrows completely from existence. Till now no one has figured out how to drag an arrow to the light. They can only be recognised when they turn into their beastly forms. If you find that much, then you will considered a member of the shields."

"And if not?" Drake asked and Tavern shrugged.

"This will be your new life." Tavern said and the badge on his shield suit burnt away like a dust. Drake dug his fingers into his palms trying to control his anger as he turned to leave when Tavern spoke again.

"Arrangements has already been made. From tomorrow, you will start going to a school. Burke is going to give you a transfer letter. Once you get to the school, every other thing will be handled." Tavern added and Drake walked out without saying any other word. Even after leaving, he could still hear Erin's discussion with Tavern.

"You didn't have to give him any opportunity to come back." Erin spoke.

"Don't worry. He's never going to find out, no one ever has. And if anyone was going to find out, it will definitely not be a one man army." Tavern replied.

Drake angrily pushed the lab door open.

"Drake...." Burke called as he sat down on the chair.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop it from happening. I tried my best to convince them." Burke spoke.

"How did Erin discover what happened to me last night through the communication system?" Drake asked.

"It has your DNA. The communication system connects to the brain and it opens a way to reveal every single person's actions as long as it has your DNA. We call it the communication system because it communicates one's mind out like a showcase."

Burke answered and took the shield Tavern had earlier given him.

"Tavern gave you the arrow's information?" Burke inquired and Drake sighed heavily.

"He told me if I could find out a way to remove the arrows completely from existence in six months, then I can be accepted back as a shield.

" He said that? Then that's great. I've been making different researches of the arrows and if we can work things out a little bit clearer, we can actually find a way out."

"Its not possible Burke! He only said that because he knew it was impossible. This is just their way of getting rid of me." Drake said and raised up his sleeve revealing a mark of the shield on his wrist.

"This should be taken out." Drake said and Burke sighed bringing out a liquid substance.

"Some years ago, when Atlanta warred against the Southern armies, Atlanta didn't have so many soldiers to defeat the southerner's military strength. They couldn't afford their land to be taken under captivity by the Southerns, so an experiment was made. In order for the Atlanta soldiers to be more powered, they alternated the soldiers DNA with an experiment which gave them some powers, different powers. What they didn't realize was that, there was a spy in their midst from the Southerns and the experiment was sabotaged. Only few of the Atlanta soldiers got the right experiment done but the rest had their DNA alternated to that of an animal. This turned them to beasts in no time, powerful beasts, that they no longer had control of their bodies. When the rest of the good soldiers plotted to get rid of them to stop them from killing the citizens, they became aggressive. They complained that it was the same people that conducted experiment on them that wanted to kill them. To them it was all our fault. So, they became rebels not just against the military of Atlanta but the whole Atlanta. Soon after so many killings were being recorded, Atlanta raised a secret organisation that would fight against them. All the soldiers that weren't corrupted were placed in this organisation and more were recruited to make it large. Ever since then, the shields has always fought against the arrows. This is how the shield and arrows originated." Burke explained cleaning his wrist after he applied the substance on the mark.


"So... We could trace back on the kind of DNA running in their bloodstream and then create a virus that can annihilate them forever." Burke answered and Drake exhaled deeply.

"Look its fine Burke, some people just don't get to fulfil their purpose. Maybe I'm not just meant be a shield." He said and was about to leave when Burke called.

"Drake." He paused on hearing his name and Burke walked to him.

"I made this for you. I know its still hard to control your telepathic powers. So, until you figure that out you can wear this, it will help secure your powers." Burke said giving him uranium shaped as a wristband.

"And this is the transfer letter." Burke added giving it to him.

"Thanks Burke." He said and Burke smiled in response. Leaving the room, he found Casey and Jamie who were also coming towards the lab room. They stared at themselves speechless for a while until he walked past them.

"Drake!" Jamie called but he didn't respond. They immediately rushed into the lab room.

Drake walked slowly past the training area where he watched the newborn in the shield organisation train. He never got a chance to do that because his father never wanted to bring down his name as a shield. After all, his first son, Erin was recognised as one of the most powerful shields. Walking past the training area, he came across the place they called the ardent. Ordinary shields like himself were not permitted into the room, only the shield generals could access it. So, no one ever knew what went on in there. Just as he was about to walk out, a voice called from behind.

"Drake Tavern."

He turned only to see one of the generals.

"General Emily." Drake immediately saluted.

"C'mon." She urged opening the door to the ardent room and he paused staring at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked seeing his hesitation.

"The ardent is restricted, and I'm not a member of the shield organisation anymore." He said and she laughed softly.

"Its fine Drake, you're with me." She said walking inside and he followed slowly.

"I knew you were special. Ever since you were a kid, you were always different. You possessed true identities of a shield."

"And where did that end?" Drake asked.

"I know all this might seem a little complicated but its who you are." She said. "I would have made sure you weren't removed but its out of my jurisdiction." She added.

"Is there no other way out?"

"There is, but its not the right time yet. Just stay calm for now." She stated.

"So what is this room all about?"

"Its a high technological computer room. It contains all information across all horizons, gaining its energy through light and heat." She answered.

"Then why hasn't there been a way to stop the arrows? Is there no solution?"

"There is, but a solution that destroys everything you've been made to devote to, is no solution at all." She responded and he came to a circle marked on the ground with the symbol of the shield on it. Stepping on it, an invisible shield covered him scanning him thoroughly.

"What's this?" He asked as his voice echoed in the machine.

"Its the ardent machine. It reveals one real identity. Especially we shields, it helps to identify the powers we possess."

The results immediately displayed on the screen behind him. She walked closer to see it but he couldn't, because it was behind him. Her eyes shone in shock as she read the results.

"That's impossible...." She muttered.

"What's wrong? What does it say?" Drake asked and she stared at him. The shield covering him immediately vanished and he came out making the result on the screen disappear before he could see it

"Never in the existence of the shields has this been found. How can this be?" She questioned and stared at him perplexed.

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