
Wedding Day Where is the Groom ?

It is finally the wedding day, the Yun family decided to hold the party in a small hall, in a big building, but xinya could not care less, she was very nervous, even though it is not a marriage of love, it is nonetheless a marriage and she is the one getting married, any time she remembers all the other marriages of people she could not help but feel wronged, she had no maid if honour or Chief bridesmaid,or even a bridesmaid, she only had her mother, and she did not even think of inviting any of her selfish and stingy relatives ,they had completely abandoned her family in the times of need, so she had no hope of calling them

While all the wedding planners are putting there finishing touches, Xinya was in the dressing room when her mother came.

You look so beautiful my daughter, her mother said when she saw her daughter, the wedding gown fitted her so well, when xinya and her mother first saw the wedding gown they knew at first glance that it is very expensive, the material is very soft and cool, when xinya saw the gown she thought that it will be heavy and will way her down due to the length and designs on it but when she wore it the clothes felt light, not in any way heavy and the front of the gown is shorter than the front and her heels were tall enough to make sure she would not trip and fall.

When her mother saw her she could not help but exclaim, the dress complimented her daughter's skin, and the make up was so impressive, that her mother almost forgot that her daughter was being forced to marry.

"Thank you mum, but I cannot help but feel nervous, I mean what if I fall or trip am very sure that everyone will laugh at me" she could not help but imagine.

"No such will happen, just take it one step at a time, now let's put on your veil the wedding is about to start", Xinya mother said since xinya father is dead, she had to work alone down the "aisle"

After that, her mother left then someone came to inform her that the wedding is about to begin.

When she held the music, she started to work down the hall, with her head down but when she looked up she became alarmed, she did not see any man apart from the priest standing 'where is the man I am suppose to marry ?, I hope this will not be like all those runaway groom type of marriage, because I will never live this down, am so gonna kill him, how can he not be here yet '

When she got to where the priest was after working down the "aisle", she waitied for her soon to be husband, that was when she saw a man coming from one of the side door with her late finance, when she saw her soon to be husband, he looked so handsome, his face so cold like an iceberg, if not that Xinya knew he was her soon to be husband, she would not think that this marriage is for him.

After the wedding, Yun shen immediately left, he did not even bother to take her to his house. when Xinya saw he going, she felt so embrassed,she looked at the guests that came, it only a handful of people, and theywere looking at her with a hint of mockery in there eyes except are mum that was looking at her pitifully, there was nothing she could say, at least everyone knew they got married by force.

After she got to the Yun mansion, her new home, she was lead by a maid to her room, when she got there, she saw that this was a guest room, because the room had nothing that belong to Yun shen, but she expected it, so she just took her bath and decided to rest.


Yun shen, that left earlier was at the office working when Qiao Mu entered

"Dude, aren't you the one that just got married, are you not suppose to be with your bride, and you just left like there was some sort of emergency "Qiao Mu said

Yun shen just pick up a cigarette and smoked, he could not care less about the wedding at least it was not his choice.

That very day Yun Shen travelled for a business trip, not for once did he speak to Xinya, he even disregarded her presence.