
Am getting married? 5

After Xinya got home, her mother explain the reason for her decision, she explain the history of the Wen family and the cause of their decline, and why Xinya has to marry the Young Master of the Yun family, she explain that her great grand father and the late Old Master of the Yun family were friends and the her great grandfather got injured while trying to save the late Old Master of the Yun family, that his how they made an agreement that there great grand children will get married to each other, because their children where already married and the great grandchild of the late old Master of the Yun family was already engaged to marry a business associate to make their ties stronger, since they deal with the underworld, and they needed a lot if international support, at that time. Xinya, started preparing her mind for marriage, no matter how reluctant she was to it, she can't just run away, she has responsibilities, so she decided to get herself mentally prepared for the marriage.

When she checked the picture of the man she is to marry, she felt he looks familiar, then she looked at it closely , because if she had met this man before, she is sure she will be able to remember, because the man looks so outstanding, so noble like a king, very domineering and handsome, especially his eyes, they looked so beautiful, she could not help but admire him.

Then something clicked in her brain, she remembered where she saw his picture, at that time when she was working, she saw a few of her colleagues at work, swooning over his picture, that was in a magazine, she just decided to glance at the pictures then, now come to think she heard from them he is one of the youngest business tycoon, having over over a thousand billions to his name, and he is also know, as the number one bachelor.

Never in this life would Xinya have expected that she would be getting married to such a person, now she understood one of reasons why old master Yun said that they should keep the marriage secret, if the world got to know that she his about to marry the number one bachelor in China, she will receive endless amount of curses and insult, and if she ends up divorcing him, because of the scandal she might not get a good job or a good man to marry later. After thinking of that, she shuddered, she felt a chill down her spine, and she was a bit thankful that Old Master Yun told her that marriage is to be held in secret.

Then she looked at the pictures of the rest of the Yun family, when she saw the picture of Master Yun, Yun Feng, she could see the resemblance between him and Yun Shen, Yun Shen took his father's face , height and lips, even from the picture she could see that he is a domineering person and as a king like aura. Then she saw Yun Shen's mother, she looked very beautiful and elegant in the picture, like a queen but there was something Xinya noticed in the picture, there was no love in Yun Feng and his wife eyes, it looked like a marriage of convenience, then she remembered what he'd mum told her about the grandchild of late Old Master Yun, that was engaged, now she understood, since then they did not fall in love with each other.

The days went by and the tailors came and took her measurements and left, even the bethotal gifts were sent, and the day of the wedding drawing was fast approaching , Xinya decided not to visit the family, it only God that knows what kind of humiliation she might receive if she goes there, she had already seen the look the Old Madam had given her.

And since that day she had not even heard from her soon to be husband or seen him, it was like she is not getting married to him, he totally disregarded her, Xinya did not like this, even though they are not getting married out of love, can't they try and act like a person getting married, must he treat her like this, at least they could try to form of friendship since they are not planning on falling in love with each other, or to stay in the marriage for long. At least she knows that he is a CEO and all, but can't he spend at least a minute, to get to know her, he cannot even spare her minute or two and they are suppose, she had a bad feeling about this marriage.

A few days go the marriage, Xinya was already ready for marriage the gown had already been sent to her and the jewelries to go with it, and the venue for the marriage,before that day, xinya had already called old master Yun, to send a maid the will help her mother, since she and her did not have time to interview anyone, he then sent two servants to her and told her she should not worry about their payment, that it is been taken care off by him. since he is the one that told them that they can call him if they need anything.

Since the marriage is too be held in secret, she could not invite anyone she knows, and she is not particularly close to anyone, she is scared of betrayal and backstabbing friends, she has already seen enough of backstabbing friends in her college and she does not want, all she has his acquaintances not friends.

So she told her boss, that she needed two weeks off that she has an emergency. After her boss asked if things were going well, she give her three weeks off to take care of herself, she thanked her boss and started to anticipate for her upcoming wedding.

Author note: Mrs Wen: "xinya why not go visit you in-laws"

Xinya: "Mum, I do not want someone to pour hot water on me "

Or do you think that xinya should visit her in-laws ?