
Am getting married? 4

I would prefer them getting married this year, maybe in the next two months, I know it is a little rushed but by that time my son and daughter in-law, will be back from their trip and my son will be travelling in the next two and half months for a business trip and am not sure of the time he would return. Old master Yun said

"Next two months? that is too close" Mrs Wen said, she did not expect that is it would be rushed like this

"Yes, and the wedding will be held in secret, so that it will not call for unwanted attention, and it will be held the western way" The Old master continued.

When Xinya held held that she will be getting married in the next two months she almost fainted, she did not want to get married yet, she felt that she is too young for marriage, she does not want anything to hold her down.

" So someone will come over to your house in the next few days to take measurements of Miss Wen, for the wedding gown and the clothes that will be sent here for here to wear after marriage, then we will also send bethotal gifts to your house. Then Miss Wen can be coming over once in a while to familiarize herself with the house" the Old Master said. matter of fact does not have anything against the marriage because, once the Wen family was great if not for the death of the Old Master Wen, the wen family would have been on par with there family, but after Old master Yun saw Xinya appearance, he felt a little relief, what she could not make in terms of money, power, and backing at least she made up in appearance, she looks so beautiful, a face that can bring down nations, a skin so pale it looks like a jade, her countenance is more than enough and is able to match the appearance of his son , one will not over shadow the other, and she is just the right height, not too short, not too tall.

But Mrs Wen was not satisfied, her daughter just turned eighteen last month and then in the next two months she will be married, but had to agree.

"Okay Old master Yun , we will do as you say" Mrs Wen said "Then we are done here, we will, also send you the marriage venue in the next few days, if you have the any question or suggestions about the wedding you can call me "he then took out a business card "this is my number" the Old Master said.

Taking the card Mrs Wen thanked the Old Master and stood to leave "Okay Old Master till then Good bye. " she said

From beginning to the end the Old Madam did not say anything, she just kept ignoring there presence, them looking very irritated.

But before they left the old master gave them an envelope ,telling them that the envelope contains the picture of his grandson and the members of the family, so that when xinya happens to come by she will be able to identify them.

Later that day, in a well furnished bedroom,in an expensive office, one can heard lewd sounds. An hour later, an handsome man step out with a cigarette in his mouth, he so noble well chisled face, from far one can see that he is very fit, looking at his appearance can make girls drool, the man is so handsome he can turn men gay, he has a pair of onyx black indifferent eyes, that looked as if they are staring into your soul.

A few minutes a beautiful woman ,sexy woman dressed in a way that left to little for imagination came out of the room, she is one of the top ten international models in China, she picked up her bag and left the office, she knows better than to talk to talk to him, according to what she heard the last woman to ever talk and touch the young master after having sex with him, was found dead, she was raped, mutilated, her two arms amputated, her lips and tongue cut off, and nobody did any thing, the police said that it is a gang thing, but she knew better, this man is not to be messed with.

When the woman left the office, she met the young master PA, the PA lead her to the car and told her to keep this meeting confidential, then he handed her an envelope, inside the envelope has a check with the amount to keep her mouth shut.

"Yun shen, I heard you are getting married, and you are still messing around" after the woman left the office with the PA, a young man came in and said, the man looked handsome but a bit playful, from first glance one can tell that he is play boy. he came in and sat down on the couch in the office.

"Is this how you will keep behaving " the man said

When Yun Shen heard what the man said he was already sitting in his office seat,trying to cross checked some projects, he then looked up and said

"Qiao Mu it looks like you are free, I think I need send your parents of the image I got with you fucking around with your childhood friend right? "

The smile on Qiao Mu face disappeared. " I can't still believe you still have that video, it has been years, I have even forgotten about it, are you serious, can't you let it go, you know that if my parents see it it will be death of me, they will start pestering with marriage again " Qiao Mu said

" I don't see a reason to get rid off it, at least it is one of the ways to keep a leach on you" Yun shen said

But Qiao Mu face changed, 'what does he mean by to keep a leach,am I a dog? ' he should not have mentioned the marriage if he had known he will suffer like this, from been threatened, to being called a dog, he felt so wronged.

"And I am not interested in this marriage,am just doing this to fulfill my great grandfather will, that girl is of no interest to me, she is just like the other girl's, ready to sell themselves for money. "

Yun Shen said, with disgust in his eyes.

"But I heard she is a true beauty, and her family was once on par with yours, because both your great grandfather and hers were close friends, but when he died, it was said that he wrote his will in favour of his PA, not his family, and only left an apartment " Qiao Mu commented

Yun shen had already investigated about her family, so he was aware of their current situation, it said in the file that the lawyer and the PA of her great grandfather colluded and swindled the whole inheritance, and when the members of the Wen family tried to sue them the case was won in favour of the PA and the lawyer, because of that, vXinya grandfather had rushed to be the hospital because of high blood pressure which later lead to a stroke, and eventually death and from there the decline of the family.

But Yun Shen just snorted, and said" that was then when they had money and beside she did not meet money, she grew up in poverty "

If Xinya heard what he said she might have already given a few slap or vomited a few mouthful of blood, while shouting, 'who want ur dog shit money, I rather marry a beggar than marry you' but alas she did not know.