
Arranged Marriage for a young Bachelor

Brookelyn_Hill · Urbain
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10 Chs

Work pt1

Work with Lucy//

She left the house early that morning so she could see to whatever problem was so urgent. When she arrived she went to her father's office first.

He was staring at some papers on his desk, he looked disheveled. His hair was all over the place and his tie and first button were undone.

"Dad? What's the problem, are you okay?"

"Lucia your finally here!" He shot up from his desk, and grabbed her hand. "I need your help right now. There was a mix up with one of our orders and now we're back tracked and I'm not sure how to coax the customers properly."

She jumped right into work mode. "Okay, first we need to contact the main manufacturing plant to make sure that now the order is right. Then we can make a statement and keep the public happy do they don't get mad for the slight delay. We need the social department to get started on the statement and I can contact the plant."

"Thank you so much, Lucy." "Any time, but how did the mix up occur?" "Well, I called them and they accidentally gave me a trainee on the other line, and the newbie got all the numbers mixed up. It was horrible."

"Oh, I see. Which items were the ones that got mixed up though?" They own an expensive textiles and fragrance chain. "The most popular dresses by Ellie and the winter stuff that we were trying to pre order. They mixed up the number of how many we wanted made. And now we have a bunch winter dresses we can't sell for months."

She took a deep breath, 'Great. This is just fantastic. Ellie is our best designer, if we can't put out her dresses our customers will be pissed.'

"I see the problem. Still it should be fine. How bad was the number mix up?"

"We ordered fifty less of Ellie's than we needed to restock. Not to mention all of the ones that were ordered online." "Yikes, okay I'm going to go to the social department and get that ball rolling before the media executes us."

"Good plan. See ya. And thank you again." "Yup, of course."

She was walking towards the elevator to go down to the lower floors and a man jumped in right before the door closed. She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even notice him. "Hello beautiful. I don't think we've met?"

She looked up and saw a tall handsome man. He had golden blond hair, that was styled well. And his deep blue eyes were something to envy. But her husband was still better looking in her opinion.

"Oh, yes sorry. Um... Who are you?"

Shocked by her lack of shock from his looks he made an odd face then went back to flirting.

"I'm Dean Jones from the social department. I just started working here a few months ago. I've actually got a pretty good position and I see your new..." He moved forward and put his hand on the wall behind her. "So, if you want I could carry you for a bit." He said while leaning down.

She put her hands on his chest to try and push him away. "Sir, this kind of behavior is not appropriate. And I could have you fired if you don't back up." "Oh? And with what authority?"

"For your information, I'm the vice president of this company. My name is Lucy Hallo, and I'm not interested." "What? Really?" "Really. Now please back up."

"But I really don't want to." He leaned forward again and the ding from the elevator door sounded. She pushed him away and ran out.

There were a few shocked bystanders at the scene they had just witnessed. They didn't now the calm vice president could do such a thing at work. He ran to catch up with her, and grabbed her wrist. "Please give me a chance?"

"No. I'm married, so please let go." "No your not. There was no news on it, and I see you don't have a ring. Are you just saying that to get rid of me?"

She looked down at her left hand. 'Dang it I must have taken it when I showered this morning.' "I'm not just saying it, it's true. Now let go before I call security on you."

He let go and lifted his hands in the air with a smirk. She turned and walked away. When she got into the main office, she asked if director of the department was in. "Oh, yes. He just got here." And was pointed towards an office.

She knocked and went in. Lucy was shocked with the site of the man who was just harassing her in the hall.

"What are you doing here. What happened to director Maw?"

"Director Maw retired a few months ago. And they hired me." "Aren't there seniors in front of you for the job?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I guess they thought I was more qualified."

With a sigh she went straight into business. "Okay, we had a mix up and I need you and your team to coerce the masses. Tell them that we will give a 30% discount to those affected. They need to bring a photo of the date they were supposed to get the item and then the date it was received. Then they can bring it into one of our stores and we will reimburse the percentage. Did you get all that?" "Yup."

"Okay, get on that and then have someone send the finished proposal to my office so I can proof read it." "Yes ma'am."

Then she walked out. 'Ugh, I do not want to deal with this today.' Lucy was working diligently at her desk. She made multiple phone calls and had many people crying on the other end. She didn't understand why her calm voice was so scary or angry sounding.

Yes she was mad; she was downright furious, but she needed the people on the other end to work with her. If just for one day.