
Arranged Marriage for a young Bachelor

Brookelyn_Hill · Urbain
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10 Chs

Dinner with his family.


They went in hand in hand and the mother, daughter pare squealed in unison. Lucy let go and then sat down.

They were eating and chatting happily when a handsome boy walked in. "Hey Mom, dad, char, Brandon.... And who is this?" Markus (his dad) answered, "This is Lucy, your brothers new wife."

"I see... Very nice to make your acquaintance." He reached out his hand and she placed hers in his and he kissed the top. "Likewise" he had an evil grin on his face.

And then Brandon said, "Enough of that, last time I checked she was my wife..." He was jealous and it was so cute. "Oh, jealousy is an ugly thing... I'm just greeting my sister-in-law." He smirked.

"Maybe I should get my own arranged marriage so I can get a wife this cute." He winked at Lucy.. She didn't know what to do and was just caught in the middle.

"Would you two leave the poor girl alone. John if you're not going to eat, leave," their mother scolded. "Fine, fine," he took a seat next to Lucy much to Brandon's displeasure.

"So Lucy, has my brother been good to you." She nodded. "That's so good to hear, because in the past he's been a bit..." "Enough!" "What brother? I'm just making conversation."

"You know exactly what your doing, so knock it off." "sigh* Looks like I'm unwanted here. I suppose I'll leave." Lucy spoke up, "Wait.. you don't have to."

Brandon was shocked by her actions. 'Why is she trying to keep him here... Is it because he kissed her hand. No, I kissed her and she cried.'

"You don't want me to leave?" She could tell that this family loved their theatrics. "Well, you just got here, and you haven't eaten anything..." "That's because he just came from a party and they had food." Brandon stated plainly..

"Alright If you insist, I guess I have to stay. Besides I wanted to get to know you better." "Okay." She looked at Brandon and he didn't seem happy.. she tilted her head in a cute way that made his chilly countenance ease a little.

He didn't feel like smiling, but when she smiled he gave way to a small half one.

"Okay, Lucy how old are you?" She turned back to John. "I'm 22. And you?" "Same! Wow, I can't believe that... Isn't that cool Brandon?" "Uhhuh." He already knew that, hence him being indifferent.

"Oh, what a kill joy. Any way what college did you go to?" "Umm.. I studied abroad so I went to college in France." "Wow, was it fun there?" "Yeah, but I missed home." "So, you know french?" "Oui, toi?" "Oui!" "That's great! I didn't think ide meet anyone who could." "Same here!" All said in french*

Brandon was burning with jealousy... They continued chatting and then it got late so they had to leave.

Charlie wanted Lucy to stay so they could talk some more, but she had work and Brandon didn't want Lucy and John to sleep in the same house.

Lucy and Brandon after//

While they were in the car the jealousy that had went away crept up again. Lucy asked a question that didn't help either, "Why did you want your brother to leave so bad?"

"No, the real question is why did you want him to stay?" "Well, I wanted to get to know my new siblings... But you were trying to chase them off. Why were you acting so jealous?"

He pulled over and looked right at her. "I wasn't!" He said obviously lying. "I just think it's odd how when he kissed your hand you didn't even flinch, but you cried when I kissed you."

"Okay, there is a big difference between a greeting and assault." "Assault? You think me kissing my wife is assault? And how can you tell that was just a greeting?"

"I lived in France for four years! That's a normal greeting that I came across almost every day!" "Well we're not in France now!"

"I am well aware of that. But your brother knows french that means he had to learn customs and greetings! You know what, I don't even care anymore.. I wanted to get to know your family for you, but now you're mad at me." She turned away. Clearly upset.

"Lucy..." "No, I don't want to talk right now." "Please, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for kissing you without your permission.. and for being jealous. I don't know why I was jealous, that usually never happens." "It's just you caring..." "That's no excuse."

She slowly turned towards him. They looked at each other and she started to lean in. Her eyes fluttered closed...

Then, the phone rang and they both shot back up, blushing. "You should probably answer that." "Uh, yeah your right." He started the car and started driving again.

"Hello?" "Lucia, where are you?" "We're driving home from Brandon's family home. Why?" "Oh, so now that you can buddy up to his family you forget about your own?"

"What? No. We just visited them. What is this all about?" "I needed your help with something in the company and you weren't home!"

"I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know, and can't it wait until work tomorrow." "No it can't... You're the only one who knows how to deal with these things and I need you available."

"Like I said we were visiting his family and I didn't think you needed me anymore." "You ungrateful wench! How dare you. As soon as you get married you want to slack off? Fine! Have a kid or something!"

"Slack off! I've never missed any meeting or work day even when I was sick! So I'll see to the problem tomorrow. Good night!" Then she hung up on him.

"Are you okay? He had no right to talk to you that way." "Sigh* I can't catch a break can I? I'm fine, I just want to go to bed."