
Arranged Love Marriage, Requited Love

Amayra Wadhwani and Samarthya Gupta are tangled by their parents into a marriage proposal. However, Both get mad at their parent's decision of marrying. Amayra does not like Samarth at all and Samarth does not want to get married to a simpleton. They both do sly tricks to fool each other and in the process, they tends to fall for each other. Arranged love marriage is an edgy, romantic comedy love story between Amayra and Samarth.

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21 Chs



I returned to my room very annoyed with the things that happened with me few hours ago.  One thing was certain this marriage was never going to take place after all that dickhead spoke with me very bitterly. My parents were unaware of the fact that we argued. They seamlessly thought we were talking to each other like pure angels, little did they know I was conversing with a born idiot. Before their arrival, my mom told me to cook halva for the boy who was fond of it. I wish if I had poison with me, I would have loved to sprinkle it for that giant nerd. " I hope you choke on the halva I cooked for you." I cursed him.

His name was Samarth Gupta but I chose to call him a "Donkey". He deserved this honor after all.

Mr. Samarth Gupta, I placed this man on the blacklist folder of my head and took out my old drawing copy from the almirah. I usually draw the people I hate.


I began to draw him, drew him just exactly in the shape of a donkey. Then I looked at the picture, so enthralling. I chuckled.

After finishing my drawing, I took off my clothes and jewelry my mom gave me. The deadly red color dress, I just wrapped it like garbage and put it somewhere deep inside my almirah. When I began to wash out my makeup face, I heard my mom calling me from downstairs.

"Amayra…" My mom called me. She came running upstairs, holding a sweet, which she slid forcefully into my mouth. Not giving me a second to breathe, she hugged me tightly, patting my shoulders heavily. I struggled for air, the sweet stuck on my throat as she continued throbbing my back and constantly telling me "I am so happy for you." I had no idea when was the last time she was this much happy. 

"Amayra, why are you not saying anything?" 

"If you let me speak." I coughed badly as my mom released me from her tight grip. She mightily made me sit on the bed and held my hand. "They are so proud of you. They really liked you." 

"They liked me? Who liked me?" Shockingly I asked. 

" His family." She replied. 

What the heck?

I know his mother liked me a lot. She appeared to be more loving and caring. When she first saw me, she came and hugged me tightly as if I were her daughter. His father was too soft-hearted and solicitous in his behaviour. Though they were so healthy and wealthy, they had no iota of attitude or demeanor. She kissed my forehead and caressed my hair. I cannot believe having such good parents, how can a child become such an ass? He sounded rude and unmannered from top to bottom.

The conversation between us was neither romantic nor interesting, it was heavily litigious and I was appalled how could his parents agree to get their dickhead son to marry me. Doesn't he say anything to his parents that we both dislike each other? And that we argued just.


I disbelieved the thought of even getting married to that nuisance. But my mom said they liked me. It could be most probably the father and mother of that brat. Because hundred percent I was certain that he could not like me. But then my mom uttered, "Samarthya agreed." 

WHAT THE FUCK? I felt paralyzed to hear that. 

The ground slipped from my feet as soon as I perceived it. 


"How can he agree?" I yelped. 

"How can he not agree?" 

"Mom…maybe you heard them wrong… maybe they said the opposite.  You must call them back and rehear." 

"They have invited us tomorrow for the dinner." 

"I can't have dinner there. Mom, you must call them back and ask again." I panicked like hell. 

"What will I ask them again? Have you gone mad?" 

'Yes, I have gone mad. I am not going to marry that ass. There is a misunderstanding mom." My mom crossed her arms and put daggers at me. 

"Stop vindicating Amayra. You are rejecting a prestigious…...proposal"

"Boys come and go; I will find a new one." I corresponded. 

"Boys are not money that comes and go." My mom was determined. 

"No matter what, I am not marrying him," I said crossing my legs on the bed. 

"And what's wrong with him?"

"Everything is wrong with him mom. I don't know how he agreed, but something is wrong."

"Explain to me which part of that something is wrong? Is he infertile?"

"Common MOM…." I literally shrieked and leapt from the bed. "Who the hell discusses these things in the first meet?"

"Boys and girls usually do after all he is going to be your husband." 

I down-heartedly looked at my mom and corrected her "He will never be my husband."

"I don't know anything. We are going tomorrow for the dinner." 

"I will talk to Dad," I said and ran downstairs. My mom was acting indifferent to my grievances and so I went to Dad, the supreme court of this house. He was into reading some emails on the phone. I went and sat beside him with tear-filled eyes. He looked and closed all his important works. This is a very good thing about him. No matter what important thing he is involved in, if I come crying, he will close all his work and listen to me. More than my mom, my father loves me despite his authoritativeness. Yes, he is strict but he fulfills all my wishes. 

And then the only wish I wanted was not to marry him. Without saying a word, he understood with what complaint I had come here. He began. 

"I know you don't want to marry him." I nodded my head. "I won't force you for anything, for whatever reason you hate him, let's just keep that aside, can you just give yourself one chance to know him better?" 

"No, I don't like him." I frankly said.

"Give me a definite reason for that as you have just met them" Then occurred the difficulty. On what grounds might I justify that I hate him? I didn't have a specific reason. "Shall I just tell him that we fought?" I stopped. My mom said he liked me. 

"If he hasn't spoken anything, do I have the right to speak?" This raised a lot of queries.

"First thing, he must have not told his family the truth and so I too cannot speak anything. No matter what I say they still won't believe it." Secondly, I thought he might be playing with me or want to hurt me and that's why he agreed. I cannot expect anything good from that lowlife sly rich kid!"  While I was immersed in thoughts, my father intervened. 

"I am not asking you to decide everything today. Give it a chance and if still not working, I am there for you." 

"But Dad." He cut in middle. "His mother came with a proposal. She likes you a lot and wanted you as his bride. However, if you have ifs and but, I will take everything in consideration only if you spent some time to know him and his family better. One ambiguity, you can come to me and say no. I will respect your decision." He said politely and frankly. 

His words sounded very convincing, barring me to uplift any questions against them. While I was about to gulp his command, my mom came down with another bombarding news. 

"Amayra, you better learn how to drape a Saree." I made a bulgy face. One problem was not enough until she arrived with another one. 

I was barely suspicious about my biological mother because my mom treats me like a foster child. As if I am nothing to her. All my issues were inconsequential before her. She came and sat next to my father and began to say the following line which was once again against me. 

"I have told them that you like the boy." 

"What….no …Dad." I roared and started beating my leg. My mom began mumbling like a typical, unsophisticated Indian mother, and I too began squabbling like a stubborn girl. My father in the middle was sitting like a saint as if under a Peepal tree, witnessing the cat and dog fight between us.