
Arranged Love Marriage, Requited Love

Amayra Wadhwani and Samarthya Gupta are tangled by their parents into a marriage proposal. However, Both get mad at their parent's decision of marrying. Amayra does not like Samarth at all and Samarth does not want to get married to a simpleton. They both do sly tricks to fool each other and in the process, they tends to fall for each other. Arranged love marriage is an edgy, romantic comedy love story between Amayra and Samarth.

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21 Chs

20 Like Me?

On reaching my dad's old farmhouse, I got out of the car and told the same thing to Amayra but she chose to stay inside. In order to make her feel jealous, I pulled out the things I bought but I felt it had no repercussions on her as she was still inside the car, sitting, crossing her arms, and sending me attacking waves through her eyes.

I stepped inside the farmhouse which my father built for my mother because she dreamed to have a house with a beautiful A-shape size, vibes of vintage, and dark forests to feel romantic. My father used to bring my mother here during winter and they used to spend time together but I still wonder?

"Why just me? There should have been more kids. If they come more often here"

Sliding the thought away,

I prepared tea.

Look at me, how generous and kind I am to that girl. Despite all the blame games, she did in the car, I was still making tea for her.

I should really deserve a peace award from the UN.

Ha ha Ha!

Holding the cup of tea in hand, I went outside to check if she was still inside the car but she was not there. I called her name twice but she did not respond and my fear increased for a moment, what if she ran into the forest? But in the glass window of my car, I saw an image.

She was behind me, holding a minor wooden stick in hand, she approached silently and hit me with that stick.

How stupid of her? So funny.

Hitting a tiny branch of a stick in my head, she literally thought I will lie unconscious. Let me just say, I acted to fall on the ground to scare her.

How intelligent I am!

She hit my head and when I fell to the ground, I heard her voice of enjoyment, thrilling sensation, and a peal of childish laughter as if she successfully accomplished her mission.

She then slid her hands into my pockets, probably searching for keys and in the interim time, I held both of her hands, turned her down, hovered my hands on her shoulder, and caged her.

She seemed to be taken aback.

"How dare you? Leave me." Said she, squirming a little.

"You thought with this tiny little stick, you are gonna make me sleep? You seem to be sorely mistaken." I laughed.

"Get off me,"

"Before that, tell me, what were you searching in my pockets?"

"Something which you stole from me."

"Or shall I guess something else?" I teased her.

"What? Chii!"

"Look, whatever it is, you just have to ask." I continued playing with my words and I liked the way she reacted. To make someone angry always do the opposite.

"Do you need my help to get up?"

"Shut up ....

"C'mon you just can't ignore my help. In the end you are stick to my help." She narrowed her eyes, " I will rather love to fall in a mud than to take your help." She said aggressively.

In the beginning, I thought her to a very simple and sweet but she turned out to be naïve.

After getting up from the ground, I came inside and Amayra followed me. Her face looked bulgy and disturbing coz I knew she was unsuccessful in her mission and how could she be?

After all, I am a Pro…..

After coming inside the room, she continued her incessant jabbering.

A myth says girls are talkative. I met Amayra and hence proved.

"Can you for once sit down in peace? I have things to discuss with you. And if you resist, I won't mind tying you up with a chair. Will you like it? Because that's the least I would do after so many initiatives."

It was incomprehensive to make Amayra understand that two people can normally talk, without fighting with each other redundantly. At first, I made her sit in the couch and offered her tea although she spilled that tea in basin thinking that I might have conspired against her something.

"How stupid are you? How can you such think like that?"

"Kidnapping me and brining me here, and you expect me trust you? Nice Illusion. What if you added sleeping pills?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know but most of boys do that. I have seen in movies."

"So, you think me one of those boys? Wow!"

 "Yes." She nodded and clapped her hands and portrayed as if I brought her here for such purposes. Her account of me comes through movies. This had slightly triggered me but I still carried a composed mind and approached her like a good man, sitting next to her, and I simply said "I will never do such things."

But she was strongminded not to trust me. Next what?

I started unbuttoning my shirt.

"What are you doing? She asked.

I strolled on the couch on my knees and she began shifting backwards steadily and before she chose to run, I had caged her between my hands.

"Look Amayra, you have no choice rather than to trust me because apart from you and me, there is none. Hope you get my point." She nodded her head in dread. I knew I had taken a form of an alpha male but she has to understand that negotiating with me was the only option left for her.

"I have taken enough of your tantrums. Now the kitchen is on your left and the table in your right, after I come back from the washroom, I want to see some food that we both can eat. Can you do that young lady?" I said getting close to her, holding up her chin, and pinching it.

She wagged her head, politely and spoke nothing.


A moment later I realized the proximity between us and weird things accumulated in the pit of my mind.

Generally, two people kiss each other when they are in this position, laying at the top, and the girl beneath you...

I doubted if I lean one step closer, she would prefer to kick me.

When my heartbeat got erratic, I moved away from there and strolled to the washroom.

After my shower was done, I saw the table filled with the right delicacies, roasted chicken, loaves of bread, and omelet and she placed them beautifully on the set. I thought she did not know the 'C' of cooking but she was good. I looked for her inside the room but she was nowhere to be found in the cottage.

"Damn, I hope she knows we have come in a lone place and not a wonderland where she can roam as per wishes."

I looked for her outside and again in the car but she was not there too. For a second, I lost my vision, everything got vacant and I was poker-faced. This time I knew she was not pranking.

Creepy thoughts came across, what if she ran into the middle of the forest and lost? However, I do not think of her running alone because if she wanted to, she would have done that at the first opportunity.

"Where she could have gone?"

I got frantic now and dreadful things pondered in my dumb head. I screamed her name and a very low voice of a poor girl echoed from the backyard of the cottage.

I ran as soon as I perceived the voice and to my surprise what I found was exhilarating and hysterical.

"What are you doing down there?"

"Holidaying, as you see. Why have you created this false dump yard, covering grass on top?" She unleashed her fury on me. But how I was supposed to be blamed for her insanity?

Amayra found her phone which I hid in a drawer and may be she attempted to call which failed for instance because of a distorting network zone. She came out for certain, ambled for proper network and she might have ramped her foot on these dry leaves which were nothing but a trap made to capture wild animals or thieves if any.

I, Sheena, and a couple of friends had created these once when we came here for a picnic. To date, it had never been used but just look at god's grace, Amayra became the victim of this trap.

"Come on, stand firm and give me your hand." I said giggling a little.

"Will you stop laughing at me?"

"Ok!" I replied as the situation in front of me was humorous and I was damn refractory of my feelings. I was laughing there like a clown after discovering her in the vacant dump yard. "Who told her to walk so blindly?" I then realized why everybody says girls are stupid.

"Stretch your hand, I will hold you."

"I cannot, my ankle and my knees hurt." She replied, wincing in pain.

"Yes it will hurt because I strictly told you to not go outside alone. 

"No." She firmly said. "At this time, I don't need your endearing lines. Just pick me up from here because it's you I am in this position."

"I didn't tell you to walk in here."

"You shouldn't have taken away my phone."

"It was just for precautionary measure. By the way, who were you dialing?"

I thought she was going to answer me, instead, she picked a pebble and threw it in my direction.

"What are you doing?" I yelped mildly, provoked by her action.

"Something which I should have done before meeting you. She said, "You are not helping me."

"How am I going to help when you are not negotiating? You are feuding always. I have been trying to talk to you at the very outset but if for once, you care to cooperate with me."

Amayra submitted to silence when I began to unshackle my words. I was so surprised that she finally undertook my words. In a chivalrous voice, she asked "Tell me, sir, what I have to do." I can't help but smile at her etiquette.

"Will you kindly use those fucking arms to pull me up?" She said cutely yet annoyingly.

"Can you be a little more gentle and sweet while addressing me?"

"I might disappoint you sir, but I can't be much gentle than these." She replied smacking her lips.

I swear, perhaps I never enjoyed this much in my life, irritating a girl and pleasing myself with that.

Pulling her up and picking her up in my arms, only a shining armour can do that.

"Oh my god, I never knew you are so heavy."

"Shut up, I am not heavy. I just weigh 52."

I placed her on the couch and asked her not to move anywhere until I come back. I went to fetch an aid box from the car and when I came inside a slight keek at Amayra, put me in thought. I had never been so generous to anyone before she and I believed I had never done so much grappling in my life. But somewhere I was amused by this. I was not hating these all, nor I was enraged by her actions. She entered like a freefall and somewhere I became a gravity, balancing each other, like an equation of chemistry or physics. The only thing left to match was our biology and I dreamed how life would be if she becomes my wife.

With the aid box, I sat next to her and cleared the wound in her right-hand ankle. She twitched in pain to a small degree. After applying ointment, I told her to rest and that later, we will talk. But she clearly did not want to rest.

When I got up, she held my hand and said "Let's sit and talk."

I felt a current running in my body when she spoke so this. An ineffable tranquillity I felt when she said she wanted to talk.

 She bore such a soft face and sounded so sweet that I couldn't help but to her hug her tightly.

The moment I did so, my heart began to beat unreliably, capriciously. I really did this. What would she think of me? But she did not drive me away, instead, she placed her hand on my back. The embrace provoked a significant weird, frenzy adrenaline rush in my veins that I chose not to drift away. Sniffing her hair like a romantic hero, I clutched her more into me and I did not know what curved my desire to do so.

"Do you like me, Amayra?" I asked still hugging her.