

“They went to Paris…” I whispered when I saw my friends post on their social media. I only stopped using my phone when the elevator opened.

I smiled at the guard at the entrance before I looked around. When I saw Nikki standing and watching from afar, I slightly nodded my head. Nikki raised his hand to give me a go signal. He was just around the corner, watching me. I told him not to always come to me and just watch me from afar so I can feel my freedom somehow.

When I saw the delicious food in the street, the thought of eating in a restaurant suddenly disappeared in my head. I stopped in front of a stall that was selling squid balls, fish balls, and quail eggs coated in flour. I enjoyed eating it. A few people are also buying and eating together with me. After that, I moved to another stall selling different fruits coated in melted sugar and chocolate. I bought two of those and ate them while roaming around the street.

Then, I signaled Nikki to go closer to me. “Have you eaten?” I asked. I don’t know when he came to guard me outside since I didn’t receive any notice that he was there to watch me.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he answered.

“Are you here alone?”

“No, Ma’am. Jaime is with me.” I nodded at him while still looking at the stores. When Nikki was about to keep his distance from me, I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. He stopped and looked at me.

“Just come with me. You are wearing normal clothing anyway.” I said to him. He only nodded at me and continued to walk with me.

“Just say if you want anything. It’s my treat. Ah, also ask Jaime.” I told him before stopping at one of the stalls to buy corn dogs. I know that Nikki would not tell me anything so I also bought corn dogs for them.

“Here,” I said as I gave him two corn dogs. “Call Jaime,” I said to him before I went to one of the empty benches near us. Nikki quickly got his phone to call Jaime. Jaime is also the same age as him so I am comfortable since our gap to each other was not big. It was like I had another Kieffer beside me. We saw Jaime coming while holding three drinks. I instructed them to sit beside me since the bench was enough for three. They were sitting beside me and I felt bad because I knew they were standing outside for too long.

“This is nice,” I said after I drank my coke while looking at the people around us. “I feel like I’m a normal person now.” I chuckled. I felt them looking at me. I didn’t bother to look at them because I didn’t want to see how they looked at me. Among all the close people around me, they were the ones who knew and saw how desperate I am to live freely because they were with me the whole time, guarding me. I remember the time when I sneaked out late at night when I was in America just to have fun with my friends but ended up caught by Nikki.

“Have you also done this before?” I asked them. “Roaming outside, eating outside, walking outside freely without thinking about anything. Just having fun.”

I heard Jaime clear his throat and Nikki sighed.

“We do this if we have time or if we don’t have work,” Nikki answered. Then, he got the plastics in my hands as well as the empty bottle of drink in my hand to throw in the trash can near us. They knew that I don’t like having formal conversations even if they were working because I don’t like that feeling. I just want them to be comfortable with me like a friend. But of course, they were both aware of their job so they answered me with respect and they knew their limit.

Jaime whispered something to Nikki and Nikki nodded. I sighed before I took out the strawberry that was coated with chocolate that I bought earlier.

“Let him,” I said. They both look at me. They were now serious. “I know him. He’s my neighbor.” I added it before I ate one of the strawberries. I nodded, satisfied with the taste.

“He has been following you since you left the building,” Jaime said.

“I know. He was inside the elevator when I got in. I don’t know if he is a hotelier or bodyguard like you two.” I said. My eyes remained on the dessert that I was eating.

“He should have at least changed his clothes before following me,” I whispered.

After I finished eating my dessert, I stood up. Nikki and Jaime remained behind me as I started to walk.

The two stopped walking when I stopped in front of the building. Then, I faced them with my arms crossed on my chest. I looked at them while thinking if they will do something to Mark later after I entered this building. They are my bodyguards. Their job is to watch and protect me. But they have also received different orders from my family that they didn't know that I already knew. I am not an idiot not to know that.

I sighed, and the two of them remained standing upright, waiting for me to speak something.

"Don't touch him," I said seriously.

They both looked at each other and then back at me. Nikki looked at me with those fierce eyes while Jaime bit his lips and avoided my gaze.


"I would not stand back if you touched him," I added. "I know that after I entered this building, you two will go to him, talk to him, or whatever you wanted to do just to know why he was following me." I nodded and sighed. Both of them didn't speak or bothered to say anything regarding that.

I put my hands in the pocket of my jacket when I saw Mark walking towards us.

"He's my neighbor," I said. Nikki and Jaime were both looking at me but I am not looking at them. I am looking at the man who was walking behind them.

"Or should I say, the owner of this building?" I added before I cleared my throat and signaled them to leave. They slightly bowed at me before they left. I followed them with my gaze then, when I felt Mark was near me, I turned to him with a smile on my face.