
Bk 3: Ch– 175 Fate(pt-1)

The cloud passed around them making a shadow on her face. Rosa rubbed her eyes with her right hand before pointing her sword back at Spike.

“There I have introduced myself, then should I not know the identity of my opponent? At least I need to know the name of the man I will kill.” Spike laughed out loud. “You are entertaining, maybe this is why General Kundh was interested in you.”

The name of the general made Rosa shiver, “What did you just say?”

The face of the general dawned on her.

It is no foreign knowledge she was the one who killed the famous general Kundh of the Vatakku. A win that earned her some fame in Argenti but the way Spike spoke it is as if he was close to the general.

“You…. You are not a vatakku?” Spike laughed as he ignored her question.