
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime et bandes dessinées
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144 Chs

The Useful Nature Energy.

Ling Tian was kind of disappointed at the bloodline he got as the reward for completing the quest. Of course he likes Tokyo Ghoul! But that doesn't mean he wants to be a human eating freak. He was a human himself at one point.

The mid grade spirit stones are very helpful to him because, as long as he has spirit energy, his cultivation will keep on rising.

As for the celestial spirit summoning key, he had no idea what to do with it.

Ling Tian put all these thoughts in the back of his mind and turned to look over at Su Mengyan and Su Xumei, who were having their curses destroyed by Ling Tian's nature energy.

Su Yu who saw what the energy Ling Tian used is capable of, had a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

' Master! Can you use that blue energy on big sister Lingyan as well?' Su Yu asked Ling Tian through a sound transmission, in order to prevent others from hearing it.

" Hm?" Ling Tian looked over at Su Yu with a questioning expression.

' Why do you want me to do that?' Ling Tian asked Su Yu with a sound transmission.

' Master! Your energy can cure poisons too, right?' Su Yu asked in a hopeful tone.

' I think it can. But what does it have anything to do with Lingyan?' Ling Tian asked with sound transmission.

' It might be able to fix my sister's disfigured appearance !' Su Yu said to Ling Tian in excitement.

' Ah... I think you're mistaken about something here. Nature energy doesn't have the ability to manipulate facial muscles. So I don't think it can help her.' Ling Tian said.

' Ah... Master, my sister is not disfigured from birth. She was very beautiful and was the most talented among us. But when she was fifteen, she encountered a monster beast that poisoned her, which caused her current appearance and her cultivation to stop progressing. But for some reason, the poison isn't doing anything to harm her health. Our mother took her to various alchemists, but they couldn't find any cure for her. Mother still trying very hard to find a cure for sister.' Su Yu explained to Ling Tian with a sad expression.

' I see... By the way, what is the monster beast that poisoned your sister?' Ling Tian asked, as he was curious about which monster beast was capable of producing such a poison that so many alchemists are helpless against.

' It's the a rank 8 monster beast called Disfiguring Lamia. It's a very mysterious monster beast, not many knowledge of it remains now.' Su Yu said.

' Disfiguring Lamia?! But that's..' Ling Tian paused and looked at Su Lingyan who was worryingly looking after Su Mengyan and Su Xumei. He activated his Sharingan and observed her.

' I see... Now it makes sense! It was never a poison to begin with. It was only blood curse!' Ling Tian thought as he smiled a bit.

Ling Tian of course knew what this monster beast is, because of him having Devil God's memories.

Disfiguring Lamia is pretty similar to the Lamia race. Except, the disfiguring Lamia have no intelligence and have a brown skin on their upper humanoid body and green sclera, unlike the Lamia race. These monster beasts don't usually kill and have a strange habit. If they meet a living being that are more beautiful than them, they use their racial curse skill, disfiguring blood curse, which doesn't target one's life, but targets one's beauty and their affinity to Spirit energy.

It's one nasty monster beast.

[Ding! Quest triggered.

Task:- lift the curse of Su Lingyan.

Reward:- Auxiliary Art- Heretical God Force.

Penalty:- subtraction of host's charm by 50% ]

The sudden notice from the system was unexpected to Ling Tian.

" Why such heavy penalty?!" Ling Tian exclaimed in a loud voice that got the attention of everyone, except the two girls who were unconscious.

" Cough!... Sorry about that! I just thought of something.... Lingyan! Could you come over here for a second." Ling Tian said as he looked over at Su Lingyan.

Su Yu looked at Ling Tian with hopeful gaze.

" Hmm... Okay." Su Lingyan agreed and came near Ling Tian.

Ling Tian raised his hand and placed his palm on Su Lingyan's face.

" ?! " Su Lingyan was startled. But before she could react, a whitish blue energy flowed into Su Lingyan from Ling Tian's palm. She didn't feel any threat from this energy, but it made her feel peaceful and happy. Even she didn't know why.

Su Lingyan slowly drifted into sleep and her body fell into Ling Tian's arms.

Ling Tian looked at her with his Sharingan and saw that the curse had took root into her quite deep. So he injected even more nature energy into her.

Ling Tian saw that the blood curse was starting to crumble apart as Su Lingyan's body was covered by dense nature energy.

Ling Tian sighed and placed her gently on the floor.

When he turned around, he saw Su Yu looking at him anxiously.

" Stop being so anxious! She'll probably be cured. About 70% chance." Ling Tian said to Su Yu.

" Sigh! Seriously, do people of your Su clan have some fate with curses. This is the second time today. If for those two girls, I used 4% of my nature energy, I had to use more than 85% of my nature energy reserves on Lingyan." Ling Tian said.

" Thank you... Thank you.... Thank you..." Su Yu kowtowed before Ling Tian and kept on muttering 'Thank you'.

" Sigh." Ling Tian looked at Su Yu and sighed.

" Get up already. A man shouldn't kneel down so easily." Said Ling Tian as he started to walk over to Elder Sun.

Su Yu got up and looked at Ling Tian in gratitude.

" Hey, old man! Is there any place you know of that is dense with spirit energy?" Ling Tian asked Elder Sun.

" Yes, senior!" Elder Sun replied in a polite way.

Ling Tian was startled by Elder Sun's way of addressing him.

" Senior? What the heck are you talking about, old man?" Ling Tian asked in a joking tone.

" You're already far stronger than even the sect master! Senior is the most appropriate word that comes to my mind, when I thought of how to address you." Elder Sun smiled wryly.

" Just call me whatever you want. Just don't talk to me in a very polite manner. I'm not comfortable with such things." Ling Tian said while tapping Elder Sun's shoulder.

" Yeah, sure kid." Elder Sun said in a helpless tone.

Ling Tian smiled and when he was about to say something, he saw Su Mengyan twitching on the ground and her breasts slightly trembling.

" Cough! Su Yu, you go look after Lingyan! Mengyan needs some additional treatment." Ling Tian said as he came near Su Mengyan and squat down beside her.

A lecherous smile almost surfaced on Ling Tian lips, but he managed to restrain it.

Ling Tian placed his both his hands on her twin peaks.

" Master. Is something wrong with my sister?" Su Yu asked in a worried tone not realizing his master's perverted thoughts.

Ling Tian looked at his 'disciple' and sighed in his heart. He was actually glad for once that, this 'disciple' of his is such a naive idiot.

" It's nothing serious. It's just that the curse is concentrated on her boo-.. her chest. I need to perform a special massage technique to completely cure." Ling Tian said with a serious face. Even Elder Sun, who realized Ling Tian's intention was almost fooled by Ling Tian's serious expression.

" You really are kind, master. Going so far for people you haven't even known for long." Su Yu said with a bright smile.

Ling Tian almost lost himself when he saw Su Yu's smile.

' Sh*t! This guy's definitely a trap!' Ling Tian thought.

" Su Yu. Has people tried to kidnap you before?" Ling Tian asked with a wry smile.

Su Yu looked at Ling Tian in surprise and said.

" How do you know, master?"

" So did something happen to you, when that happened?" Ling Tian asked awkwardly.

" My sisters and mother always save me before they could touch me." Su Yu said happily.

" I see... Well you go look over Lingyan. I'll take care of things here." Ling Tian urged Su Yu to go away, because he wanted to start his special 'treatment'.

" Okay!.... Master, will you treat Sister Mei as well?" Su Yu asked.

" Um..." Ling Tian looked over at Su Xumei and saw her chest, which is on the smaller scale and said, " No. There's no need. Only Mengyan has this problem."

" Okay!" Su Yu walked away.

" Finally." Ling Tian said when he saw Su Yu go away.

Ling Tian caught Su Mengyan's breasts with his hands and started feeling it up.

' Ohhh... This is quite nice... Her boobs are not big, but they perfectly fit my hands... This squishy feeling... Not bad..'

" Nghh." Su Mengyan moaned and it looked like she was about to wake up.

Elder Sun had already turned around so he wouldn't have to see this. He didn't interrupt Ling Tian because he knew that Ling Tian wouldn't go too far with this.

' Hm?... Oh sh*t! She's waking up!" Ling Tian got startled and quickly used 'Mortal Steps' to appear next to Elder Sun and put his hand on Elder Sun's shoulder and started to talk some nonsense.

" Nghh... That bastard Ye Gouyi! How dare he put a curse on us! I'll castrate him!" Su Mengyan grumbled in anger as soon as she woke up.

' What a scary girl!' Ling Tian thought.

" .... " Su Xumei also slowly got up right after Su Mengyan did.

Su Mengyan and Su Xumei noticed that there was some sticky dirt on their skin.

" Is this... Body waste?!" Su Mengyan asked.

" That's right." Ling Tian said to Su Mengyan in a carefree tone, as if what happened before never happened at all.

" .... " Su Xumei frowned.

" Don't worry about it. I'll fix you up." Ling Tian said and waved his hand. A wave of ice mist erupted from Ling Tian's palm and froze both Su Mengyan and Su Xumei for a second before the ice that froze them turned to dust.

Elder Sun was surprised by Ling Tian's control of spirit energy.

" Wha-?!" Su Mengyan and Su Xumei were shocked when they saw their skin. It had become much fairer and they had become more beautiful.

Ling Tian was sort of prepared for something like this, but he was still caught off guard.

" Thank you." Su Xumei said to Ling Tian in a simple tone.

" Why are you thanking me?" Ling Tian asked curiously.

" For saving our lives." Su Xumei said.

" .... " Ling Tian really felt that she speaks very few words.

Ling Tian turned to see if Su Mengyan was also going to show her gratitude to him. But what greeted him was..

Su Mengyan was staring at him with a deathly cold glare.

" What now?" Asked Ling Tian while frowning.

" I don't know." Su Mengyan said with a cold voice.

" Huh?" Ling Tian was baffled at this girl's behaviour.

" I don't know why, but I feel like slapping you real hard! I really wonder why. Did you do something to me while I was unconscious?" Su Mengyan asked with an annoyed voice.

' Sh*t! What kind of intuition is that?!' Ling Tian thought as he was feeling slightly scared of her.

Although Ling Tian is so powerful, that he can kill her in an instant. For some unknown reason, he feels terrified of this girl.

" Hey, is that how you show your gratitude? I did save your life you know?" Ling Tian said while sweating a bit.

" Well... You know... Tha-than-thank-....?! It's not like I asked you to save me!!" Su Mengyan yelled at Ling Tian.

" Now you're a tsundere??!!"

Ling Tian who was expecting a simple 'thank you', didn't expect Su Mengyan to act like this.

" What's a sunidire?" Su Mengyan asked.

" It's nothing. Just a slip of my tongue." Ling Tian sighed.

' This girl really is hard to deal with!' Ling Tian thought.

" Master! Sister Lingyan's vomiting black blood and some weird black stuff is coming from her pores! It's really stinky too!" Su Yu yelled as he informed Ling Tian.

" You bastard! What did you do to sister Lingyan?!" Su Mengyan shouted at Ling Tian.

" You really have a bad mouth, don't you?" Ling Tian said as he looked at Su Mengyan who rushed over to Su Lingyan.

" Hm? Oh, don't worry about that! It's just the impurities within her body!" Ling Tian said as he walked over towards Su Lingyan.

Ling Tian looked at Su Lingyan, whose body was reforming to its original state now that the curse has been destroyed by Ling Tian's nature energy. But because of Ling Tian's energy, her body is getting more and more stronger as her entire physique is being purified by the nature energy.

After a few minutes, Su Lingyan's body was covered in black sticky dirt. Even her face was so.

" Seriously, just how much impurities did get accumulated inside her body?" Ling Tian said in disbelief as he stared at the black figure who was trying to stand up.

The others had long distanced themselves from there because, the smell of Su Lingyan's impurities were getting unbearable. These were the impurities that had been collected in her body over the years and the curse had increased the increased the impurities in her body as well.

Ling Tian was able to control his senses due to the passive perk of the Nature Immortal body, the Nature Sense, which allows him to control his five basic senses right now, in the future, more abilities will be available to him. So he simply shut off his senses of smell and continued to stand beside Su Lingyan.