
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime et bandes dessinées
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144 Chs

Causality Perception“s Terrifying Might

Elder Sun, Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan and Su Yu stared at Ling Tian dumbly .

Even Elder Sun was no exception. He never thought Ling Tian would introduce himself in such a fashion and was caught off guard.

" Pftt.. Hahaha! Most talented? Your level of narcissism has surpassed everything I've ever seen!" Su Mengyan laughed at what Ling Tian said.

Su Yu and Su Lingyan were trying very hard not to laugh, but still had a smile on their faces. This smile made Su Lingyan's disfigured face look more ugly.

Ling Tian was angry when he heard Su Mengyan's exaggerated laughter and was just about to yell at her. But when he saw the laughing figure of Su Mengyan, he couldn't even utter a word.

Ling Tian realized that, he had never truly looked at her as he was only focused on filling his stomach.

Ling Tian was mesmerized by Su Mengyan's beauty. Unlike on Earth, here in this world, especially women cultivators rarely put on any make up and Su Mengyan didn't apply any such makeups and her beauty was natural.

Ling Tian found it hard to believe that such a beauty existed. Her beauty far surpasses every women back on Earth.

Her figure was very graceful. Although she doesn't have huge breasts, her breasts are pretty bountiful. She has bodacious hips. Her face was breathtakingly beautiful and her fair skin was akin to white snow. With her scarlet lips and white jade-like teeth, her face was flawless and impeccable.

Ling Tian's heart was beating faster now. He doesn't understand what love is, but he understands that he is attracted to this girl.

Ling Tian was about to say something when a scent blew on his face. He turned and saw the large egg that he just boiled and his love-struck expression completely changed into that of hunger.

The Su trio didn't notice the sudden changes of Ling Tian, but all this didn't escape the sight of Elder Sun. He showed a playful smile when he saw Ling Tian looking at Su Mengyan with a love-struck expression. But he face palmed when he saw Ling Tian completely forgetting about Su Mengyan when he saw the egg.

' Sigh. No matter how much innocent and naive he is, a Saiyan is a Saiyan after all.' Elder Sun thought with a smile.

But that smile faded and his eyes went wide from shock because he saw Ling Tian split the large boil egg into hundreds of pieces in an instant with the adamant short sword Ling Tian made with his adamant attributed spirit energy.

Su Mengyan stopped laughing and was looking at Ling Tian in shock . Su Lingyan and Su Yu were also looking at Ling Tian like they were looking at a monster.

They had completely forgotten about Ling Tian declaring himself as a Saiyan.

Ling Tian of course didn't notice all this and picked up a piece of the boiled egg and ate it.

" Ohhh... This egg is delicious!" Ling Tian said with his eyes sparkling as he looked at the remaining hundreds of egg pieces.


The door to the entrance to the Martial Arts Library opened and a beautiful girl walked in and a relatively handsome man also followed behind her.

Elder Sun and the Su trio snapped out of stupor as they looked at the newcomers.

" Xumei!" Su Mengyan exclaimed as she looked at the girl.

" Ye Gouyi! What are you doing here?!" Su Mengyan scowled at the sight of the young man.

Su Lingyan and Su Yu frowned at the sight of this young man named Ye Gouyi.

Ye Gouyi smiled at the Su trio and looked at Elder Sun, bowed and greeted him.

" Disciple Gouyi greets grand elder Sun."

Elder Sun simply nodded to Ye Gouyi's greeting.

Ye Gouyi looked at Su Mengyan and said, " I of course came to meet my future wives."

Su Mengyan, Su Lingyan and the girl named Xumei frowned at this.

" Did you forget about Luo Xingtian?" Su Mengyan asked while frowning.

" Heh!" Ye Gouyi laughed and looked at Su Mengyan in a mocking manner.

" You really think just because he protects you girls, I'll just give up? I have always gotten the women I've set my sights on. Within a week, my father will come back from the conference. With my father, even the sect master is unable to do anything to me."

Su Mengyan kept on saying things to retort against Ye Gouyi, while Su Lingyan and the girl named Xumei were standing beside Su Mengyan.

The girl named Xumei smelled something and turned to see Ling Tian eating the egg slices, while completely oblivious to the newcomers.

Xumei walked towards Ling Tian and stood beside him and looked at the slices of the egg. She could sense quite a lot of spirit energy within these pieces of egg and the smell of it captivated her.

Ling Tian sensed someone looking at him and turned and saw an extremely beautiful girl standing beside him.

Ling Tian was stunned by her beauty. Her beauty didn't lose out to Su Mengyan. But the only difference was that, Su Mengyan had a short temper while this girl had a cold expression on her face.

" What is that?" The girl asked Ling Tian in a cold tone. But Ling Tian didn't mind it as her voice was very pleasant to hear.

" Oh this? It's a boiled monster beast egg." Ling Tian said to the girl with a smile as he stared at her face.

" Nn." The girl simply nodded. She didn't find it uncomfortable when Ling Tian kept on staring at her face. Although she doesn't know why.

" I'm Ling Tian. What's your name?" Ling Tian asked with a smile as he was still staring at her face with a look of admiration.

The girl looked at Ling Tian for a moment before saying, " Su Xumei."

" I see. Xumei it is. Nice to meet you, Xumei." Ling Tian said as he picked up a slice of the egg and ate it.

Su Xumei absent mindedly nodded as she was looking at the egg slices.

Ling Tian saw this and thought that this girl is pretty cute.

' She's a cold and prideful girl. So she won't accept it if I just give it to her.'

" Hey, can you help me eat some of these. I can't eat them all by myself." Ling Tian said to Su Xumei.

Su Xumei's eyes flickered with a strange light and she looked at Ling Tian.

" Come on. Pretty please." Ling Tian urged Su Xumei.

" Nn." Su Xumei nodded and took a piece of the egg slice and took a bite.

Her eyes brightened and she could feel her cultivation slightly increasing.

' She's easy!' Ling Tian thought.

' This must be the egg of a high level monster beast. It's tasty.' Su Xumei thought as she ate it and took another piece of the egg slice and started eating it.

She was eating in a very elegant manner, unlike Ling Tian whose way of eating almost matches that of a wild beast.

Su Xumei noticed that Ling Tian was looking at her with a kind smile on his face which made her blush.

Ling Tian looked at Su Xumei and when he saw her chest, his smile froze. Unlike Su Mengyan's chest, Su Xumei's chest was on the smaller scale. Almost flat.

Su Xumei noticed this.

" Sigh.."

After a second, Ling Tian sighed and looked away with disappointment in his eyes.

Su Xumei got annoyed for some unknown reason as she caught Ling Tian by his grey tunic as she looked at him and asked coldly, " What? You've got something to say?"

" Um... Well... You see..." Ling Tian was sweating bullets because of the deathly glare of Su Xumei. He realized that he had made blunder by showing his disappointment for her flat chest without hiding it.

" You know, small boobs have their own charm as well! Haha.." Ling Tian subconsciously said something he will regret in a second.

" What..did..you..say..?" Su Xumei slowly said in a cold voice as she unsheathed the sword that was hanging on her waist.

" Ah! Hey! That was a slip of my tongue! No need to go that far!" Ling Tian said in a loud voice which attracted the attention of others.

Even Su Mengyan who was arguing with Ye Gouyi turned to see what was happening.

Ye Gouyi's eyes turned cold when he saw Ling Tian talking with Su Xumei. He looked at Su Yu and asked, " Who is he?"

" H-he is an ou-outer court d-disciple called Ling Tian..." Su Yu replied to Ye Gouyi in a nervous and terrified tone.

" An outer court disciple? A mere outer court disciple dares to flirt with my woman?!" Ye Gouyi's expression turned fierce as he looked at Ling Tian. And the fact that Ling Tian is more handsome than him, pissed him off.

Of course, Ling Tian was obviously not flirting with Su Xumei.

" Hey you, outer court disciple! Get over here!" Ye Gouyi said to Ling Tian in a commanding tone.

Su Xumei frowned and Ling Tian was a bit surprised as he turned to look at Ye Gouyi.

" Are you referring to me?" Ling Tian asked Ye Gouyi with a slight smile.

" That's right. It's you. You dared to court this young master's woman. You will have to die for that!" Ye Gouyi said with an arrogant tone.

" I'm not your woman." Su Xumei said in displeasure.

" Hm?" Ling Tian saw that Su Xumei's expression was now completely cold and in her eyes there was a bit of hopelessness.

Ling Tian tried to sense her inner feelings out of curiosity and suddenly a notification from the system appeared in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations for unlocking the passive skill of the 'Nature Immortal', Nature Sense.]

[Ding! Congratulations for obtaining the talent, 'Nature Energy Control'.]

Ling Tian was surprised by this. But not too much.

' System, is my nature sense any different from the one in Naruto?' Ling Tian asked in his mind.

[Yes. Host's Nature Sense is a highly enhanced version of the sage sense in Narutoverse. There are many other features as well.]

' I see.' Ling Tian muttered in his mind and looked at Su Xumei.

He could now sense her emotions, although not accurately. Ling Tian frowned when he saw Su Xumei's eyes filled with despair.

Ling Tian sensed that Su Mengyan and Su Lingyan were also feeling the same as Su Xumei.

" You! Did you not hear me?!" Ye Gouyi said loudly.

Ling Tian was brought out of his thoughts by Ye Gouyi's shout.

" If you want to say something to me, come to me. If not, shut the fu*k up and get lost." Ling Tian said bluntly as he could clearly sense Ye Gouyi's malicious intent.

Ling Tian was annoyed by the way this guy was talking to him.

" How dare you?!" Ye Gouyi was incensed by Ling Tian's disregard for his command.

Ye Gouyi took out a sword from his spatial ring and charged at Ling Tian.

Su Mengyan, Su Lingyan and Su Yu were startled by this. But they couldn't react in time.

Su Xumei wanted to stand in front of Ling Tian to block Ye Gouyi's attack. But a hand landed on her shoulder and kept her in place.

The hand belongs to Ling Tian.

" That's enough!" Elder Sun said with a heavy voice as a huge pressure landed on the place that made everyone tremble as they had a hard time standing. Of course, Ling Tian was an exception as he wasn't even bothered by it.

Ling Tian supported Su Xumei from falling to the floor.

" Ye Gouyi! It seems you're taking me for granted. Do you forget what this place is? If you want to fight, do it elsewhere." Said Elder Sun while looking sternly at Ye Gouyi.

" Fine." Ye Gouyi said as he complied with what Elder Sun said.

Combat is forbidden in the Martial Arts Library and if he causes trouble in this place, even his father won't help him.

" You. Come out!" Ye Gouyi stated in an arrogant tone before walking out of the Martial Arts Library.

" Ling Tian, don't go! He's really strong! He's at the 5th level Mortal Core Realm." Su Lingyan said in a rushed manner.

Ling Tian simply smiled at her while thinking, ' Although he's weak, I should be able to test the causality perception of Sharingan.'

" Well don't worry I'll be fine." Said Ling Tian as he patted Su Lingyan's head.

When he wanted to move, someone caught his sleeve, which stopped him.

Ling Tian turned to see the one who held his sleeves was unexpectedly... Su Xumei!

She looked like she wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Ling Tian smiled at her action and simply patted her head and said, " Don't worry. Even a million of him won't be able to do anything to me. So if you want to worry about someone, he's the one you should be worrying about!"

Su Xumei let go of his sleeves and turned around. Ling Tian felt that this girl was cute.

Ling Tian walked out of the Martial Arts Library as well.

" Sister, are you not worried about Ling Tian?" Su Yu asked Su Mengyan.

" Why should I be?" Su Mengyan answered in a serious tone and continued, " Do you guys not remember what Elder Sun said?"

Su Yu and Su Lingyan were surprised and Su Xumei was confused.

" Elder Sun said that, Ling Tian is as strong as Elder Sun or maybe even stronger than Elder Sun. Ye Gouyi might be a core disciple but if what Elder Sun said is true, then Ye Gouyi is simply digging his own grave by provoking that stupid Ling Tian." Su Mengyan sneered as she mentioned about Ye Gouyi's disadvantage.

Su Yu and Su Lingyan had thoughtful expressions while Su Xumei was completely shocked.

' He's that strong? Why is he still an outer court disciple then?' Su Xumei thought. She didn't doubt Su Mengyan's words since it was Elder Sun who stated it.

The three girls along with Su Yu walked out of the Martial Arts Library to see what the end result of the battle is.

But they didn't notice Elder Sun sweating and his hands trembling.

" That boy... To think he would have such terrifying strength..." Elder Sun muttered.

When Ye Gouyi was about to attack Ling Tian, Ling Tian had released a massive Ki pressure for an instant before withdrawing it.

The others may not have sensed it. But, Elder Sun, who has a cultivation of 2nd level Divine Transformation Realm was able to get a glimpse of Ling Tian's enormous Ki. He realized that he had underestimated Ling Tian by looking at Ling Tian's naive and easy going exterior. He knew that, with Ling Tian's current power level, Ling Tian can easily kill him much less someone like Ye Gouyi, who hasn't even broken free of his mortal shackles.

" Sigh... Although there is very small chance of the boy killing Ye Gouyi. But Ye Gouyi definitely won't get off easily from this." Elder Sun muttered as he too walked out of the Martial Arts Library.


Outside the Martial Arts Library, Ling Tian and Ye Gouyi were facing each other while standing at a distance.

Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan, Su Xumei, Su Yu and Elder Sun were standing at the side while spectating Ling Tian and Ye Gouyi.

" Do your best before you die, trash." Ye Gouyi said as he held his sword.

" .... "

Ling Tian closed his eyes for a second and when he opened his eyes again, his pupils were glowing red with three tomoe in it.

" What?! You have an eye bloodline?! Why are you only an outer court disciple with an eye bloodline?!" Ye Gouyi was shocked when he saw Ling Tian's Sharingan.

Ling Tian only smiled at Ye Gouyi's question.

" .... Unless... You were deliberately hiding your eye bloodline!" Ye Gouyi said as if he understood it.

" .... " Ling Tian was speechless, because what Ye Gouyi guessed was complete nonsense. He is not the type to hide things, especially something cool like Sharingan.

Elder Sun was shocked as well.

" That's not that starry white eye he showed before... Does that mean he has two eye bloodlines?! Just how much of a monster is he?!" Elder Sun muttered as he stared at Ling Tian in disbelief.

The others didn't hear Elder Sun's muttering as they were staring at Ling Tian.

The girls were mesmerized by Ling Tian's red eyes. And with that carefree smile on his face, he looked extremely handsome right now.

Even Su Mengyan was mesmerized by Ling Tian right now.

Ye Gouyi was very angry when he saw the women he desire are looking at Ling Tian in such a manner.

" So what if you have an eye bloodline?! A trash will always be a trash!" Ye Gouyi yelled and charged at Ling Tian.

In a second, Ye Gouyi was already in front of Ling Tian as he slashed at the latter.

But the sword slash only sliced the air and when he was about to look for Ling Tian, a slap hit his back head, causing him to fall face first in to the ground.

" Kghh." Ye Gouyi got up and looked for the source that made him fall, only to see a smiling Ling Tian with his red eyes staring at him.

Ling Tian was purposely holding back the aura of his Sharingan as he thought that Ye Gouyi will chicken out if he felt Sharingan's aura.

" Why you!! Qingyun Cutter!!!" Ye Gouyi got in a position as he was about to use some spirit technique as wind attributed spirit energy was concentrated on his sword.

Just as Ye Gouyi was about to slash it towards Ling Tian, Ling Tian suddenly appeared right in front of him, which disrupted Ye Gouyi's technique as he was forced to stop and retreat backwards.

Ye Gouyi's arms hurt as he forcibly stopped his almost finished technique.

" You damn trash!! You got lucky! But you won't anymore!!" Ye Gouyi tried to use another spirit technique, but it was also interrupted by Ling Tian before he could complete the technique.

This cycle repeated for eleven times. Ye Gouyi was now looking at Ling Tian in a terrified way and didn't know what to do. Whatever technique he tried to use were interrupted by Ling Tian before he could even execute them. It was as if Ling Tian knew all of weakness Ye Gouyi's spirit techniques and how to interrupt the use of the techniques.

" What is going on? Ye Gouyi can't even touch him! He can't even use his techniques! How is that stupid Tian doing it?" Su Mengyan said as she was unable to comprehend how Ling Tian was doing such a feat.

" Nn. He's toying with Ye Gouyi." Su Xumei said without taking her eyes off Ling Tian.

" I knew Ye Gouyi never stood a chance. But never thought he would be in such a situation even when Ling Tian isn't going on the offense." Su Lingyan said.

" .... " Su Yu didn't say anything, but was intensely looking at Ling Tian with admiration.

" .... " Elder Sun couldn't say anything as even he couldn't understand how Ling Tian was capable of such feat.

' Hmmm.. So that's one way of how I can use the 'Causality Perception' of my Sharingan. I can obviously use it in many other ways. But this guy is too low levelled for me to test it. In any case, as long as my body can keep up with what I can perceive with 'Causality Perception', then..... I'm invincible!' Ling Tian thought as he smiled brightly.

" It's time we end this. I'll let you use your technique. If you can put so much as a scratch on me, I'll kill myself." Said Ling Tian as he looked over at Ye Gouyi who was panting in exhaustion.

" I'll show you!! How dare you treat me like this?!" Ye Gouyi shouted as he took out a different sword from his storage ring.

" A high grade Earth rank sword artifact!!" Su Mengyan exclaimed as she stared at the new sword in Ye Gouyi's hand in fright.

Ling Tian expression didn't change, but deep in his eyes there was disdain. How could a mere Earth rank artifact possibly do any damage to him? Only a top grade Heaven rank artifact could pose a little bit of threat to him and that too, temporarily.

" Qingyun Cutter!!"

Ye Gouyi slashed at Ling Tian with his strongest technique, which Ling Tian deemed to be an Earth rank spirit technique.

This time, Ye Gouyi's technique wasn't interrupted by Ling Tian.

But the sharp wind covered sword was stopped a few centimetres away from Ling Tian. A shiny energy barrier had stopped Ye Gouyi's Qingyun Cutter.

This energy was precisely Ling Tian's adamant spirit energy. Adamant is known for its tough defense and obviously Ye Gouyi's attack didn't even faze it.

" Ah..hh.." Ye Gouyi was in disbelief that a mere outer court disciple had toyed around with him.


Ling Tian looked at Ye Gouyi and stretched his hand to Ye Gouyi's face and used his fingers to flick him on the forehead, which sent him flying.


Ye Gouyi had crashed into a tree that was in the way and lost consciousness.

" As the old saying goes, a barking dog never bites! In the end, he was a dog who was just all bark after all." Ling Tian sighed as he looked at Ye Gouyi who crashed into the tree.

" Then what kind of dog are you?" Suddenly a girl's voice asked him.

Ling Tian absent mindedly said, " I am of course a cool and elegant do-?! Tch! Who the hell are you calling dog?!"

Ling Tian yelled towards the source of the question, which is Su Mengyan.