
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

Mr_Compress · Anime et bandes dessinées
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144 Chs

Aquazaine Trinity Fox“s Request, Beauty Sealed in Ice

Ling Tian was in his thoughts and was even more confused. Ling Tian might have been able to come here because of the remnants of Chaotic Force that was present in his past self's body. But he didn't understand why Xin Qinyue was also able to enter this place.

' Does she have some kind of bloodline or physique with affinity towards Nature Energy?' Ling Tian thought.

' Sigh.. I'll know of it eventually.'

Ling Tian shook his head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and focused on the gigantic skeleton. He touched the surface of bone and was quite surprised as well as confused.

' As expected of an Immortal God's bones! They are perfectly fine and indestructible. But what happened to his flesh and blood? Even if he got his body destroyed, why are his bones fine? Just what happened in the end of the War of Gods?' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian was curious to know of this. Because Devil God was sealed away by the Super Saiyan God Fairon, he didn't witness what happened in the end of the war. So Ling Tian also didn't know of anything.

Ling Tian was in a stalemate. He really wanted to know the ending of the War Of Gods.

Suddenly a blue smoke like figure came out from the skeleton and floated before Ling Tian.

" Saiyan! Why have you come here?" The blue figure asked.

Ling Tian was not much surprised. He got a good look at the blue figure and saw that it had the appearance of a blue haired handsome man with three fluffy white tails.

" Nice to meet you, Aquazaine Trinity Fox. Or should I call you Rowyn the Aquazaine King?" Ling Tian asked with a calm smile.

" How do you know that?!" The blue figure got startled and started showing hostility towards Ling Tian.

" Hoh? You want to fight me? With your pathetic state?" Ling Tian asked with a calm smile.

In the past few days, Ling Tian had already come in terms with his personality problems and now he has a calm and collective disposition, while still holding on to his carefree attitude.

The only thing that could cause him problems are the Original Sin Spirit Root. Ling Tian could solve this by integrating with the True Devil bloodline he received from system as a reward. But doing that would cause him to lose quite a few emotions of his, which Ling Tian clearly didn't want. So Ling Tian has only one way to control the Original Sin Spirit Root, that is to strengthen his soul even further.

" Just tell me how you know my name?" The blue figure or rather Rowyn asked in a helpless tone.

" Well, it's a secret of mine, I won't reveal to anyone. Not even my close ones." Ling Tian said.

" I can see that you are not even two decades old, but you possess immense understanding of laws of water, that you can even breath in water like a fish. No... Perhaps you have much more understanding of other laws as well." Rowyn said helplessly.

" Forget about such minor things. Tell me. How did you perish in the War Of Gods? What happened to the guy with Eyes Of Eternity? And what happened to the two Saiyan Gods? How did the War end?" Ling Tian asked in a slightly agitated tone.

" The Saiyan Gods and the Eternal Supreme survived the war if I'm not wrong. I don't know what happened afterwards. By the way, I sensed that you have the aura of the two Saiyan Gods on you, why?" Rowyn asked after he said what he knew to Ling Tian.

" Dunno! Maybe I'm their descendant? Who knows? Anything can be right." Ling Tian said in a carefree tone.

" .... " Rowyn was speechless. It is obvious that Ling Tian didn't want to reveal whatever secret he has.

" You never told me how you died? Your way of death is very strange." Ling Tian said.

" About that... I actually have a favour to ask of you." Rowyn said to Ling Tian in a humble tone.

" Favour?" Ling Tian asked a bit confused.

" See this first." Rowyn said and the skeleton started to tremble and a big piece of ice was present before Ling Tian.

The moment Ling Tian saw what was within the ice, his world froze and his calm facade instantly shattered.

Inside the ice, there was a woman sealed, and her beauty couldn't be even described by Ling Tian.

Even Su Fengxi, the most beautiful woman, Ling Tian had ever seen was not even comparable to this woman. Her beauty was simply otherworldly.

The woman had a very fair skin and her hair was pure white in colour and she had a curvaceous body and she wore a white clothes. Her face was as if it surpassed the perfection of beauty. Her eyes were currently closed as if she was in a deep slumber. But Ling Tian was sure that her eyes should be very beautiful.

Ling Tian was captivated by the beauty of this woman sealed in ice. It was not lust he felt. It was just an impulse to protect this pure existence from all impurities in the world.

Ling Tian slowly snapped out of his mild stupor after a few minutes. But this also benefited him too. Ling Tian had slowly adapted to this level of beauty, so that he won't ever look like a fool in front of a beautiful girl anymore. Unless there are women who are even more beautiful than this otherworldly beauty sealed in ice.

" You like what you see?" A voice interrupted Ling Tian's thoughts.

Ling Tian turned around and saw the blue smoke like Rowyn looking at him in a teasing manner.

" You son of a bi*ch! What did you do to this innocent girl?!" Ling Tian snapped at Rowyn.

" She's my daughter, you freak!" Rowyn said in an annoyed tone.

" Ah...?" Ling Tian was confused and started to understand a little of what was happening.

" Cough!... So why is she sealed in that ice? Even I don't know what that ice is." Ling Tian asked.

" It's because of that war." Rowyn said faintly.

" What does war have to do anything with her?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

" Certain people targeted her because of her special physique. Because of that they even developed a way to sense her presence no matter where she is. They even went as far as to use a soul devouring curse on her. In order to save her, I used my racial divine power, Eternal Ice Coffin! Even Eternal Gods cannot break this ice. She's sealed for eternity." Rowyn said in a sad voice.

" Bastard!" Ling Tian cursed Rowyn under his breath despite knowing that Rowyn had no other choice to save his daughter. Not everyone is lucky like Ling Tian to survive the loss of their body essence.

But despite knowing this, Ling Tian felt a bit suffocated when he thought of how such a beautiful girl will be sealed for eternity without getting the chance to live her life.

" My racial divine power has a cost to be paid for using it. And that is Flesh, blood and soul of the user." Rowyn continued.

Ling Tian frowned. It seems this guy sacrificed everything in order to ensure the safety of his daughter.

Rowyn suddenly presented three things before Ling Tian. A hand sized crystalline jade-like core, a white shining orb and a white ice token.

" What's this supposed to be?" Ling Tian frowned and asked as he looked at the things that Rowyn presented to him.

" Please save my daughter!" Rowyn said in a pleading tone.

Ling Tian was surprised by Rowyn's sudden request. And most of all, Ling Tian was impressed that a former Immortal God lowering himself to beg someone weaker like Ling Tian for sole sake of his daughter. This showed how much he loved his daughter.

" Are you out of your mind? Even Eternal Gods can't do anything about that ice! What makes you think I can do something about it?" Ling Tian asked. With the comprehension of laws he inherited from Devil God, Ling Tian could indeed do something about the ice. But how much he can utilize the laws depends on his soul. Currently, Ling Tian cannot use even 0.1% of Devil God's comprehension of laws with his current soul level.

Even if Ling Tian managed to get the woman out of the Eternal Ice Coffin, he still wouldn't be able to save her from the god rank curse.

" You can help her!" Rowyn said in a determined tone.

" Huh?! I don't get what you're trying to say!" Ling Tian said in a surprised tone.

" Although the Eternal Ice Coffin is indestructible, there is one thing that can manage to break it." Rowyn said.

" .... " Ling Tian didn't say anything, but he was extremely curious about what it is that Rowyn was implying to.

" It's Nature Energy! An extremely pure Nature Energy!" Rowyn said.

" Nature Energy? Don't tell me...?" Ling Tian had a strange expression.

" Yes! In all my life, you have the most purest Nature Energy I've ever seen. Although the level of your Nature Energy is very weak, but eventually you'll be able to break the coffin and even save my daughter from the Soul Devouring Curse!" Rowyn said with assurance.

" And you expect me to go to such lengths for someone I just met?" Ling Tian asked.

" These three should be enticing for you. This blue crystal jade is my nature core. This white orb is a divine soul made from my remaining soul and this is a spatial storage item that contains all my wealth. This should be enough for you! Please help my daughter. Consider this as a father's request." Rowyn said in a pleading tone.

" Stop being so disgraceful! You are an Immortal God!..... I'll help anyway since you've given me all this." Ling Tian said as he stored the three items in his Soul Storage Space.

Rowyn smiled when he saw this. How could he not notice the unwillingness of Ling Tian when he accepted the things Rowyn gave him. The only reason Ling Tian took it is because not accepting it might hurt Rowyn's pride.

" Thank you for listening to my request." Rowyn thanked Ling Tian with a grateful voice full of emotions.

" You will be disappearing soon right?" Ling Tian asked.

How could Ling Tian not recognize that Rowyn's remnant soul is about to disappear when having Devil God's memories. He might have been able to exist for a few hundreds of years, but He sacrificed all that by condensing a divine soul for Ling Tian. So Rowyn might vanish anytime now.

" Yes. Can I ask you something?" Rowyn asked.

" Go ahead." Ling Tian said.

" Why do you have such a pure Nature Energy?" Rowyn asked in a weak tone.

" It's because I have Nature Immortal Body." Ling Tian simply stated.

" What?!" Rowyn uttered in shock.

" I see... That makes sense." Rowyn said.

" Are you really gonna trust me like that?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

" Anyone who has Nature Immortal Body will have a pure heart! I'll entrust you with my beloved daughter. Please keep your promise." Rowyn said as his blue smoke like figure started to disappear.

" I promise with my pride as a Saiyan that I'll save your daughter!" Ling Tian said solemnly.

Rowyn was surprised for a second before chuckling.

" Seriously, Saiyans never change."

" Thank you for agreeing to a father's selfish request." Rowyn said as he completely disappeared.

Before that, Ling Tian caught a fragment of Rowyn's dispersing Soul and sealed it inside a jade.

" Maybe, I'll think about reviving you using my Rinnegan's power in the future, when I have enough life force to revive an Immortal God." Ling Tian said quietly as he turned to look at the Ice coffin.

' Seriously.. Do I have some affinity with curses? It's not been long since I cured Lingyan's curse.' Ling Tian thought with a wry smile as he observed the ice.