
Arknights: Steel-Woven Melody

A Arknights Fan-fiction or AU with OCs and some Original Ideas added in.

ViCal · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Strange World, Stranger People

-Time Unknown, Location Unknown-

Two children were sitting across from each other, they were in a hut of some sort, one child who was younger appeared no younger than 7 or 8 had symbols covering their body from the lower neck down, the other who was the only appeared to be around 11 only seemed to have symbols on their back and a little bit on their arms.

They were both staring at a circle of bright blue-tinted light, the older boy held his hands out to the circle while the younger boy stared at it with a big smile on his face, but the light began to stutter as an orange light in the shape of a cross appeared in the middle, soon after both the cross and the circle sputtered out into thin air. Screams could be heard outside the hut. It didn't seem right.

The older boy turned around to look at the entrance to the hut, he stood up and walked up to the entrance before partially pulling back the curtain.

"Pandora!" A voice called out from afar

The older boy swiftly turned around to look behind him, the circle of light from before was there but the cross in the middle was also there and a loud chiming noise from a bell rung out causing the older boy to fall to his knees covering his ears but he still couldn't quite take his eyes off the light in the middle of the room, the orange cross from before in mere seconds progressively grew brighter and brighter until everything was covered in white. Once the white faded away, there was darkness, pitch black. When everything came back the only thing that could be seen was the morning sun.







"Holy shit! You're alive! Thank god!" Lucky yelled out

"Oh good he's up. Now can we get the hell outta here? I've got no clue where the hell we are and it'd nice to get the hell out." Winter complained

Pandora couldn't say anything, he felt weak, but he slowly regained his strength, when he felt he could, he sat up just as Lucky walked off to look around. As Pandora scanned his surroundings he realized quickly this is not he remembered being last, he was in a dim room with metal walls and machinery all around, wires hung about across the ceiling.

"Wh… Whe…" Pandora stuttered, he still couldn't quite speak yet

Lucky and Winter both ignored Pandora's inability to speak or even stand up, instead searching the room looking for a way out as the mechanical door would not open or respond to anything.

The room rumbled causing Lucky to lose his balance and fall down but he quickly stood up after he heard a slight chuckle from Winter.

"Wher… Are we?" Pandora asked, his voice was raspy and just barely loud enough that Lucky and Winter paid attention to it

"That's what we've been trying to figure out." Winter answered

"Yeah, I mean last I remember we wer-" Lucky interrupted himself with cries of agony as he fell to the floor, memories of many different things flashed through his head all at once.

Pandora and Winter responded the same way but with their own separate memories as if their bodies were subconsciously reacting to Lucky's agony and attempts to remember. It had hurt to remember, not just for one of them but for all of them. When they all got back on their feet, which Pandora was able to do as this intense pain had jogged his body right back into to a mostly working order. The three all actually took a moment to think to themselves, no one actually knew who anyone else was, they only had a general idea, and they didn't even know each other's names names, they just knew that at one point they did know each other but other than that none of them could think of much else about one another. They all mostly ignored this since all they really knew right now is that working with each other might be the only way they escape.

"So…. We gotta get outta here." Winter said

"Oh, really? I didn't notice. Of course we need to get out you fucking idiot!" Lucky yelled

"Look, we're not getting out by arguing with each other." Pandora said

Winter just scoffed and crossed his arms, staring Lucky down.

"He's got a point." Lucky said

"Okay… But how do I know I can trust either of you, because I'm know damn well that I can't be the only one who doesn't remember anything about you assholes." Winter said

"You don't… You'll just have to for now." Pandora replied

"Yeah, real convincing Blackbeard." Winter said

"I'm gonna go look around." Lucky said ignoring Winter

"What?" Pandora asked, he gave a look of confusion

"You're missing an eye, how the hell do you not notice that?" Winter asked sarcastically

Pandora touched where his right eye should be, he could feel something soft covering his right eye, an eyepatch, he had assumed.

Pandora just ignored Winter and walked up to the door. The door was massive and appeared to be only opened with an switch or panel, he looked around and found the panel for to the door close by. He tried tapping on the screen, the panel didn't respond it, the screen instead glitched and stuttered even after he left it alone. Pandora looked down to see what appeared to be an opening in the stand of the panel revealing the wiring inside.

"Hey you think either of you can fiddle with this?" Pandora asked

"Fiddle with what?" Winter asked

"The wiring for the panel, we might be able to get it to work if we can fix it. That is assuming that the wiring is the reason it's not working." Pandora answered

"I think I can." Lucky said

"You think?" Pandora asked with concern in his voice

"Yeah… I just hope I actually can or this may not end well." Lucky answered

Pandora moved away from the panel. Lucky crouched down and started to mess with the wires. The build once again began to rumble but only for a second, after it was over the silence revealed the noises of machinery idly working, and the creaking of the metal surrounding them.

The door made a loud screeching noise as it opened, it didn't open completely but it was enough for the three to slip through which they swiftly did without such as a word, they all wanted out just the same. They had entered a long hallway littered with corpses who's stomachs had been cut open, despite the visual age of the facility the corpses were fresh.

"Well that's not at all concerning." Lucky said

Winter turned around to look at the door they just came through there was something written on it.

"You guys see that?" Winter asked

"See what?" Lucky asked with confusion

Pandora and Lucky turned to look at the door, Pandora quickly pieced together the words, it was four sentences all were fairly similar.

"The Prophet lies within…" Pandora read out

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Winter asked

"Not sure, but I think we should probably go… Like now." Lucky replied

"Good idea." Pandora said

The three turned back around walked down the hall, the building rumbled as they continued on, the facility was abandoned, there was holding cells and testing chambers riddling the building, it seemed like every time they turned a corner they were met with more holding cells.

They eventually walked up upon a blast door that appeared to be blown wide open.

"Wonder who did that." Lucky said

"It doesn't matter, it's a way out isn't it?" Winter asked rhetorically

Pandora walked through the destroyed blast door, he looked around at the nature-consumed city around him.

"Well it looks safe but this place is abandoned!" Pandora yelled back at the others "I wonder what was causing the facility to shake like that." Pandora thought to himself

The others walked out into the abandoned city.

"I think is where we part ways." Winter said

Lucky and Pandora looked at Winter as if he were stupid.

"Where exactly do you plan on going?" Lucky asked

Winter looked around thinking to himself for a moment. "I'm not sure." Winter answered

"So then maybe you can wait a little longer." Lucky said

"I mean if he really feels like he needs to then maybe he should." Pandora said

"Why? We don't even know where we are." Lucky asked

"Because all I've been doing is listening to my gut, because I don't for sure know whether I should stay with you two or not." Pandora said

Before Lucky or Winter could get a word out, a loud roar could be heard behind them, the three turned around to a very large snarling beast.

"What the hell is that?!" Winter yelled

"Shhhhhhh." Lucky said "Back off very slowly." Lucky continued

The three began to walk backwards slowly, but the beast pounced, Lucky rolled out the way, Winter ran, and Pandora seemingly fell through the ground.

Lucky and Winter ran behind some cover, a portal appeared out of thin air behind Lucky and Pandora fell out onto his back, the portal closed and disappeared shortly afterwards.

"Ow…" Pandora said

"Where the hell did you come from?" Lucky asked whispering

Pandora didn't answer and scrambled to hide behind the cover with lucky.

"Hey, you didn't answer me." Lucky whispered

"I don't know, now will you shut up?" Pandora answered

The beast wandered around sniffing the air, suddenly a bell had autonomously chimed, it seemed to get the beast's attention and it followed the sound.

Lucky and Pandora peeled out over their cover, Winter was nowhere to be seen. Lucky and Pandora left their cover and immediately left the area assuming that Winter had gotten away.

As they walked through the abandoned city it started to become painfully obvious that they weren't the only ones who had been here, recently anyway.

"So, what's your name? I can't seem to remember." Pandora asked

"Lucky… I think." Lucky answered "What's yours?" Lucky asked

"I'm not sure, I think it's Pandora." Pandora answered

They came across the corpse of an unidentified soldier, the soldier had pistol in his holster as well as a few magazines on him.

"Ooooh, gimme that." Lucky said as he walked over to the corpse, kneeled down, and took the pistol and a single magazine.

Pandora watched Lucky do this, he didn't seem to know what to think.

"Catch." Lucky said as he threw a sheathed knife at Pandora.

Pandora caught the sheathed knife out of mid-air, he looked at it for a second before throwing it back. Lucky caught it and gave a confused look.

"I don't think I need it." Pandora replied

"Huh? Well alright." Lucky said as he stood up and continued on. Pandora followed behind Lucky.

They walked for what felt like hours and the city seem to continue on almost infinitely, however eventually they were met with a tall metal wall. They walked around searching for a way to get past the wall, they found an elevator shaft that seemingly went up to the top of the wall.

"I think that's our way out." Lucky said

"You think so?" Pandora asked, thought his monotone voice made it hard to tell wether or not he was being sarcastic.

They both leaned in and looked up the elevator shaft.

"I'm pretty sure." Lucky said