
Missed Opportunity

"By the way, I'm Rockfort, owner of this shop."

We had arrived in front of a rack full of hide armors and she had introduced herself to me. The name Rockfort definitely matched her quite well. She was rock solid and looked like one of those girls I had seen on American Gladiators... if they were 7 feet tall. I wonder if I would get the "Mountain Climber" job if I.... never mind. I could figure that out one day... hopefully... for research. I am a man of science after all.

The more important issue is what name I should give.

"...A-ah I'm....Deminas."

I ended up going with my usual avatar name. The good news was I didn't have to add anything like 80085 to make it unique.

"Alright then Deminas, I'll be honest, you look greener than Goblin blood and it looks like a slight bump from me would knock you over."

Eh? Knock me over? When did we go from mountain climbing to bull riding? Please have mercy on my pelvis. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and easily bruised.

"So I'm recommending a set of soft hide armor made from a Draft that was killed the other day. It'll be 8 silver, a bit pricey, but it will keep you alive. Also, it is light so you can wear it without being burdened too much. What do say?"


A Draft killed the other day? Is this...is this Snarf? It has to be, Brianna said Draft's were fairly rare, for there to be another one within the same time frame.... definitely Snarf. I killed Snarf.... now I will parade around in his skin....

"....H-hey are you okay?"

It looks like I took too long to reply, she must be worried that I can't afford it.

"Y-yes I'm f-fine."

"O-oh....i-if you say so kid. Look I'll take off 1 silver, that's the best I can do! I swear! L-look I'll throw in a shirt too!"

Huh? Why did she suddenly lower the price and why did she give me a shirt? Is this Hello Kitty shirt so bad? Well I shouldn't argue, strike while the iron is hot.

"I-I'll take it."

"G-great! I'll get this together for ya.... REAL quick, so you can LEAVE. You must be busy, yup!"

For some reason she suddenly seemed to be in a hurry to get rid of me, I guess I overstayed my welcome? Not everyone is meant to stand at a mountains peak I guess.

Well she helped me get new equipment, and 7 silver for everything didn't seem so bad to me. My people skills must be getting better! I even got a discount!



The boy had just exited the shop when Rockfort let out a long exhale.

"Holy shit what the hell was that. I thought he was just a cute and pervy kid, but the look he had when I talked about the Draft armor ... that was the most evil smile I had ever seen in my life. Felt like the death was smiling at me. Could of sworn I was going to shit myself there even though he is so small. Too bad... he was cute, would of been a good ride..."

The boy wouldn't know that the thought of wearing Snarf's hide had made him so happy that his ensuing smile had scared Rockfort half to death. Not only that but he had also blown his chance to climb a mountain...for now at least. Scientific progress can't be stopped after all.