
Aries Chronicles

When Ezyze Mostiko is taken into a new world as Earth is doomed, he is tasked with creating a heaven for humans on Earth, but in a world filled with magic, dangers are everywhere.

Greypanter · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Birth and classes

The following days the goblins and 15 Aries members went into the forest. There, they saw Red furred Tarasiers. Ranging from level 15 to 25, it seemed that many colonies inhabited the forest. Taking up formations, goblins were faced with the onslaught of these mammals. They were either throwing pinecone that became hardened on flight, or attacked in close combat. 20 goblins assumed turtle formations, their shield covering half their left side and half of the right side of their fellow warriors, while goblins behind gad their shield raised, covering their faces. Because they move around in trees, the tarasiers were hard to pin down. The continuous barrage of hardened pinecone was difficult to whistand, and sometimes, through the shield gaps, goblins were hit in the torso, knees and shoulders. While Aries warriors took down stronger tarsiers, the goblin unit managed to chip away few of them. When they got back to the camp, many of then were injured, but none of them critically.

Ezyze, blue, brown and cleopatra hunted on their own wild boars. He reached level 9 while the others level 8. When they reached camp, the Aries warriors started to make use of boars' leather and create armors, tents, blankets and other of such utilities. Their living conditions improved drastically. Ezyze and the two goblins focused on their evening training.

Just before the night, the larvae hatched. Peering out, a 0.5 meter golden bee saw the last rays of light, the first of its existence. The whole faction gathered to see the birth of the very rare golden bee. It flexed its 6 little limbs and deployed its large wings, under the attentive gaze of the queen. It's pitch yellow and golden stripes glowed under the crimson rays of light. While it's pitch black eyes took in its surrounding, and the presence of all the members of the faction, a blue gem glistened on its forehead. The queen cuddled it and and helped it take flight. It buzzed around quickly and the whole faction shouted for the first born.

Horray! ~

It instinctively came to Ezyze.

How should we name her?

She is the first born. According to your stories, it will be appropriate to name her Eve.

Name: Eve

Title: first born

Level: 1


Elemental affinity S

Mana manipulation B

Golden magic resistance: Low

Ezyze was ecstatic. His faction grew stronger. The goblins grew stronger, while the Aries warriors sharpened their weapons. Arthur, hero of the race, found new purpose in the faction and what looks to ne the first magician came to be. He grew more powerful. Things started to take shape.


The day after, during morning, Ezyze and the usual group went hunting again. While he reached Level 10, the others reached level 9. He decided that more hunt during the afternoon could allow them to reach Level 10. It is not until the shadow of Eternal mountain was casted over the plains, that they finally managed to reach Level 10. Eve managed to reach ldvel 3, thanks to casting small bursts of pure mana. They all went to the camp to discuss their progress.

Meanwhile, the other units went in the forest and were quickly attacked by tarasiers. The beasts became used to their formation and grew more wary and intelligent in how they fought. They kept harassing goblins with hardened rocks and pinecone. It seems that the objects they throw grow tougher in flight. Some sort of hardening ability. Few of them were killed while more goblins were injured. The Aries warriors made sure to avoid casualties in the faction, and for the goblins to have experience in fighting a ranged enemy. The main limitation of the hoplite class was made obvious when facing enemy that they couldn't reach and fight up close. Moreover, the intense pummeling of the monkeys tested their patience and capability as a unit. Even if they grew frustrated, it was an excellent learning opportunity.

After rejoining with the group, Ezyze checked his status.

Congratulations, you reached level 10. Classes are available, please, choose between the following.

Axeman - normal - the axeman makes one with his axe and aims at cutting them all. Limbs, trees, boulders and armors, nothing should stand between the axeman and his love for cutting.

Warriors - normal - trained it the art of weapon, the warrior is a normal class that can be seen in many battlefields. They are fearless and, capable to wear heavier armors, do not hesitate to face any enem

Magician - normal - starting to unveil the mysteries of Mana, the magician can cast spells from afar, strengthen allies and weakens enemies. They are intelligent and preparation is the key to their success, or downfall.

Magic axeman - rare - a warrior ans a magician. He cuts and casts. Not seen everywhere, these strong magic warriors can quickly become the center of enemies' firepower and allies' buffs.

Spatial mage - epic - in the history of Astros, very few beings became spatial mages. These magicians have a keen for spatial Mana and seem to influence the very core of matter and space itself. Little is known about them, but they all shaped their own fighting style into something powerful.

While normal classes were immediately ruled out, a magic axeman was the fighting style that he developed thus far. Fighting at close range and distance, it seemed to be a strong class. Still, the epic spatial mage seemed to be the most powerful. It was enticing to shape his own fighting style and have the ability to influence space.

Congratulations, you became a lv 1 spatial mage and a rank 1 human.


Active skill:

Blink: allows the user to teleport himself in a small distance. Costs 80 Mana.

Spatial rays : a small magic missile made of spatial Mana. Destroy the matter upon impact, ignoring some magic resistance. Costs 50 Mana.

Passive skill:

Gravity gathering: spatial Mana particles are attracted to yourself, increase Mana regeneration.

Name : Ezyze Mostiko

Title: Aries

Level: 10


Spacial affinity: S

Axemanship: A


Primary: spatial mage - epic




Vitality: 990

Mana: 2675

Stamina: 24

Endurance: 18 (+3)(x10)=180

Strength: 22

Agility: 20 (+3)

Intelligence: 523

Wisdom: 20 (+6)

Hidden stats: Mana regeneration: high


Active skills: novice gravity manipulation lv 3, blink lv 1, spatial rays lv 1

Passive skills: Hard headed, beginner axemanship lv 7, beginner Aries axemanship lv 2, gravity gathering lv 1

He couldn't help but want to test his new skills. Because it was night, he couldn't adventure outside of the camp, since predators lurked. They were stronger and bestial squirmishes happened everywhere and echoed in the valley.

Because they could choose for themselves, blue and brown came to see him and explained the choices that they faced.

Most of the choices were nothing new, however blue could choose between two handed swordman (normal), wind mage (rare) and magic swordman (rare). He chose the latter, apparently gaining the active skills wind Armor and wind slash, and the Passive skill tempest gatherer. Wind armor increased his Agility while raising his defenses. The wind slash allows his slash to gain wind magic and the Passive tempest gatherer increased passively his dexterity.

Brown could choose between goblin brawler (normal), martial artist (normal) and monster fighter (rare). By choosing the monster fighter class, her active skill were heavy hits and monster defense. The former allowed her to apply internal energy on her hits, increasing damages, while the latter used her internal energy to increase her defenses. Her Passive, my body is a weapon, allowed her to increase her specs according to the actions she made. It was the most mysterious of all the skills thus far.

Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!

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