
Argenius The Legend of the Ancient Lineage

One morning Argenius woke up, he had no idea that soon he would be attending a magical school and would even be one of the strongest wizards. From that point on, he has to deal with classes and classmates, while a mysterious organization plans something ominous.

lpnats · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The last school day

Argenius woke up bathed in sweat. His clothes clung to him, and his breath was heavy. He wiped his face. A glance at his clock revealed that it was 5:32 a.m. He groaned, his head throbbed with a headache. He stood up unsteadily, taking three deep breaths. He had a strong pressure in his eyes.

He looked around his room; it was slightly messy with a few scattered clothing items and a fine layer of dust forming on the dressers and cabinets. Argenius positioned himself in front of the open window, and a fresh breeze brushed against his nose, carrying the scent of the flowers growing on his balcony.

The sun had not yet risen, but some outlines were visible. He let his gaze wander over the city, observing a few people bustling around in the early morning light.

He tried to recall his dream; he couldn't remember the details, but he could somewhat piece together the plot. Quickly, Argenius grabbed a pen and paper, pondering how the dream had begun. A man had been running away from some pursuers until he had hidden and then teleported? Argenius scratched his head; it sounded nonsensical, but it was a dream, and he had watched some movies about magicians yesterday, so it made some sense.

And what happened next? Argenius thought hard, then remembered that the man had knocked on a large door, and a diner had opened, and the two of them had discussed something, but Argenius couldn't understand what they had said.

He continued writing; the man was in a large room with a dining table, and an old man sat at it. The young man had joined him, and they had talked about some ritual for which they had found a suitable person. But then, the old man had turned to Argenius and shouted at him, and then he snapped his fingers, and a red light shot toward Argenius, and he woke up with a pounding headache.

Argenius took another deep breath and went back to bed. Suddenly, his alarm clock fell forward. Frowning, he straightened it. He turned to his side and tried to fall back asleep. Argenius heard a noise and abruptly turned in the direction from which he had heard it. It came from his window. He listened, but there was nothing more. He attributed it to the wind that had come through the open window and went back to sleep.

The ringing of his alarm clock woke Argenius up. Sleepily, he turned off the alarm. He sat up and looked around his room. Argenius got up, closed the window, and put on his school uniform. He had already forgotten his dream and the note he had written last night.

Argenius looked at himself in the mirror. In his opinion, he looked good. He had long, full blonde curls, a mouth that often curved into a mischievous smile, and a pair of green eyes. His body was well-trained, and the girls at his school swooned over him. "Argenius, are you awake?" his mother called from downstairs.

Argenius took a deep breath and responded positively, "Yes, Mom." "Then come down, we want to eat," his mother said. Argenius hurried to come downstairs; his twin sister was already sitting at the table, waiting for him. His mother was in the kitchen, cooking pancakes for breakfast.

"Take a seat," Elina said.

Her spectacular figure left the boys at school with their mouths wide open, even in her unflattering school uniform, she looked like a goddess of beauty.

Argenius sat down at the table, and after a short while, his mother brought the pancakes. She sat down and smiled at them. "Well then," she said, raising her glass to toast, "to your last day of school." Argenius and Elina also raised their glasses, clinking them together. The food tasted excellent, and Argenius couldn't get enough.

When everything was finished, his mother dabbed her mouth with a napkin. Satisfied, she leaned back in her chair and said, "That was delicious." Argenius and Elina nodded in agreement. Glancing at the clock, his mother said, "You need to hurry, or you'll be late for school on your last day."

Argenius and Elina got up from the table, grabbed their bags, and cheerfully said, "See you later" before leaving the house.

On the way, the two of them talked about the TV series they had watched together late into the night before going to sleep, until Elina's best friend Johanna arrived. "Eliiiiiinaaaaaa!" she called loudly as she ran towards her. Elina stopped and hugged her as if she were a beloved person who had been missing and finally reappeared. "Ouch, ouch, you're crushing me!" she exclaimed. Elina had always been stronger than the other girls her age. Elina let go, and they immediately engaged in a heated discussion about the latest episode of their favorite series, which had aired yesterday. "I heard," Johanna suddenly said, "that a professor from a prestigious academy is coming to the school today for private consultations about our future. I also heard that if you perform well, you might even be accepted by her. I have to achieve that." "But you have to work hard for it," Argenius said. "I heard that it's very difficult to get into her academy." Johanna looked at him with empty eyes; her grades were not the best, to be honest, they were very poor, in contrast to Argenius and Elina, who excelled, with Argenius being the top student of their year and the school.

The rest of the way, the three of them remained silent, each lost in their own thoughts until they reached the school. There, they bid farewell to each other and went to their respective classes. Argenius went to his classroom, and the day passed quickly. Soon, it was Argenius' turn to speak with the professor. Argenius stood in front of the library door and knocked. "Come in," said a soft voice. Argenius opened the door, and there sat a woman in a chair at a table. Her name, according to a nameplate, was Mrs. Marzestra. She looked up, smiled, and said, "You must be Argenius, please have a seat." She gestured towards a chair.

Argenius approached, placed his bag down, and sat down. "Well, let's start our conversation," Mrs. Marzestra said