
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs

This escalated way too quickly

Today is finally the day to move the plan to the final step 8 months of preparation, thousands of coins and dozens of experiments on animals took their toll not only on Ai and Okami but on everyone in the little group. Okami did everything that he could think of to create an enemy that was strong enough to be an actual threat to the village but also weak enough to be contained without much effort, he didn't want to destroy the village because this will in the end all belong to himself and if he destroyed it he would have to rebuild everything.

But while preparing Okami also found an hidden gem one for which he wasn't prepared at all, one of the Missing-Nin's Jin has employed will be quite the awesome but scary person in the future.

It was Kakuzu the most eldest member of the Akatsuki.

[Boss preparations completed]

„Thank you Ai." in Okami's mind a True Shinobi should neither be seen nor heard and that was his way of doing things.

Plan ahead, secure all the advantages you can get, wait for the right timing and let the trap do it's work.

[I've also collected all the information on people who might be useful and have to survive and on those who've little to no use and those that might even endanger us.]

The insect queen or better said the „former" one because Ai has simply overwritten her mind and replaced her now she is just Ai's puppet-body. And Ai had made her colony quite big nothing in an three kilometres radius Would or could escape her watchful eyes but the frustrating part was that all these insects used Okami-kind body as their home and feeling them crawl inside and outside ones body was not easy to get used to. At least they were "cleaning" freaks always making sure Okami was clean and not sweaty.

"Okay let the insects inject all the wild beasts with the pheromones."


From this point on the village elders view.

"Sir you've managed to ruin this village." One man said while others were looking at the scene with contempt.

"Yes Sir nobody is doubting you to have ruined the village on purpose but you just lack the ability to manage this village properly."

And they went on and on some trying to appease some bluntly blaming their leader and the whole point of the matter was that the man wasn't capable enough to manage the situation and how they needed someone who can do what he couldn't.

"Leader it is an emergency the village is under attack."

The leaders Assistent barges into the room while shouting.

"What who dares attack our village what are the guards doing?"

In a matter of seconds the leader gave a dozen commands without getting flustered or underperforming because of the pressure. He knew every second counts and he had experienced quite a few storms while he was still an active ninja and these people commenting, blaming and accusing him were just some clowns but the problem was these were all the people who managed the village.

"What are you doing just giving commands go and save the village."

These people once problems arise they look for someone else to solve it for them.

"Sir outside the village it is like hell..." not even half of the sentence finished another guy came in.

"Sir another problem people are starting to pillage and some are even attempting sexual assault..."

It seemed like hell was breaking lose and even the village leader was beginning to feel the pressure.

"Group A, D and C need to deal with what is happening outside while group B you go deal with what is happening in the village."

Just after one guy left the other came in.

"Sir the Wall won't hold for much longer what are we supposed to do?"

"What is happening here can someone please deliver a good message for once?"

"..." the messenger.

"..." the elders.

"Sir..." And the bad messages kept pouring in meanwhile Okami wasn't just sitting around he was at the wall and trying to help Jin get famous everyone he saved would know that he was Jim's little brother and how brave Jin was not even being a member of the village yet fighting at the frontlines meanwhile his little brother was using "Creepy" little insects to save and help those in need.

In reality the insects were doing selection work even though Ai was cute and silly sometimes, she would never bat an eye for anyone's life besides Okamis.

And the list she mentioned prior was now being made a reality some died while many survived.

They fought for three days and two nights by the end many people were on the verge of breaking down, friends died, family members left and homes were lost and the only thing left was silence. Silence from those who died and silence left for those who survived. The whole village was quite and no one even cried because they were to tired to cry, they were too tired of everything about this world.

And it was at this moment that Okami realised one very important lesson sometimes others will pay the price for the needs of a few and it doesn't matter if they want to or not. In his last life he believed a good human has to follow the rules but the reality of the matter is rules were made by the strong for the weak not the other way around.

But this whole situation escalated way too quickly and way too much because even Okami himself as the Organizer was attacked by quite a few madman and the idiots couldn't even hurt him because neither Genjutsu, Ninjutsu nor Taijutsu could pose a problem and the reason being the combination of all of his skills.

Ai and her insects was Okamis first line of defense/offense, his Byakugan was his second line of defense and finally the Kaguya Clans mutated ability made him nearly indestructible as long as he isn't exhausted, he could repeatedly heal back up.


After three days of fighting together and surviving people had taken note of Jin and Okami.

"We're so lucky to have you with us Okami-kun." Said one of The people who had been saved by Okami.

"That's right without me and Jin many more people from this village would have died." Okami was not even trying to be humble.

Humility is something good but not needed fo an warrior that is going to lead a village and so Okami didn't try to pretend to be humble.

"Okami-kun I wish we had more young people like you in our little village."

"Haha old man stop kidding. Your village lies in shambles many are hurt or have died this village needs mor than a few young people, it needs leadership."

Hi dear readers,

Sorry for not posting yesterday I am a little bit occupied with stuf for university tomorrow I’ll make it up to all of you

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