
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs

Daily life of a baby...

In an empty room baby Okami was sitting alone while playing with some bone toys his parents had made for him.

"It has been 6 months since that disaster day... The day I was born... I thought my life would be more exciting!"

[Boss you are a baby.]

His mother Chiasa was out buying some groceries while he was stuck here with his Grandmother Sobo-san how people call her.

"This world is bullshit I don't speak Japanese and have to learn this language from listening to these people... without any explanation. Also I stuck in this house!"

[Boss I can translate for you!]

"Yes but you keep commenting everything and this is annoying me!"


Grandmother Sobo kept watching the young Okami with great interest while he was playing. The boy seemed to have some serious anger issues he's always glaring at everyone and his little face is always in a tint of red like he is about to explode but he remains calm. He's also really intelligent way to intelligent, he crawls towards the toilet whenever he needs to relieve himself, he stretches his arms to his mother when he is hungry or sleepy and he seems to be resentful towards his father because he cries every time his father picks him up or moves near him.

And while playing alone The expression on his little face keeps changing non-stop like he is contemplating some serious problems but that cannot be true Sobo-san thought to herself. What kind of problems could a 6 month old child possibly have.


"I have had about enough from this shit...Is it my fault my Eyes are different from everyone else's? Why am I being imprisoned for such a thing anyway? These idiots should be happy I am so outstanding."

[Boss this is all your fault because you wanted the Byakugan now we are stuck here... you should have seen this coming! If they leave you alone and someone sees your eyes the Clan might get wiped out because of you. Konhagakure isn't a force the Kaguya-Clan can deal with.]

"I thought the Clan was aggressive and not afraid of anyone!"

[Boss not being afraid isn't the same as having suicide tendencies...]

"Do you have any useful ideas?"

[We could just chill here till you turn 5-6 and move to Konoha and pretend to be a member of the Hyuga-Clan.]


In the Chiefs building a few people were having a heated discussion... about the same problem which annoyed Okami.

"Okosune, what do you expect me to do? Your son has the Byakugan..."

"Chief, he is just a baby it isn't like he chose to have them."

"Do you know what will be happening once people know we have the potential to be born with the Byakugan? We will be forced to join a village and become their weapon to fight. We are strong but our Clan only numbers around 9000 people of which most are either too old or too young to fight. Our total fighting force numbers just about 2000 people and your son is endangering all of us."

"We have to always defend against Kirigakure and their Mizukage." Okosune said to himself accepting the Chiefs words.

"Chief I have an idea but it will depend on Okosune and Chiasa...if they accept my idea we could use this situation to our advantage!"

"Elder Gokuson please tell us about your idea!" Okosune said.

"Please don't get offended we can send someone to Konohagakure. Contacting the Hokage and the Hyuga-Clan in order to build relations... it might be better to come clean rather than trying to hide it. We can Use Okami as a symbol of showing them how the Kaguya- and Hyuga- Bloodline can combine to become Stronger. Maybe even an Alliance like the [Ino-Shika-Cho-Alliance] might be possible."

"Elder Gokusen might be onto something the Kaguya-Clan is having a hard time not being part of any big Power we're short on many resources and the few that we have are baiting others into attacking us and keeping our independence is costing us heavily. Each year we're losing more and more members. Until now we had no value other than being sacrificial pawns for the villages but now with little Okami... things have changed." an old woman spoke.

"Old woman Ambul you're the Priest of our Clan and your words are as wise as ever." Said the Chief.

"We have to use this Chance at the moment we have some fighting power and Kirigakure is preoccupied by their war so they are not focusing on us... this is why we're not wiped out or forcefully assimilated yet. But once this World War is over we'll end up in their focus and be either destroyed or forced to escape. And in either Situation our value will only decrease further for any village."

"Okosune my Boy you have to go to the land of fire and talk to the Hokage. Explain to him our Situation and our intention of joining Konohagakure. Also tell him this sentence [By allowing us to join Konohagakure all the branches shall be one tree again!] "

"Chief what does that sentence mean?"

"You don't need to know that yet. You will set out today with a little group today and escort Okami to Konohagakure and meet the Hokage!"

"Yes Chief!"


"Chiasa, Sobo-san, Sofu-san pack your things! Our Family has a mission from the Chief..."Okosune said the moment he entered the house.

"What's going on?" Chiasa asked.

"No time for explanations we have to move fast and set out before the day is over!"

In no time 50 Shinobi left the Kaguya-Clan and headed towards the land of fire aiming to reach Konohagakure taking along a clueless baby who was once again angry.

"These people are annoying the shit out of me! Ai what are these idiots talking about?"

[Well Boss it seems like they want to bring you to Konohagakure and use you to make deal to make the Kaguya-Clan become part of Konoha.]

"The moment I decide on accepting the situation and just chilling these people do something annoying... The whole fuc*ing World is warring. Whose glorious Idea was to move a baby through a damn war zone? I bet it is that Okosune bastard he's out to get me killed because he thinks Mom cheated on him. Just wait Okosune when I grow up I'll beat you up Old man."

[Boss you shouldn't hate your father so much... your family life will be problematic. Also I think it is a good idea of bringing you to Konohagakure. The Chief of the Kaguya-Clan seems to have a good understanding of the Clans situation and the difficulties the next generations are going to face but he had no solution until you were born. The Hyuga-Clan has a weak offense, average defense and strong perception because of their Kekkei Genkai. They are rarely strong in a direct confrontation and in contrast the Kaguya-Clan has strong defense and offense but is lacking in perception and their Kekkei Genkai makes them rather aggressive. A combination should help both clans overcoming their weaknesses.]

"Whatever I don't really care I am a baby and I didn't want to change the Storyline... The more the storyline changes the less useful my knowledge of this world will become."

[Boss this is all part of the Butterfly-effect your decision of mutating your eyes gave the Kaguya-Clan a possible way out of sitting between the chairs waiting to get annihilated.]

"Whatever how much longer till we are In Konohagakure? And why is everywhere we pass broken and desolate? Can't they take a route that has a bit more of scenery? I am bored out of mind in this body and the scenery makes this just so much more boring."

[Boss a Babys life is just exciting because they everything is new to them. You're a grown up in the body of an baby so just accept the situation and be happy you have left your house!]

Honestly I thought about how I would feel if I were in a baby's body and it is just fucking annoying -.-' you need people to feed you, to help you clean up when you shit or pee and you would certainly feel humiliated...I mean come on I am not into exhibitionism also they'll play with your genitals because they look cute -.-' which is just annoying and everyone is poking your chubby face being a baby is torture for a grown up

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