
Are you an idiot?

Charmel Külisk was just a normal girl, at least that's how she saw herself. She played video games, watched anime, read mangas, and was a total homebody. She had absolutely no interest in looking for love or starting a relationship, and she was perfectly fine with that. Did she able too find a love her life?

Madszy · Sports, voyage et activités
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42 Chs

Chapter 23: Exam Day

The examination days brought increased tension and focus to the students, but Charmel seemed undisturbed. While everyone else was diligently immersed in their studies, Charmel was more concerned with satisfying her snack cravings.

She had a bag of chips perched on her desk, the familiar rustle of the crinkling plastic echoing in the otherwise silent room. As her classmates poured over their textbooks and notes, Charmel munched on her snack with unrestrained enthusiasm.

"Why are you guys so busy? Will the world come to an end?" Charmel said her nonchalant remark caught the attention of her classmates, momentarily interrupting their concentration. A few rolled their eyes, some exchanged amused glances, and others shot her irritated looks.

"Charmel, can you be serious for a moment?" Chika scolded, gesturing to the piles of books and papers before her. "We're trying to study for exams here."

"well we're going to die anyway" Charmel replied

A few of her classmates exchanged awkward looks, unsure how to respond to Charmel's blunt statement. The room descended into an uneasy silence for a moment, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

Chika, looking a bit taken aback, tried to find a response, but it was Kai who spoke up first. "Charmel, that's... a bit dark, don't you think?"

"Is that so?" Charmel unbothered ask

A hint of irritation crept into Chika's tone as she tried to reason with Charmel. "Yeah, it is. We're here trying our best to prepare for our exams, and you're making morbid jokes about our mortality. It's not exactly the best time for that kind of talk."




The day of the exams had come and gone, and a collective sigh of relief echoed throughout the school halls. Charmel, along with her classmates, emerged from their respective exam rooms, their minds buzzing with a mix of relief and exhaustion.

As Charmel exited the exam hall, she stretched her limbs, savoring the feeling of freedom that washed over her. She glanced around, noticing the drained expressions on her classmates' faces. "Oh yeah! The summer vacation is finally coming!" Her remark about the approaching summer vacation seemed to invigorate her classmates. A wave of excitement flickered across their faces, momentarily distracting them from their exam-induced fatigue.

"That's right!" Kai exclaimed, a smile tugging at his lips. "No school, no exams, just pure relaxation for months. Can't wait!"

Chika chimed in, a hopeful expression crossing her features. "Yeah, I'm so tired of studying and exams. The break couldn't come soon enough. We should definitely make the most out of this summer vacation."

Leo nodded vigorously in agreement, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Agreed. Summer vacation is our chance to unwind and have fun. We shouldn't waste it. We should plan some awesome activities and adventures to make lasting memories."

Charmel's enthusiasm grew at the mention of adventure. She closed her eyes, envisioning herself as a pirate from her favorite anime. The image of her decked out in pirate attire, sailing the seas in search of the legendary treasure, sent a thrill through her.

"Yeah, adventure!" she exclaimed, opening her eyes with a sparkle in them. "Just like finding the One Piece!"

Her classmates smiled at her excitement, amused by her animated expression. Kai chuckled, ruffling her hair playfully.

"You've been watching too much anime again, Charmel," he teased, grinning at her wide-eyed excitement.

"Oh please, don't ruin my imagination you idiot!"

Kai's smile widened at Charmel's defensive retort. He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Alright, alright. No need to insult me, you little pirate princess," he said, laughing softly.

"Chika, the idiot is bullying me" she hug Chika and pointing on Kai

Chika chuckled at Charmel's childlike behavior, embracing her back as she pointed at Kai.

"You big bully," Chika jokingly scolded Kai, pretending to be defensive of Charmel. "Leave her and her imagination alone."

Kai feigned innocence, holding up his hands in a mock surrender. "Hey, I didn't mean any harm! I just couldn't resist teasing her a bit. You know how she gets when she's into her anime fantasies."

Chika rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips. "Yeah, true. Charmel does have quite the vivid imagination. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with her anime-inspired escapades."